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25.02.2003, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Rakvere Lihakombinaat FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/25/2003



AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group consisted of the following companies as
at 31 December 2002:

Country Partici- Partici-
of location pation pation
31.12.02 31.12.01
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
(the parent company) Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 98,2% 97,82%
AS Ekseko’s subsidiaries:
OÜ Paistu Põldur Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Paistu Põllumees Estonia 100% 100%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
AS RLK Kinnisvarahaldus Estonia 100% 100%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 92,47% 92,47%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto
Produktai subsidiary:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%

The year 2002 was successful for AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group. The group
obtained its main objectives -
increase in sales and profit as well as growth in efficiency.

The consolidated sales of the company amounted to 1 226.5 million kroons
(78.4 million euros), which constitutes an increase of 14.6%, compared to
2001. The annual sales volume in tons (without the by- products) totalled
36.6 th. tons - an increase of 25.5%, compared to 2001. In 2002, the profit
of the company totalled 75.8 million kroons (4.8 million euros), which
constitutes an increase of 16.6%, compared to 2001.

In general, the market situation was favourable for the company in 2002.
The Baltic States constituted an exception to the general slow-down of
global economic growth. Positive economic growth together with the
increase in individual consumption facilitated the sales of meat and meat
products in the whole region. Furthermore, the exceptionally long and sunny
summer increased the sales volume of season products.

At the same time, competition between meat processing plants for the market
share tightened considerably. Although the total number of companies
decreased, new investments that were made in order to meet the requirements
of the changed laws have significantly increased the expenditure level of
companies. According to AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group, competition will
become even tighter this year. Fast development of retail trade and
concentration of retail into chains in the Baltic States had a major
effect on the industry. Trade competition together with stricter
requirements on trade areas reduced sales in small shops and markets.

Compared to the previous period, the market price of the main raw material
of the company - pork - dropped considerably. At the same time, pork
production volumes both in the subsidiary Ekseko as well as contractual
pig farms related to Ekseko (the so-called "piglet project") increased
significantly. The above change resulted in a relatively quicker growth in
production volumes, compared to the turnover of the company, as well as a
change in the internal division of profitability - profit of the production
company Ekseko decreased, and profit of processing companies increased
accordingly. Similarly, the profitability of fresh meat sales decreased,
and the profit earned from the sales of meat products increased. No
considerable changes could be seen in the price level of beef and poultry
during the year.

The group companies continued to develop and put into operation management
and quality systems.
Rigas Miesnieks and Ekseko were granted ISO 9001:2000 quality certificates
in 2002. These companies also
hope to get the ISO 14000 certificates by the end of 2003. The parent
company, Rakvere Meat Processing Plant, expects to obtain the ISO 9001:2000
and ISO 14001:1996 certificates in the beginning of 2003. The "Balanced
Scorecard" system was applied as management model in several Group companies

in 2002. Other companies will apply the management system in 2003.

The earned profit was reinvested in the development of the company. In 2002,
investments totalled 73.8 million kroons (4.7 million euros). Major
investments were made to bring the production facilities into accordance
with the requirements of the European Union. By today, the Veterinary and
Food Board has submitted to Brussels an application for the recognition of
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat as compliant with the EU Directives. The company
also invested in product development - new products included the new
customer-friendly frankfurter and sausage packages of Rakvere, and the new
sliced product series in Riga.

In 2002, the strategic raw material base for the Group - Ekseko - invested a
total of 27 million kroons (1.7 million euros) in expanding the production
and increasing the efficiency. As a result of stricter requirements of the
law, the Management Board of the company decided to close down production in
the Järlepa unit - production was relocated to parent company in 2002.

The need for investments, caused by quick development of the market, is the
reason why the management of the Group proposes not to pay dividends for the
financial year 2002.

Research and development costs in the amount of 11.5 million kroons (0.73
million euros) were charged to expenses during the accounting period (7.1
million kroons/0.45 million euros in 2001). Research and development costs
were conditioned by developing new products, launching the new trademark of
the Lithuanian subsidiary at the market, and renewing the trademark of the
parent company.

Despite the persistently unstable global economy, the company remains
optimistic as regards the year 2003. The management hopes that the company
will continue to develop similarly to previous periods. This positive
outlook is supported by the estimated increase in consumption in the whole
region. Activities started in previous periods in order to increase
efficiency and strengthen internal integration will ensure the
competitiveness of the company even under heavier circumstances. According
to the management of the company, the possible establishment of restrictions,
which hinder the trade between the Baltic States, poses a great risk to the
economic activities of the Group. Major changes in competition in the whole
region will take place once the Baltic States join the European Union in

In 2002, the average number of employees of the Group totalled 1 267 (1,189
in 2001). Remuneration in the total amount of 54 th. kroons was paid to the
members of the Supervisory Board of the Group companies. As a rule, members
of the Management Board of the Group companies are also the active members
of the management of the company. No separate remuneration is thus paid to
the members of the Management Board. Total labour expenses of the group
(wage costs and social tax) amounted to 152.1 million kroons (9.7 million
euros) in 2002 (134.6 million kroons /8.6 million euros in 2001).

Only major change in personal of the Group during the period was due to
restructuring in the subsidiary AS Linnulihatooted. Because of the transfer
of production from subsidiary to the parent company as described above,
employees of the subsidiary were made redundant.

Olle Horm
Rakvere Lihakombinaat
Chairmen of the Board
032 29 211

Thousand Estonian Thousand Euros
ASSETS 31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01

Current assets
Cash and bank 15 259 11 787 975 753
Trade receivables 89 260 89 379 5 705 5 712
Tax receivables 5 548 4 549 355 291
Other short-term receivables 6 199 12 724 396 813
Inventories 158 730 152 538 10 144 9 749
Total current assets 274 996 270 977 17 575 17 318

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets 4 535 2 176 290 139
Tangible fixed assets 415 726 413 442 26 570 26 424
Other intangible assets 2 029 2 832 130 181
Total non-current assets 422 290 418 450 26 990 26 744

T OT A L A S S E T S: 697 286 689 427 44 565 44 062


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 2 768 29 312 177 1 873
Supplier payables 68 566 61 251 4 382 3 915
Tax payables 11 827 9 685 756 619
Other current liabilities 16 039 113 546 1 025 7 257
Total current liabilities 99 200 213 794 6 340 13 664

Long-term loans and lease
payable 142 821 94 117 9 128 6 015
Total liabilities 242 021 307 911 15 468 19 679

Minority interest 3 523 3 570 225 228

Owners’ equity
Share capital 377 217 377 217 24 108 24 108
Mandatory legal reserve 5 942 2 690 380 172
Retained earnings 67 813 -4 772 4 334 -305
Unrealised translation
differences 770 2 811 50 180
Total owners’ equity 451 742 377 946 28 872 24 155

OWNERS’ EQUITY : 697 286 689 427 44 565 44 062

Thousand Estonian Thousand Euros
2002 2001 2002 2001

Net sales 1 226 521 1 070 073 78 389 68 390
Other revenue 5 518 6 019 352 385
Total revenue 1 232 039 1 076 092 78 741 68 775

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods -56 19 346 -4 1 236
Materials, consumables
and supplies -776 948 -686 529 -49 656 -43 877
Other operating expenses -155 373 -135 443 -9 930 -8 656
Personnel expenses -152 140 -134 592 -9 723 -8 602
Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -48 709 -50 535 -3 113 -3 230
Other expenses -9 590 -7 929 -613 -507

Operating profit 89 224 80 409 5 702 5 139

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange gain/loss -1 993 -4 849 -128 -310
Interest and other financial
income 2 544 4 258 163 272
Interest and other financial
expenses -13 589 -14 940 -868 -955
Total financial
income/expenses -13 038 -15 531 -833 -993

Profit before taxes 76 186 64 878 4 869 4 146
Income tax 0 -1 0 0
Minority interest -349 160 -22 10
Net profit 75 837 65 037 4 847 4 157

Earnings per share 2,010 1,724 0,128 0,110

Olle Horm
Chairmen of the Board
032 29 211

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