Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 07:03 (GMT+3)


27.02.2002, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/27/2002


Consolidated, unaudited
31.12.01 Pro-forma 31.12.00
31.12.01 *
At year end (in millions of Euros)
Total assets 980.1 1,180.5 817.7
Financial investments 848.5 1,028.8 700.6
Leasing 683.3 806.9 566.6
Factoring 100.8 133.9 89.1
Loans 27.2 48.3 26.9
Assignment 4.8 6.5 6.8
Consumer financing 32.4 33.3 11.2
Allowance for doubtful receivables -18.8 -21.2 -21.9
Loan liabilities 868.0 1,052.1 721.4
Owners' equity 55.0 55.0 49.2
For the year (in millions of
Net interest income 43.5 44.3 31.0
Net commission income 13.8 14.0 10.3
Net other operating income 6.0 6.1 4.3
Total revenue 63.4 64.4 45.6
Net profit 46.3 46.3 25.3
Performance ratios (percentage)
NIM (net interest margin) 4.81% 4.45% 4.86%
ROA (return on assets) 5.12% 4.45% 3.96%
ROE (return on operating equity*) 35.40% 35.96% 24.57%
Interest yield on average assets 10.80% 9.94% 10.93%
Cost-income ratio before 25.85% 24.61% 31.74%
Risk expense** -0.04% 0.40% 0.50%
EVA n/a 17.8 8.2
Number of employees 432 524 412

* Pro-forma figures for 2001 also include the assets, liabilities
and economic results of SIA Hanza Lizings, which is not legally a
part of Hansa Capital Group from November 2001, but is
organisationally still managed by Hansa Capital.
** Return on operating equity = net income /(Group's average
risk-weighted assets x 15%)
*** Risk expense = (written-off receivables - recovered
receivables)/average portfolio of financial investments

The volume of financial investments under the management of Hansa
Capital Group (hereinafter the Group) increased during the year by
328.4 million Euros (46.9%) to 1,028.8 million Euros (16 097,7 million

Due to the sale of the Latvian subsidiary SIA Hanza Lizings in
November 2001 to Hansabanka, Hansa Capital Group's financial
investments increased by 147.9 million Euros. Considering that the
management of SIA Hanza Lizings remained to Hansa Capital Group
regardless of the change in the ownership, all data in this report are
inclusive of SIA Hanza Lizings.

The leasing portfolio grew in twelve months by 42.4% and the factoring
portfolio grew by 50.3%. Consumer financing portfolio almost tripled
In the geographical structure of financial investments, Estonia has
still the largest share, accounting for 61.5% of the Group's financial
investments; Estonia is followed by Latvia with 20.2%, Lithuania with
17.5% and other with 0.9%. Compared to the end of 2000, the share of
Lithuania has grown by over 4% and the relative importance of Latvia
has increased by almost 3% over the previous year. The increase in the
share of Lithuania was to a significant extent due to the purchase of
LTB Lizingas.

The most credited sectors as of the end of December were transport
(20.6%), followed by business services (19.5%) and private individuals
(16.2%). In the structure of the leasing portfolio, the first position
in terms of type of asset was held by real estate (28.9%, including
home leasing 10.6% and commercial real estate 18.3%), followed by cars
(25.3%) and production equipment (18.6%). Compared to the end of year
2000 the largest changes were in crediting the purchase of commercial
vehicles, which decreased from 20.5% to 17.7%, and commercial real
estate, which grew from 16.3% to 18.3%.

Hansa Capital's net profit 46,3 million euros (724,4 millions kroons)
had the following structure in terms of countries: Estonia 69.2%,
Latvia 12.3%, Lithuania 18.7%, other -0.2%. In terms of Hansa
Capital's business units, the structure was: Hansa Leasing Estonia
63.6%, Hanza Lizings 13.0%, Hanza Lizingas 16.5%, other -0.2%, Baltic
Car Lease 3.6%, Baltic Realisation Centre 2.5%, Baltic Insurance
Broker 2.4% and Trailway Rental -1.4%.

The Group's leasing market share according to portfolio volume as of
the end of the third quarter was 67.4% in Estonia, 45.9% in Latvia and
47,8% in Lithuania, i.e. 55% on the level of three Baltic countries.
The respective factoring market shares were 60.3% in Estonia, 34% in
Latvia, 58.3% in Lithuania and 51% in the Baltic countries.

Several new products were introduced in the market and functionality
of current products was enhanced over the year - EGO consumer finance
card was launched in cooperation Hansabanka in Latvia, a bonus card
function was added to EGO consumer finance card, office equipment
operating lease was presented in Estonia, a financing program for
renovation of apartment associations was developed in Estonia, a stock
financing product for leasing cooperation partners was presented in
Latvia and Lithuania etc.

The Internet-based "Partner" solution was introduced in the third
quarter both in Estonia and Lithuania, which allows customers to
conclude lease agreements at the car dealers' and customers need not
come to the leasing company for that any longer. As of the end of the
year, "Partner" was installed with 32 cooperation partners. In
cooperation with Hansabank, the factoring service is available through from December.

Due to the acquisition of Lietuvos Taupomasis Bankas by Hansabank, the
activity of LTB's leasing company LTB Lizingas was integrated with the
operations of Hanza Lizingas.

Hansa Capital became a full member of the Factors Chain International,
an international organisation uniting factoring companies.

Additional information:
Tarmo Rooteman
Risk Director
Phone +372 6131 494

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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