Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 17:01 (GMT+3)


22.05.2002, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/22/2002


Business results of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank

The net profit of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank (hereinafter
the Group) of the first quarter of 2002 totalled EUR 1. 2 million.
(All business results are expressed in euros in the present outline,
whereas the exchange rate of EEK/EUR is 15. 64664.)This is an increase
of 25.5% or EUR 242 thousand, compared to the result achieved in the same
period last year. In the first quarter of 2002 return on equity and
return on assets accounted for 18.8% (compared to 23.4 % in the first
quarter of 2001) and 1,4% ( compared to 1.3 % in the first quarter of
2001), respectively. The Group's total assets amounted to EUR 337.3
million at the end of the first quarter of 2002, having decreased by
EUR 9.7 million or 2.8 %, compared to the end of 2001. The total assets
of the Group have increased by EUR 27.6 million or 8.9 % over the year.


Customers' deposits in the Group totalled EUR 192.9 million at the end
of the first quarter of the current year, accounting for 57.2 % of total
assets. Of total deposits, demand deposits accounted for 53.4% and time
deposits for 46.6%. The share of private persons' deposits formed 25.5%
and that of corporate customers 52.6% of total deposits. Customers'
deposits have increased by 23.6% or EUR 36.8 million over the year,
although there was a decrease of 2.6% or EUR 5.1 million in customers'
deposits in the first quarter of 2002. Demand deposits grew by EUR 4.0
million or 4.0% and time deposits decreased by EUR 9.1 million or 9.2 %
in the first quarter of 2002. Total deposits of private persons grew by
1.0% or EUR 484 thousand and total deposits of companies decreased by
4.3% or EUR 4.6 million.

Total loans from other banks decreased by EUR 5.8 million (12,6%) and
the volume of government lending funds decreased by EUR 536 thousand
(13,7%) during the first quarter of the current year. Interest bearing
liabilities decreased by EUR 11.4 million or 3.8% over the first quarter
of 2002, although their volume increased by 1,1% or EUR 28.9 million
over the year.

The Group's owners' equity accounted for EUR 25.6 million or 7,6% of the
Group's assets at the end of the first quarter of 2002, compared to 7.0 %
at the end of December 2001. The Group's capital adequacy was 16.2% at
the end of March.


The volume of the net loan portfolio amounted to EUR 205.5 million at the
end of March, having increased by 26.5% or EUR 44.9 million over the year.
The growth experienced by the loan portfolio in the first quarter of the
year was 4.5% or EUR 9.3 million, whereas loans to private persons and
loans to companies increased by 10.9% or EUR 4.6 million and 1.9% or EUR
3.0 million, respectively. The share of the net loan portfolio accounted
for 60.9 % of the Group's total assets at the end of the first quarter of
2002, accounting for 56.6 % at the turn of the year. Provisions for
possible loan losses comprised 4.2 % of the gross loan portfolio at the
end of the first quarter of the current year, whereas the same figure at
the end of 2001 was 4.3 %.

Claims to the central bank decreased by EUR 15,4 million, whereas the
volume of demand and time deposits with other banks declined by EUR 3.6
million or 6.8% and the volume of the debt securities portfolio decreased
by EUR 663 thousand or 1.4 %.

Interest earning assets decreased by EUR 10.6 million or 3.3% over the
first three months of the current year, while the annual growth of their
volume was 11.9% or EUR 33,1 million.

Interest income and expenses

The Group's interest income totalled EUR 5.5 million, interest expenses
EUR 2.3 million and net interest income EUR 3.2 million in the first
quarter of 2002. Interest income grew by 5.7 % (EUR 295 thousand) and
interest expenses decreased by 21,5% (EUR 615 thousand), as a result of
which net interest income before loan provisions grew by 39.6 % or EUR
910 thousand.

Return on interest earning assets accounted for 6.5 % in the first
quarter of 2002 (compared to 7.0 % in the first quarter of 2001) and the
expense of interest bearing liabilities accounted for 3.1 % (compared to
4.7 % in the first quarter of 2001) and the interest spread was 3.9 %
(3.2 % in the first quarter of 2001).

Non-interest income

The Group's non-interest income amounted to EUR 1.7 million in the first
quarter of this year, having experienced a drop of 29.3 % or EUR 687.4
thousand, compared to the same period last year. Of non-interest income
earned in the first quarter of 2002, 69.6 % (EUR 5.5 million) was derived
from fees and commissions income, 22.2 % (EUR 368 million) from foreign
exchange transactions and 15.9 % (EUR 263 million) from other sources.
Compared to the same period last year, fees and commissions income
declined by 14.1% or EUR 190.4 thousand and income from foreign exchange
transactions decreased by 52.2% or EUR 401.1 thousand. The latter
decreased due to several changes which took place in the environment of
European as well as US interest rates, which influenced the results of
derivative instruments. Also, the introduction of the euro in the form of
cash has had its impact on the volume of currency exchange. A decline in
fees and commissions income is related to smaller volumes of foreign
settlements. Investments in securities resulted in a loss of EUR 127
thousand in the first quarter of the current year.

Non-interest expenses

Non-interest expenses in the first quarter of this year totalled EUR
3.1 million. , having increased by EUR 248 thousand or 8.6 % compared to
the same period last year. The share of personnel and administrative
expenses of non-interest expenses was 55.1 % (EUR 1.7 million) and 29.9 %
(EUR 937 thousand) respectively. Compared to the previous year, there has
been a jump of 28.9 % (EUR 387 thousand) in personnel expenses and a
decline of 9.9 % (EUR 103 thousand) in administrative expenses. Fees and
commissions expenses experienced a fall of 20.7 % or EUR 55 thousand in
the first quarter of the current year, compared to the same period last

(unaudited, in thousands)
31.03.02 31.03.02 31.03.01 31.03.01

1. Cash 49 775 3 181 61 629 3 939
2. Claims and loans 4 140 407 264 620 3 739 735 239 012
2a. Claims and loans to
central bank 169 962 10 863 218 288 13 951
2b. Claims and loans to credit
institutions 756 715 48 363 981 449 62 726
2c. Claims and loans to clients
of credit institution 2 604 040 166 428 2 005 443 128 171
2d. Claims and loans to clients
of leasing enterprises 751 496 48 029 647 924 41 410
2e. Claims from insurance and
reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
2f. Other claims 0 0 0 0
2g. Uncollectible claims and
loans - 141 806 - 9 063 - 113 369 - 7 246
3. Debt securities 737 058 47 106 619 856 39 616
4. Shares and other securities 26 801 1 713 39 980 2 555
5. Investments in associates 18 106 1 157 16 337 1 044
6. Intangible assets 638 41 5 379 344
6a. Consolidated goodwill 0 0 0 0
6b. Other intangible assets 638 41 5 379 344
7. Tangible assets 138 859 8 875 152 966 9 776
8. Settlements with shareholders 0 0 0 0
9. Other assets 103 119 6 590 117 064 7 482
10. Prepayments and accured
income 63 007 4 027 93 428 5 971
TOTAL ASSETS 5 277 770 337 310 4 846 374 309 739

1. Amounts owed 3 716 318 237 515 3 156 399 201 730
1a. Amounts owed to the
central bank 0 0 734 175
1b. Amount owed to the credit
institutions 645 041 41 226 608 161 38 868
1c. Amounts owed to the clients
of credit institutions 3 018 249 192 901 2 442 903 156 130
1d. Amounts owed from insurance
and reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
1e. Other amounts owed 53 028 3 389 102 601 6 557
2. Debts evidenced by
certificates 622 134 39 762 729 860 46 646
3. Other liabilities 244 996 15 658 431 308 27 566
4. Accruals and deferred income 99 895 6 384 79 117 5 056
5. Provisions for liabilities 0 0 0 0
5a. Technical allowances for
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
5b. Deferred income tax liability 0 0 0 0
5c. Pension reserve 0 0 0 0
6. Subordinated liabilities 194 500 12 431 194 500 12 431
7. Minority interests 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 4 877 843 311 750 4 591 184 293 429
8a. Share capital 323 111 20 651 240 192 15 351
8b. Paid in capital over par 17 081 1 092 0 0
8c. General banking reserve 0 0 0 0
8d. Mandatory reserve 0 0 0 0
8e. Other reserves 0 0 0 0
8f. Unrealised rate differences 0 0 0 0
8g. Profit or loss retained 59 735 3 818 14 998 959
8h. O/w profit or loss for the
financial year 18 599 1 189 14 817 947
8i. Own shares 0 0 0 0
Total owners´equity 399 927 25 560 255 190 16 310
EQUITY 5 277 770 337 310 4 846 374 309 739

(unaudited, in thousands)

31.03.02 31.03.02 31.03.01 31.03.01

1. Interest revenue 85 445 5 461 80 836 5 166
1a. Interest revenue from
banking activities 65 325 4 175 63 814 4 078
1b. Interest revenue from
leasing activities 20 120 1 286 17 015 1 087
1c. Other interest revenue 0 0 7 0
2. Interest expense 35 238 2 252 44 868 2 868
2a. Interest expense from
banking activities 35 112 2 244 44 868 2 868
2b. Interest expense from
leasing activities 126 8 0 0
2c. Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
3. Net interest income (loss)
(+/-) 50 207 3 209 35 968 2 299
4. Income and expenses from
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
4a. Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
4b. Insurance compensations and
change in reserves 0 0 0 0
5. Income from securities 0 0 0 0
6. Equity method gains (losses)
(+/-) 0 0 0 0
7. Fees and commissions income 14 775 944 16 889 1 079
7a. Fees and commissions revenue 18 088 1 156 21 067 1 346
7b. Fees and commissions expense 3 313 212 4 178 267
8. Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 3 766 241 12 506 799
9. General administrative expenses 41 694 2 665 37 251 2 381
9.a Salaries expense 20 249 1 294 15 776 1 008
9.b Social security expense 6 790 434 5 206 333
9.c Pension expenses (non-state) 0 0 0 0
9.d Other administrative
expenses 14 655 937 16 269 1 040
10. Value adjustments in tangible
and intangible assets (+/-) - 3 508 - 224 - 5 124 - 327
11. Value adjustments in loans
and off-balance sheet items (+/-) - 4 762 - 304 - 7 555 - 483
12. Value adjustments in long-term
investments (+/-) 0 0 0 0
13. Other operating income 45 3 - 616 - 39
13a. Other operating revenue 4 118 263 3 154 202
13b. Other operating expenses 4 073 260 3 770 241
14. Extraordinary income/expenses
(+/-) 0 0 0 0
15. Profit/loss before taxation
(+/-) 18 829 1 203 14 817 947
16. Income tax expenses 230 15 0 0
16a. Income tax for reporting
period 230 15 0 0
16b. Change in deferred income tax
liability (+/-) 0 0 0 0
17. Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
FINANCIAL YEAR (+/-) 18 599 1 189 14 817 947

Anneli Rõuk
PR Manager
+372 6302 103

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