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11.03.2003, Silvano Fashion Group, TLN

Klementi FINANCIAL RESULTS 03/11/2003


The core business of AS Klementi is the design, sale and manufacturing of
womenswear. In addition the company provides CMT (cutting, making, trimming)
The company markets its products in the Baltic States and Nordic Countries.
As of 31 December 2002, the group of AS Klementi also comprised two
subsidiaries besides the parent company.

-Klementi Trading OY 100% ownership wholesale trade;
-UAB Klementi Vilnius 100% ownership retail trade.


The year 2002 marked the beginning of major changes for AS Klementi.
On 21 April 2002, P.T.A. Group OY, a major customer and the parent
company of AS Klementi was declared bankrupt. The volume of the
services provided to P.T.A.Group OY in 2001 amounted to EEK 19.8m
(EUR 1.3m), that is 17.8% of the turnover of Klementi. At the moment
of declaring bankruptcy, P.T.A. Group had a 79.08% shareholding in
AS Klementi.
The bankruptcy of the parent company resulted in a short-term setback
in the economic activities of AS Klementi.
On 12 July 2002, the Estonian private equity company Alta Capital
together with co-investors acquired the shareholding of P.T.A. in
AS Klementi.
At the same time, AS Klementi purchased internationally recognised
trademarks (PTA, Avenue, MalliMari, MasterCoat, ClubLine and Piretta)
that from P.T.A. Group OY.
The acquisition of the trademarks and customer relations provided
AS Klementi as a fashion industry company with an opportunity
to significantly increase its exports to the Nordic Countries.
Considering the time factor necessary for product development and
presale process, the full impact of the acquired trademarks will
be not seen before the autumn of 2003.
Change of the principal shareholder has also caused changes in the
business concept and strategy of AS Klementi. A new active team has
been formed to implement new goals and the company is in the process
of reorganisation.

The new management of the company comprises:
Toomas Leis - Chairman of the Board
Anu Kudeviita - Retail Sales Manager
Leif Hill - Fashion Manager
Johanna Leppäaho - Fashion Controller
Katrin Kuldma - Creative Director
Mare-Ann Perkmann - Production Manager
Liili Kaska - Financial Manager
Erik Haavamäe - Financial Controller

During the restructuring of the company, the assets and activities
of the company have been revalued on the basis of the generally
accepted accounting practices and prudence principle. As a result
of the revaluation, the balance sheet prepared as of the end of
2002 should give a fairer and more objective view of the actual
financial status of the company.


The main objective of AS Klementi is to replace the former
production-centred management by a customer-oriented approach.
The priority of the renewed Klementi is to be more open and
transparent for investors.

The focus is placed on the development of two strong trademarks,
i.e. PTA and Klementi. The trademark Klementi has been aimed at
the Baltic market with retail trade serving as the distribution
channel. The target market of the trademark PTA includes both
the Nordic Countries and the Baltic States with wholesale as the
distribution channel.

Currently, AS Klementi owns a real estate with a total area of
17,500 square metres. The company’s own needs cover nearly
60% of it. As the management and development of real estate is
not the core business of AS Klementi, the company intends
to sell the real estate this year and to rent the production
and administrative premises required for its principal activity.

Since 2003, the company has been divided into three separate profit
centres: Retail, Fashion and Manufacturing. The three profit centres
are coordinated and serviced by the General Management. The idea
behind the new structure of the organisation based on the profit
centres is to render the company more flexible and economically
more efficient.

The objective of the Retail profit centre is to develop and
launch a new retail concept. The new retail concept has been
aimed at mainstream customers with an average and a lower
income level.
The determining factors include the location and size of the
stores and the compatibility between their interior and the
collections. The optimisation of the stores was commenced in the
fourth quarter of 2002. By the moment, four inefficient stores
have been closed down and one new store has been opened.
Expansion to the Latvian market through a new subsidiary
has been planned for the first quarter of 2003. The objective
is to establish a retail network covering all the Baltic States.
By the end of 2003, the sales area of the stores should increase
up to 3650 square metres. The emphasis has been placed on a more
aggressive price policy and optimum management of stock reserves.

The objective of the Fashion profit centre is to win back the
wholesale customers of the trademark PTA in the Nordic Countries
and to expand to the wholesale market in the Baltic States.
Wholesale agreements have been concluded with the most strategic
customers, such as Åhlens, NK, MQ and SAKS in Sweden as well
as Stockmann, Sokos, Halonen, Alexi 13 and Tradeka in Finland.
The women’s clothes manufactured under the trademarks of
AS Klementi will be sold by more than 200 stores in the Nordic
Countries starting from the autumn season of 2003.

The main task of the Manufacturing profit centre is to improve
the speed and efficiency of the manufacturing process and
achieve more proactive sales. The new strategy of the company
provides for a gradual replacement of the former simple
subcontracting or CMT service by the provision of a more
complex integrated service
(starting from product development and material supply and
ending with the logistics of the finished products).

The major challenge of the General Management in 2003 is to
develop a new more flexible information system that allows
for a more operational management accounting.



The unaudited consolidated group net sales of AS Klementi
in the fourth quarter of 2002 was EEK 37.7m (EUR 2.4m).
When compared to the same period of 2001, the increase was
EEK 5.8m (EUR 0.4m), i.e. 18.1%.
Apparel sales accounted for 81% of the net sales in the fourth
quarter of 2002. The largest increase in the sale of apparel,
i.e. by four times, was achieved in the Nordic Countries.

Apparel sales in the fourth quarter by the markets were:
2002 2001 2002 2001 2002/2001
EEK mln EEK mln EUR mln EUR mln Change
Estonia 19.1 15.8 1.3 1.0 21%
Latvia, Lithuania 4.5 4.9 0.2 0.3 -8%
Finland, Sweden 6.9 1.7 0.4 0.1 306%
Other countries - - - - -
Total 30.5 22.4 1.9 1.4 36%

YEAR 2002
The unaudited consolidated group net sales of AS Klementi in
2002 were EEK 133.3m (EUR 8.5m).
When compared to 2001, the turnover increased by 20.5%, i.e.
by EEK 22.7m (EUR 1.4m). The export accounted for EEK 73.3m
(EUR 4.7m), i.e.55.02% of the net sales.

The sales structure underwent significant changes during the year.
The share of apparel sales in the net sales increased to 74.1%
(63.6% in 2001).
In 2002, the sales were EEK 98.7m (EUR 6.3m); growth 40.4%.

The share of subcontracting dropped to 22.8% during the same
period (32.2% in 2001).
In 2002, the sales were EEK 30.4m (EUR 1.9m); decrease 14.6%.

The share of other sales decreased to 3.1% (4.2% in 2001).
In 2002, the sales were EEK 4.2m (EUR 0.3m); decrease 11.0%.

Apparel sales increased by 40.4% during the year, while the sales
in the Nordic Countries increased 2.1 times. The changes in the
sales structure and the increase in the sales in the Nordic
Countries mainly resulted from the sale of the autumn
collections acquired from the bankruptcy estate of P.T.A.Group OY.

Annual apparel sales by the markets were:
2002 2001 2002 2001 2002/2001
EEK mln EEK mln EUR mln EUR mln Change
Estonia 53.7 44.5 3.5 2.8 21%
Latvia, Lithuania1 7.5 12.0 1.1 0.8 46%
Finland, Sweden 27.0 12.7 1.7 0.8 113%
Other countries 0.5 1.1 0.0 0.1 -55%
Total 98.7 70.3 6.3 4.5 40%


The group loss of AS Klementi in the fourth quarter of 2002 was
EEK 16.7m (EUR 1.1m). The profit in the same period of the
previous year amounted to EEK 0.8m (EUR 0.05m). In the fourth
quarter of 2002, a large part of the management of the company
was replaced. The concept of the new management of the activity
evaluation principles significantly differs from the one
used by the former management. The loss in the fourth quarter of
2002 was mainly caused by the application of the new accounting
principles aimed at increasing the transparency of the balance
sheet of the company. In the fourth quarter, the stocks
(unsold collections of the previous periods and materials)
remained below EEK 6.5m (EUR 0.4m).
In addition, the results in the fourth quarter of 2002 were
affected to the extent of EEK 3.4m (EUR 0.2m) by the expenditure
related to the development of the sales structure in the
Nordic Countries, commenced in August 2002.

The final result of the economic activities of 2002 was a loss of
EEK 31.9m (EUR 2.0m). The profit of the previous year was EEK 1.0m
(EUR 0.06m).
The loss was caused by the following factors:
-the bankruptcy of P.T.A. Group OY and change of the owner involved
one-time expenditure in the amount of EEK 6.4m (EUR 0.4m);
the volume of orders not covered because of the loss of
P.T.A as a major customer served as an indirect impact on the
results of 2002;
-the stock reserves contained a number of products from the years
1999, 2000 and 2001, which had not been sold or discounted.
The discounts resulted in a loss of EEK 10.5m (EUR 0.7m).
Nevertheless, the sales campaign of the stocks was a success since
the goods dating from the previous years and remaining in the
stocks were sold, causing the stock reserves to decrease by
one-third by the end of 2002;
-the overhead costs related to the development of the sales
structure in the Nordic Countries amounted to EEK 4.8m (EUR 0.3m);
-the insufficient management and marketing activities of the
Lithuanian shops resulted in a loss of EEK 2.8m (EUR 0.2m) on
the market.
The end of the year saw the replacement of the management board
of the Lithuanian subsidiary;
-the creation of the new team and increase in the organisation’s
efficiency involved dismissal benefits in the amount of
EEK 1.2m (EUR 0.1m).


The consolidated balance sheet total of AS Klementi was
EEK 127.2m (EUR 8.1m) as of 31 December 2002.
In the assets of the balance sheet, the stocks decreased by
EEK 13.3m (EUR 0.9m).
The time structure of the assets has undergone significant changes.
The stock balance of the collections from previous periods
(spring 2002 and older) was EEK 0.7m (EUR 0.04m) as of 31
December 2002, constituting 4% of the total finished products and
stock balance of the goods for resale. The average stock price
of the products dating from previous periods was EEK 137 (EUR 9).
The stock balance of the collections from previous periods
(spring 2001 and older) was EEK 5.9m (EUR 0.4m) as of
31 December 2001, constituting 22% of the total finished
products and stock balance of the goods for resale for
the period. The average stock price of the products dating
from previous periods was EEK 320 (EUR 20).

Changes in inventories
31.12.2002 31.12.2001 31.12.2002 31.12.2001
EEK th EEK th EUR th EUR th
Raw materials 6 298 4 944 403 316
Work in progress 5 188 9 838 332 629
Finished goods 15 725 24 201 1 005 1 547
Goods for resale 1 646 2 785 105 178
Prepayments to suppliers 145 575 9 36
Total inventories 29 002 42 343 1 854 2 706

As a result of the claims management commenced at the end
of the year, the customer receivables have decreased by EEK
3.3m (EUR 0.2m).
The share of the claims in the net turnover dropped from
14.3% to 9.4%.
The manufacturing and administrative complex owned by
AS Klementi was recorded at acquisition cost in the balance
sheet until the end of 2002. Considering the significant
difference between the net book value and market value of
the property, it was decided to revalue it according to an
independent expert opinion.
As a result of this single transaction, the fixed assets
by EEK 19.2m (EUR 1.2m). Changes in the same amount occurred
in the revaluation reserve.

As a result of recording the trademarks purchased from the
bankruptcy estate of P.T.A. Group OY, the intangible assets
increased by EEK 5.2m
(EUR 0.3m). As the trademarks were purchased with a long-term
payment option, they were recorded in the intangible assets at
discounted market value.


The key financial ratios of AS Klementi were:

2002 2001
year-over-year sales growth 20% -3%

apparel sales share in total sales 74% 64%

inventory turnover 3.7 3.2
[net sales/average inventory]

liquidity ratio 0.38 0.41
[current assets-inventories)/current liabilities]

current ratio 0.91 1.17
[current assets/current liabilities]

EBIT margin -19.8% 5.1%
[operating profit/net sales]

net margin -23.9% 0.9%
[net profit/net sales]

return on equity (ROE) -72.2% 2.1%
[net profit/average equity]

return on assets ROA -25.9% 0.9%
[net profit/average total assets]

consolidated, unaudited
31.12.02 31.12.01 31.12.02 31.12.01
EEK th EEK th EUR th EUR th

Cash and bank 4 485 3 925 287 251
Customer receivables 12 537 15 847 801 1 013
Other receivables,accrued 868 768 55 49
Prepaid expenses 2 896 2 264 185 145
Inventories 29 002 42 343 1 854 2 706
CURRENT ASSETS 49 788 65 147 3 182 4 164

Long-term financial assets 2 578 2 856 165 182
Tangible assets 69 101 50 067 3 331 3 200
Intangible assets 5 771 906 368 58
FIXED ASSETS 77 450 53 829 4 949 3 440
ASSETS 127 238 118 976 8 131 7 604

Short-term debt 34 792 38 730 2 223 2 475
Customer advancess 952 6 61 0
Accounts payable 10 867 9 802 694 626
Other payables 0 1 035 0 66
Taxes payable 3 875 2 951 247 189
Accrued expenses 3 905 3 125 250 200
Other unearned revenue 12 12 1 1
Short-term provisions 12 12 1 1
CURRENT LIABILITIES 54 415 55 673 3 477 3 558

Long-term debt 27 467 15 266 1 755 976
Other long-term payables 4 928 0 315 0
Provisions 68 68 4 4
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 32 463 15 334 2 074 980
TOTAL LIABILITIES 86 878 71 007 5 551 4 538

Share capital 13 219 35 250 845 2 253
Share premium 30 863 3 774 1 973 241
Revaluation reserve 20 030 816 1 280 52
Other reserves 1 046 923 67 59
Retained earnings 7 083 6 202 453 397
Profit for the -31 881 1 004 -2 038 64
financial year
OWNERS’ EQUITY 40 360 47 969 2 580 3 066
LIABILITIES & EQUITY 127 238 118 976 8 131 7 604

fourth quarter of 2002
consolidated, unaudited
2002 2001 2002 2001
EEK th EEK th EUR th EUR th

Net sales 37 736 31 958 2 412 2 042
Change in inventories -13 885 7 065 -887 452
Other revenue 252 699 16 45
TOTAL REVENUE 24 103 39 722 1 541 2 539

Goods, materials and services 10 629 17 191 680 1 099
Misc. operating expenses 10 232 6 335 654 405
Personnel expenses 15 785 12 722 1 009 813
Depreciation 2 128 1 602 136 102
Other costs 613 -207 40 -12
TOTAL EXPENSES 39 387 37 643 2 519 2 407

OPERATING PROFIT -15 284 2 079 -978 132

Income from subsidiary 0 0 0 0
Foreign exchange gain 30 94 3 6
Other interest and similar 60 60 3 3

FINANCIAL EXPENSES 1 507 1 427 96 90
Financial expenses related to 0 0 0 0
subsidiary companies
Interest expenses 1 463 1 401 93 89
Foreign exchange loss 44 48 3 1
Other financial expenses 0 8 0 0

NET PROFIT -16 701 806 -1 068 51
Basic earnings per share (EEK) -12.63 0.23 -0.40 0.01
Diluted earnings per share -12.63 0.22 -0.40 0.01

consolidated, unaudited
2002 2001 2002 2001
EEK th EEK th EUR th EUR th

Net sales 133 258 110 591 8 517 7 068
Change in inventories -13 126 14 658 -839 937
Other revenue 1 598 2 391 102 153
TOTAL REVENUE 121 730 127 640 7 780 8 158

Goods, materials and services 44 680 46 346 2 856 2 962
Misc. operating expenses 35 137 18 436 2 246 1 178
Personnel expenses 58 688 49 915 3 751 3 190
Depreciation 7 214 6 084 461 389
Other costs 2 406 1 249 154 81
TOTAL EXPENSES 148 125 122 030 9 468 7 800

OPERATING PROFIT -26 395 5 610 -1 688 358

FINANCIAL INCOME 378 352 24 22
Income from subsidiary 0 0 0 0
Foreign exchange gain 121 96 8 6
Other interest and similar 257 256 16 16

FINANCIAL EXPENSES 5 864 4 958 374 316
Financial expenses related to 0 0 0 0
subsidiary companies
Interest expenses 5 718 4 791 365 306
Foreign exchange loss 146 114 9 7
Other financial expenses 0 53 0 3

NET PROFIT -31 881 1 004 -2 038 64
Basic earnings per share (EEK) -12.06 0.28 -0.77 0.02
Diluted earnings per share -12.06 0.30 -0.77 0.02

Toomas Leis
+372 6 710 700

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