Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 05:18 (GMT+3)

Saku Õlletehas: Commentary on the audited results of 2001

14.02.2002, Saku Õlletehas, TLN


Sales and revenues

Saku Brewery Ltd ended 2001 with net sales of EEK 745.9m
(EUR 47.7m), a 2 per cent or EEK 16.3m increase on the
previous year.
The largest increase occurred in sales of self-produced
beers. Sales of canned products improved as well, with
about one half of the increase resulting from exports.
In quantitative terms, Saku Brewery Ltd sold 54.8m litres
of beverages, a 7 per cent increase on 2000, and exported
8 per cent of the output.
Despite stiff competition the company managed to increase
its market share by 0.5 percentage points and, according
to the Estonian Breweries Association, by the year-end
controlled 49 per cent of the market, maintaining a
strong leading position.
According to market research company EMOR, in 2001 the
best-known beer brand in Estonia was Saku Brewery’s Saku
Originaal. The latter was followed by Rock, Saku
Brewery’s swiftest rising beer brand, whose sales
increased by an outstanding 24 per cent.

As regards other sectors of the beverages market, Saku
Brewery Ltd launched a new cider line called Kiss, which
acquired 19 per cent of the local cider market within
nine months. The company’s premium water line Vichy
Classique attained a 13 per cent share in the Estonian
mineral water market and became the first domestic line
and overall third after Bon Aqua and Everest.

Performance and result of operations
In 2001 Saku Brewery Ltd earned a net profit of EEK 55.6m
(EUR 3.5m), a decline of 25 per cent on the preceding
year. Earnings per share amounted to EEK 6.95.
Cash flows were positive, amounting to EEK 9.0m (EUR
0.6m) and resulted in an 80 per cent increase in the cash
balance. On 31 December 2001 total assets stood at EEK
401.0m (EUR 25.6m), a 4 per cent increase on 2000.
In 2001, the whole Estonian beer market was adversely
affected by a steep increase in the world market price of
malt, the principal raw material, which occurred at the
beginning of the year. Local sales prices did not
increase simultaneously with the increase in product
costs but were adjusted over the year. In addition, the
domestic beer market remained relatively price sensitive.
Use of discounting campaigns increased and the strategy
was extended to the sale of premium beers and multipacks.
Another reason for the decline in profits was an increase
in sales, marketing and production-related investments,
which were directed at maintaining a strong leading
position in the local beer market - the main objective
set by the shareholders for 2001. A leading position in
the local market ensures long-term profitability, which
is the company’s overall objective.

After the year-end a cost analysis was conducted with a
view to identifying measures for increasing profitability
in the new market situation. Plans foresee activities
aimed at improving the product portfolio and production
efficiency and reducing administration and operating
The main financial ratios of Saku Brewery Ltd at 31
December 2001
Operating profit to net sales 7.6 %
Profit before taxes to net sales 7.5 %
Return on equity 15.7 %
Return on assets 14.2 %
Current ratio 3.9 %
Debt ratio 11.1 %


In 2001 Saku Brewery Ltd continued active investment.
Investments in new tangible and intangible assets, which
were acquired to increase capacity, improve operating
efficiency and maintain production quality, totalled EEK
53m. Major purchases included production, warehousing and
IT equipment as well as software. Financial investments
in AS Rocca al Mare Suurhall amounted to EEK 6.8m (EUR
0.4m). All investments were internally funded.

Major events

- Reinforcement of market leader’s position in a highly
competitive environment.
- Investment in increasing capacities and maintaining
production quality: purchase of fermenting tanks and a
filling line, pasteurizer and labeller for kegs.
- Product development: launch of the first domestic low-
alcohol and low-calorie light beer Saku Originaal Light
and a new extra strong beer brand called Sorts.
Penetration of the local cider market with the Kiss line.
- Acquisition of the exclusive right to distribute in
Estonia such internationally recognised premium brands as
Carlsberg, Guinness and Kilkenny.

Profit allocation proposal

The management board of Saku Brewery Ltd proposes that
the company declare a net dividend (the share of profit
payable to shareholders) of EEK 40m, i.e. EEK 5 per
share, and that the dividend be distributed from the
accumulated profits of 1994-1999.

1EUR =15,6 EEK

Kristina Seimann
PR manager
6 508 303

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