Andmed seisuga: 28.11.2024 15:21 (GMT+2)
Tallinna Börs FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/01/2002
The consolidated audited net result for HEX Tallinn, the group uniting
Tallinn Stock Exchange and Estonian CSD, was a loss of EEK -0.58 million
(EUR -0.04 million) in 2001 compared to a EEK 1.59 million (EUR 0.1 million)
net profit for the previous year. Total revenue for the group in 2001 was
EEK 18.9 million (EUR 1.2 million) and owner's equity EEK 21.1 million
(EUR 1.3 million) at the end of the period.
"2001 was a year of many significant changes for the Tallinn Stock Exchange
and Estonian CSD. As of April, our shareholder structure changed as HEX
acquired the majority of the shares and the mutual status of the group was
ended. During the year we made sizeable investments and expenditures to
prepare for the launch of the joint trading platform as well as the pension
registry system, which had a short-term negative effect on earnings,"
commented Gert Tiivas, CEO of HEX Tallinn.
HEX Tallinn
Marketing and Public Relations
+372 6 408 800