Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 19:09 (GMT+3)


14.08.2002, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/14/2002


The net profit of the Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank (hereinafter
the Group) of the first half of 2002 totalled EUR 1. 9 million , of which
the net profit of the first quarter comprised EUR 1.2 million and the net
profit of the second quarter EUR 0.7 million. The Group's total assets
amounted to EUR 341.5 million as of the end of the first half-year,
having decreased by 2.0 per cent or EUR 5.5 million over the first six
months of the current year. The total assets of the Group have increased
by EUR 7.5 million or 2.2 % over the year. Average return on assets and
average return on equity accounted for 1.1 % and 14.5 % respectively in
the first six months of the current year.


Customers' deposits in the Group totalled EUR 201.1 million at the end
of the first half-year of 2002, accounting for 58.9 % of the Group's
total assets (compared to 55.1 % in the first half-year of 2001) and
69.2 % of interest bearing liabilities (compared to 67.2 % in the first
half-year of 2001). Of total deposits, demand deposits accounted for
51.8 % and time deposits for 48.2%. The share of private persons'
deposits formed 25.1% and that of corporate customers 53.1% of total
deposits, whereas the share of other customers accounted for 21.8 %.
Customers' deposits have increased by 9.2 % or EUR 16.9 million over the
year, the increase in the first half-year being 1.5 % or EUR 3 million.
Demand deposits grew by EUR 5.1 million or 5.2 % and time deposits
decreased by EUR 2.1 million or 2.1 % in the first half-year of 2002.
Total deposits of private persons and companies grew by 3.4 % or
EUR 1.7 million and 0.6 % or EUR 625 thousand, respectively.

The Group's owners' equity amounted to EUR 26.3 million or 7.7 % of the
Group's assets at the end of the first half-year of 2002, compared to
7.0 % at the end of 2001. The Group's capital adequacy was 14.3 % at the
end of June.


The volume of the net loan portfolio amounted to EUR 204.7 million at
the end of June, having increased by 10,8 % or EUR 20.8 million over the
year. The growth experienced by the loan portfolio in the first half-year
of 2002 was 4.1% or EUR 8.4 million, whereas loans to private persons
experienced an increase of 28.9% or EUR 12.1 million and loans to
companies a decrease of 2.1 % or EUR 3.3 million. As of the end of the
first half-year the share of loans to companies and that of loans to
private persons in the total loan portfolio accounted for 71.4 % and
25.6 %, respectively. The share of the net loan portfolio accounted for
59.9 % in the Group's total assets and 65.1 % in the interest earning

Provisions for possible loan losses comprised 4.2 % of the gross loan
portfolio at the end of June, whereas the same figure at the end of 2001
was 4.3 %. Overdue loans accounted for 17.7 % of the reserve for possible
loan losses at the end of the first half-year, compared to 19.1 % at the
end of 2001. Provisions for loan losses were formed in the amount of
EUR 821.7 thousand in the first six months of the current year, of which
EUR 297.2 thousand were formed in the first quarter and EUR 524.5
thousand in the second quarter. Compared to the end of the previous year,
the volume of the Group's liquid assets declined by 11.7 % or EUR 13.4
million, amounting to EUR 105.1 million at the end of the first half-
year. The share of the liquid assets in the Group's total assets
accounted for 30.8 % at the end of June, compared to 34.3 % at the end
of December 2001.

Interest earning assets decreased by EUR 8.1 million or 2.5 % over the
first half-year, while the annual growth of their volume was EUR 9.8
million or 3.2 %.

Interest income and expenses

The Group's interest income totalled EUR 11.1 million, interest expenses
EUR 4.8 million and net interest income EUR 6.3 million in the first
half-year of 2002. Interest income grew by 1.3 % (EUR 137 thousand) and
interest expenses decreased by 16.9 % (EUR 972 thousand), compared to
the same period last year, as a result of which net interest income grew
by 21.4 % or EUR 1.1 million.

Return on interest earning assets accounted for 6.9 % in the first half-
year of 2002 (compared to 8.0 % in the first half-year of 2001) and the
expense on interest bearing liabilities accounted for 3.2 % (compared to
4.5 % in the first half-year of 2001) as a result of which the interest
spread acconted for 3.8 % ( compared to 3.4 % in the first half-year of

Non-interest income

The Group's non-interest income amounted to EUR 4.0 million in the first
half of the current year, having experienced a drop of 19.6 % or EUR
970.0 thousand, compared to the same period last year. It should be
noted that the volume of fees and commissions income remained almost
unchanged, whereas income received from foreign exchange transactions
dropped by 53.1 % or EUR 740 thousand. Of non-interest income earned in
the first half-year of 2002, 70.9 % (compared to 57.2 % in the first
half-year of 2001) was derived from fees and commissions income and
16.4 % (compared to 28.2 % in the first half-year of 2001) from foreign
exchange transactions.

Non-interest expenses

Non-interest expenses in the first half of the current year totalled
EUR 7.1 million, the share of the first quarter amounting to EUR 3.1
million and that of the second quarter to EUR 4.0 million. The growth
of non-interest income in the second quarter, compared to the same figure
in the first quarter, was mainly caused by the growth in advertising
expenses ( a growth of EUR 330.4 thousand) and the growth in
communication and data processing expenses (a growth of 40.5 %).
Compared to the same period last year, non-interest expenses experienced
an increase of EUR 764 thousand or 12.1 %. In the first half-year of
2002 the share of personnel and administrative expenses of non-interest
expenses accounted for 49.7 % (EUR 3.5 million) and 36.4 % (EUR 2.6
million), respectively. Compared to the same period last year, there has
been an increase of 25.5 % (EUR 718 thousand) in personnel expenses and
an increase of 15.7 % (EUR 350 thousand) in administrative expenses.

(unaudited, in thousands)
30.06.02 30.06.02 30.06.02 30.06.02

1. Cash 48 226 3 082 56 818 3 631
2. Claims and loans 4 310 410 275 485 4 152 202 265 373
2a. Claims and loans to
central bank 173 164 11 067 186 392 11 913
2b. Claims and loans to credit
institutions 936 809 59 873 1 071 988 68 512
2c. Claims and loans to clients
of credit institution 2 638 608 168 637 2 238 120 143 042
2d. Claims and loans to clients
of leasing enterprises 702 420 44 893 776 934 49 655
2e. Claims from insurance and
reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
2f. Other claims 0 0 0 0
2g. Uncollectible claims and
loans - 140 591 - 8 985 - 121 232 - 7 748
3. Debt securities 607 173 38 805 611 992 39 113
4. Shares and other securities 93 752 5 992 40 085 2 562
5. Investments in associates 0 0 18 106 1 157
6. Intangible assets 1 307 84 4 916 314
6a. Consolidated goodwill 0 0 0 0
6b. Other intangible assets 1 307 84 4 916 314
7. Tangible assets 153 789 9 829 147 146 9 404
8. Settlements with shareholders 0 0 0 0
9. Other assets 65 072 4 159 105 922 6 770
10. Prepayments and accured
income 63 489 4 058 88 784 5 674
TOTAL ASSETS 5 343 218 341 493 5 225 971 334 000

1. Amounts owed 3 767 256 240 771 3 527 168 225 427
1a. Amounts owed to the
central bank 0 0 1 421 91
1b. Amount owed to the credit
institutions 586 488 37 483 555 916 35 529
1c. Amounts owed to the clients
of credit institutions 3 145 759 201 050 2 881 437 184 157
1d. Amounts owed from insurance
and reinsurance activities 0 0 0 0
1e. Other amounts owed 35 009 2 237 88 394 5 649
2. Debts evidenced by
certificates 581 826 37 185 568 560 36 338
3. Other liabilities 273 607 17 487 461 623 29 503
4. Accruals and deferred income 115 172 7 361 102 785 6 569
5. Provisions for liabilities 0 0 0 0
5a. Technical allowances for
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
5b. Deferred income tax liability 0 0 0 0
5c. Pension reserve 0 0 0 0
6. Subordinated liabilities 194 500 12 431 194 500 12 431
7. Minority interests 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 4 932 361 315 235 4 854 636 310 267
8a. Share capital 323 111 20 651 323 111 20 651
8b. Paid in capital over par 17 081 1 092 17 081 1 092
8c. General banking reserve 0 0 0 0
8d. Mandatory reserve 2 048 131 0 0
8e. Other reserves 0 0 0 0
8f. Unrealised rate differences 0 0 0 0
8g. Profit or loss retained 68 617 4 385 181 12
8h. O/w profit or loss for the
financial year 29 529 1 887 30 962 1 979
8i. Own shares 0 0 0 0
Total owners´equity 410 857 26 258 371 335 23 733
EQUITY 5 343 218 341 493 5 225 971 334 000

(unaudited, in thousands)

30.06.02 30.06.02 30.06.02 30.06.02

1. Interest revenue 173 329 11 078 171 185 10 941
1a. Interest revenue from
banking activities 135 718 8 674 133 024 8 502
1b. Interest revenue from
leasing activities 37 611 2 404 38 161 2 439
1c. Other interest revenue 0 0 7 0
2. Interest expense 74 892 4 786 90 095 5 758
2a. Interest expense from
banking activities 74 662 4 772 90 095 5 758
2b. Interest expense from
leasing activities 230 15 0 0
2c. Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
3. Net interest income (loss)
(+/-) 98 437 6 291 81 090 5 183
4. Income and expenses from
insurance activities 0 0 0 0
4a. Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
4b. Insurance compensations and
change in reserves 0 0 0 0
5. Income from securities 2 147 137 2 904 186
6. Equity method gains (losses)
(+/-) 1 882 120 1 769 113
7. Fees and commissions income 35 984 2 300 33 724 2 155
7a. Fees and commissions revenue 44 052 2 815 44 203 2 825
7b. Fees and commissions expense 8 068 516 10 479 670
8. Net profit (loss) on financial
operations (+/-) 7 885 504 22 544 1 441
9. General administrative expenses 95 686 6 115 78 978 5 048
9.a Salaries expense 41 232 2 635 33 113 2 116
9.b Social security expense 14 004 895 10 889 696
9.c Pension expenses (non-state) 0 0 0 0
9.d Other administrative
expenses 40 450 2 585 34 976 2 235
10. Value adjustments in tangible
and intangible assets (+/-) - 7 590 - 485 - 10 066 - 643
11. Value adjustments in loans
and off-balance sheet items (+/-)- 12 082 - 772 - 18 225 - 1 165
12. Value adjustments in long-term
investments (+/-) 0 0 0 0
13. Other operating income - 1 175 - 75 - 2 777 - 177
13a. Other operating revenue 6 159 394 5 883 376
13b. Other operating expenses 7 334 469 8 660 553
14. Extraordinary income/expenses
(+/-) 0 0 0 0
15. Profit/loss before taxation
(+/-) 29 802 1 905 31 985 2 044
16. Income tax expenses 273 17 1 023 65
16a. Income tax for reporting
period 273 17 1 023 65
16b. Change in deferred income tax
liability (+/-) 0 0 0 0
17. Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
FINANCIAL YEAR (+/-) 29 529 1 887 30 962 1 979

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