Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 13:08 (GMT+3)


09.12.2002, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN

Tallinna Börs NEWS RELEASE 12/09/2002


On November 13, 2002, the Financial Supervision Authority approved changes
the Tallinn Stock Exchange (TSE) Rules and Regulations (Rules) implemented
with regard to establishment of the new Securities Market Act (SMA).

The main changes to the Rules are as follows:

1. As the new chapter of the Rules, the Management Board established the
"General Part".
In this chapter the scope, general provisions and main definitions in
aggregate as well as main principles of the TSE and market operation are

2. As the new chapter of the Rules, the Management Board established the
This chapter summarises all supervisory regulation of the Rules, incl. rights
and duties of the TSE in performing supervisory operations and measures,
grounds for suspension of activities of Exchange member, suspension of trade
in Issuer’s securities, delisting of Issuer’s securities, and for settlement
of disputes and all supervisory provisions. Along with other amendments the
supervisory provisions in chapter "Membership Rules" were abolished and fully
transferred to chapter "Supervision".

In addition to editorial and restructuring changes some substantial changes
have been made. As an absolutely new principle, the possibility to use watch
list notation has been established. The purpose of adding a watch notation
is to draw the market participants’ attention to important circumstances
relating to the security or its Issuer, incl. filing of an application to
delist the securities, solvency problems etc. The watch notation does not
imply any restrictions on or derogations for the Issuer or for the trading
of its securities.

Additionally, the principles of suspension of trading and suspension of
Exchange member's activities, as well as the rights of TSE on giving precepts
or performing other supervisory operations have been amended, reasoned on the
provisions of Securities Market Act.

3. Chapter "Listing Rules" was amended. In addition to editorial and
substantial changes the Rules were brought into compliance with the new SMA
and harmonised with Listing Particulars of Helsinki Stock Exchange.

Among other changes the term of passing resolutions of listing or refusal of
listing was extended to 3 months (previously 1 month). Requirements for Main
List market capitalisation were decreased from 300 million EEK to 62 million
EEK (4 million euros) and requirements of I-List market capitalisation were
increased from 10 million EEK to approximately 15 million EEK (1 million
euros). Additionally, the free float (distribution of shares amongst
investors) of the I-list was decreased from 25% to 15%. Also, definition of
Supplemental Listing Decision as well as the rights and obligations of
listing body and its members and their election procedures were established.
Proceeding from the new rules the Issuer is not obliged to enter into an
agreement with its Sponsor for listing securities. With this amendment the
Rules were harmonised with provisions of Helsinki Stock Exchange.

With regard to establishment of the new SMA the provisions of the TSE Free
Market were changed. Free Market is a regulated market for the purposes of
the SMA. Securities traded on the Free Market are admitted by the Exchange
to be traded but they are not listed for the purposes of the SMA or Rules
(due to milder requirements for information disclosure). Securities of an
Issuer applying for admission of its securities to the Free Market are to be
admitted to Free Market if the respective Issuer has announced its intention
to apply for the listing of the relevant securities in the Main list or
I-list (target list) of the TSE in the future. However, the Listing Committee
of the TSE has the right to admit other securities to the Free Market as well.
It is prohibited for the Issuer of the securities admitted to the Free Market,
including the members of its management and supervisory boards and employees,
to make any statements on the basis of which an investor may form a
misleading impression that the securities of the Issuer have been listed on
the TSE.

4. Chapter "Requirements for Issuers" was amended. In addition to editorial
and some substantial changes the Rules were brought into compliance with the
new SMA.

The list of persons connected with a person in possession of confidential
information was supplemented. Persons not listed in the Rules as persons
connected with a person in possession of confidential information are deemed
such persons by the TSE based on circumstances of a specific case.

Time limits of interim report disclosure were harmonised with instructions
of the Estonian Accounting Standards Board ("Guidelines for preparation and
presentation of interim reports"). The Issuer is accordingly obliged to make
the interim report public within 2 months (previously 3 months).

Requirements of periodic reporting for issuers of debt securities and
investment funds were amended. An issuer of debt securities who is a company
and an investment fund are accordingly obliged to publish interim reports on
their operations and financial results for 6 months and 12 months of the
financial year.

Former provisions for suspension of trading and delisting of securities were
transferred to chapters "Listing Rules" and "Supervision"

5. Chapter "Rates of Fines" was amended. In addition to the editorial changes
the sanctions for violation of requirements for takeover bids were abolished.

The new version of Rules with aforementioned amendments is available on
HEX Tallinn Internet homepage, under section "Amendments to the Rules and
Regulations" of "TSE Rules and Legislative Acts" at
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

According to the decision of the Management Board of TSE, the aforementioned
amendments will become effective on December 16, 2002.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
+372 640 8800

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