Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 19:13 (GMT+3)


23.08.2002, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/23/2002


Saku Brewery finished the first six months of 2002 with an
operating profit of EEK 26.9 million (EUR 1.7 million),
an improvement on the EEK 25.5 million (EUR 1.6 million)
attained a year ago.
Net sales reached EEK 372.4 million (EUR 23.8 million), a 7
percent increase on the corresponding period of 2001.
Sales of imported and self-produced beers and soft drinks
improved and sales of can-products continue to grow.
Saku Brewery is the biggest beer producer in Estonia,
total beer sales from January to June reached 23,7 m
litres, a 4% increase on the corresponding period 2001.
Besides beer
products Saku Brewery sells sider, mineral water and soft
drinks. Since III quarter also gin long drink is
available. Saku Brewery total sales reached 26,9 m
litres, a 4% increase on the corresponding period of
2001. The priority of Saku Brewery is beer products and

to hold stable leading position in Estonian beer market.
Saku Brewery is the leader of the Estonian beer market.
According to Estonian beer producers, in January-June
2002 Saku Brewery controlled in cumulative terms 46
percent of the local beer market. In July, our position
improved by a further half of a percentage point to 46.5
percent. Tartu Brewery retained the 38 percent attained
in June and Viru Brewery lost half a percentage point,
dropping to 4 percent. Pärnu Brewery and Viru-Nigula
Brewery upheld their 3.5 percent and 2 percent
respectively. In July imports accounted for 6 percent of
the Estonian beer market.
Sales improved first and foremost on account of an
increase in the
sales of the two main brands Saku Originaal and Rock. The
renewal of Saku Originaal, which was launched in April,
increased the sales of its bottled version within a
couple of months (April, May) 17 percent compared last
year same period and contributed Saku Brewery`s share in
premium beer segment until 70 percent. Gradually the
packaging of the whole blue Saku line will be renewed in
line with the revitalisation of the core brand.
The sales of the Rock line grew during first six months
by 20% percent compared last year same period,
largely on account of sales campaigns.
The launch of the international beer brand Carlsberg
in 0.5-litre returnable bottles by Saku Brewery was
highly successful. To date the new product has seized
20 percent of the imported beer market. Goal is to get
second position to Carlsberg in Estonian imported beer
market during a year. Sales of canned products grew above
all thanks to the upgrading of
the canning line, implementation of a new can and the
launch of new sixpacks, which are supplied with handles,
at the beginning of the high season. The results were
further improved by the launch of KISS in 0.5-litre cans,
which increased the cider’s market share in June by 5
percentage points to 22 percent.
In the first six months of 2002 Saku Brewery continued
to produce canned products under contracts and to
supply Latvian and Lithuanian breweries with cider.
The group’s expenses totalled EEK 349.1 million (EUR 22.3
million), an increase of 7 percent. The growth results,
above all, from changes in the prices of materials, power
and services. Personnel expenses increased on account of
an adjustment of wages and salaries, which was conducted
at the beginning of 2002 to ensure competitiveness.
On 30 June 2002, total assets stood at EEK 435.9 million
(EUR 27,900), a 9 percent increase on the end of 2001.
The period’s financial ratios break down as follows:
2002 2001
first first
6 6
months months
Operating profit to net 7.2 % 7.3 %
Net profit to net sales 7.0 % 7.1 %
Average debtors’ days 20 21
Average creditors’ days 14 12
Inventory turnover ratio 4.6 4.0
Current ratio 2.1 2.5
Quick ratio 0.8 0.9
Debt ratio 20.2 % 18.1 %
Return on assets 6.2 % 6.2 %
Return on equity 7.5 % 7.3 %
Non-current asset turnover 1.3 1.3
Total assets turnover ratio 0.9 0.9
The period’s largest investments were directed at
upgrading the production facilities and developing
the organisation.
The objective of production-related investment was to
sustain top quality in combination with high operating
efficiency. The period’s accomplishments include
upgrading of the filling lines, and implementation of
fully electronic equipment for packaging the multipacks
and additional lab equipment. Altogether, investments
amounted to EEK 43.6 million (EUR 2.8 million).

(In thousands) EEK EUR
30.6.02 30.6.01 31.12.01 30.6.02 30.6.01 31.12.01
Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted
** * ** *

Cash and bank 2,611 2,252 20,199 167 144 1,291
Shares and other securities 3,907 3,907 250 250
Trade receivables (Note 2) 52,634 50,585 29,157 3,364 3,233 1,863
Other receivables and 6,374 1,249 2,100 407 80 134
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 85,712 86,216 77,441 5,478 5,510 4,949
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 147,331 144,209 132,804 9,416 9,217 8,487

Non-current assets
Long-term financial 16,367 14,400 17,300 1,046 921 1,106
investments (Note 5)
Long-term receivables (Note6) 142 283 186 9 18 12
Intangible assets (Note 7) 601 345 747 38 22 48
Tangible assets (Notes 7,8) 271,505 253,134 249,142 17,352 16,178 15,923
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 288,615 268,162 267,375 18,445 17,139 17,089
TOTAL ASSETS 435,946 412,371 400,179 27,861 26,356 25,576

Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Note 8) 31,962 24,777 1,714 2,042 1,583 110
Trade payables 32,451 26,519 22,314 2,074 1,695 1,426
Payables to the parent 845 818 54 52
Tax liabilities (Note 9) 24,427 23,939 12,123 1,561 1,530 775
Payables to employees 3,410 3,093 3,329 218 198 213
Other accrued expenses 1,497 3,005 379 95 192 24
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 94,592 82,151 39,859 6,044 5,250 2,548

Non-current liabilities
Non-convertible debt (Note 8) 2,726 3,649 3,412 174 233 218

Share capital 80,000 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113 5,113
Capital reserve 8,000 8,000 8,000 511 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 180,441 169,786 169,786 11,532 10,851 10,851
Profit for the period 26,117 24,715 55,052 1,670 1,581 3,518
TOTAL EQUITY 338,628 326,571 356,908 21,643 20,873 22,810
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 435,946 412,371 400,179 27,861 26,356 25,576

** - Adjusted for the change in the accounting for kegs.
* - Adjusted for the change in the valuation of finished goods and
accounting for kegs.

(In thousands) EEK EUR

January- January- 2001 January- January- 2001
June June June June
2002 2001 2002 2001
Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted Adjusted
** * ** *
Net sales (Note 10) 372,380 346,910 745,937 23,799 22,172 47,674
Change in work in progress
finished goods inventories 3,171 5,162 555 203 330 35
Other revenue (Note 12) 463 311 660 30 20 42
Total revenue 376,014 352,383 747,152 24,032 22,522 47,751

Expenses (Note 13)
Materials, consumables and 236,170 222,077 477,494 15,094 14,193 30,517
Other operating expenses 60,732 56,845 115,920 3,882 3,633 7,409
Personnel expenses 26,309 23,530 48,097 1,681 1,504 3,074
Depreciation 21,314 21,333 42,831 1,362 1,363 2,738
Other expenses 4,612 3,103 6,761 295 198 432
Total expenses 349,137 326,888 691,103 22,314 20,891 44,170

OPERATING PROFIT 26,877 25,495 56,049 1,718 1,631 3,581

Financial income (Note 14) 105 110 433 7 7 28
Financial expenses (Note 14) 865 890 1,430 55 57 91

PROFIT BEFORE TAXES 26,117 24,715 55,052 1,670 1,581 3,518
Income tax expense
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 26,117 24,715 55,052 1,670 1,581 3,518
Basic earnings per share 3.26 3.09 6.88 0.21 0.20 0.44
(Note 15)
Diluted earnings per share 3.26 3.09 6.88 0.21 0.20 0.44
(Note 15)

** - Adjusted for the change in the
accounting for kegs.
* - Adjusted for the change in the valuation of finished goods and
accounting for kegs.

Kristina Seimann
PR Manager
+372 6 508 303

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