Andmed seisuga: 30.11.2024 01:45 (GMT+2)
Saku Õlletehas NEWS RELEASE 02/11/2003
The management board of Saku Brewery Ltd proposes that
the company:
- declare a net dividend (the share of profit payable
to shareholders) of EEK 40,000,000 (EUR 2,556,000), i.e.
EEK 5 (EUR 0.32) per share. Thereat, according to the
rules of Tallinn Stock Exchange, the shareholders who are
entitled to the dividend will be identified based on the
list of shareholders at the Estonian Central Depository
for Securities at 8 a.m. on the 15th stock exchange day
from the day of the general meeting.
- increase accumulated profits by the net profit for
2002 of EEK 38,821,000 (EUR 2,481,000); and
- distribute the dividend using EEK 22,761,000 (EUR
1,454,000) of the undistributed profits of 1994-1999 and
EEK 17,239,000 (EUR 1,102,000) of the undistributed
profits of 2000-2002.
Kristina Seimann
PR Manager
+372 650 83 03