Andmed seisuga: 23.07.2024 01:22 (GMT+3)


29.04.2003, Eesti Telekom, TLN

Eesti Telekom NEWS RELEASE 04/29/2003 09:00


Hereby we inform you that the Annual General Meeting of
the shareholders of AS Eesti Telekom, registration no
10234957, located in Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn, shall be
held on May 22, 2003 at 1.00 p.m. at "Vanalinnastuudio"
(Sakala 3, Tallinn).

The following agenda is suggested for the meeting:
1. Approval of 2002 Annual Report and allocation of the
2. Buy-back option of AS Eesti Telekom shares.
3. Recalling and election of the members of the
4. Remuneration of the members of the Council.
5. Election and remuneration of the auditor.

The shareholders registered in the share register of AS
Eesti Telekom on May 22, 2003 at 8.00 a.m. have the right
to vote on the Meeting. Registration to the General
Meeting starts on May 22, 2003 at 12.00 at
"Vanalinnastuudio". For registration to the Meeting:

· A shareholder, being a natural person, must produce
a passport or identity card as an identity document, a
representative must also produce a duly executed power of
· A representative of a shareholder, being a legal
person, must produce an extract from the respective
(commercial) register, where the legal person is
registered (for an Estonian legal person, a copy of the
Commercial Register's card B, which is not older than 15
days), proving the right of the person to represent the
shareholder (legal authorisation), and the
representative's identity document; if the person is not
a legal representative, a duly executed power of attorney
(authorisation by transaction) and the representative's
identity document must be produced in addition to the
extract from the register;
· Documents of a legal person registered in a foreign
country (except for the power of attorney) must be
legalised in the Republic of Estonia Ministry of Foreign
Affairs or in a foreign representation of the Republic of

Estonia, or confirmed with apostille.

The 2002 Annual Report and draft resolutions of the
General Meeting are available for all shareholders on
Internet page http:/ and in the office of
AS Eesti Telekom at Roosikrantsi 2, Tallinn since April
29, 2003 on working days from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. Any
questions in regard of the General Meeting can be asked
by phone (372) 6 311 212 or mailed to

Resolution projects

1. To approve 2002 Annual Report consisting of
financial report, management report, independent
auditor’s report and proposal for profit distribution.

2. To distribute the retained earnings totalling
2,132,574 thousand kroons, consisting of the net profit
of AS Eesti Telekom for the financial year of 2002
1,040,401 thousand kroons and retained earnings from
previous periods 1,092,173 thousand kroons as follows:

1) To distribute between shareholders and to pay to
shareholders as dividends 515,197 thousand EEK as

a) The number of A shares is 137,383,178. Dividends
payable to all holders of A shares total 515,187 thousand
EEK, i.e. 3.75 EEK per A share.
b) Dividend payable to the holder of B share totals
10,000 EEK.

2) To distribute between shareholders and to pay out to
shareholders as "extraordinary dividend" 309,112 thousand
EEK as follows:

a) Dividends payable to all holders of A shares total
309,112 thousand EEK, i.e. 2.25 EEK per A-share.

To pay the total of 824,299 thousand EEK, i.e. 6.00
EEK per A share, as dividends to the holders of A
shares and the total of 10,000 EEK to the holder of
B share.

3) Left to be carried forward in the balance sheet is
1,308,265 thousand EEK.

The list of shareholders on the basis of which dividends
will be distributed shall be fixed according to the
provisions of the Tallinn Stock Exchange Rules at 8.00 on
10 June 2003. The dividends shall be paid out on 19 June

3. To authorise AS Eesti Telekom to acquire within one
year from the adoption of this resolution (i.e. until 22
May 2004) AS Eesti Telekom shares of A-series so that the
total of nominal values of own shares held by AS Eesti
Telekom would not exceed the legal limits and the price
payable per share would not exceed the highest price paid
for the A share of AS Eesti Telekom on the Tallinn Stock
Exchange on the day of acquiring the shares. AS Eesti
Telekom to pay for the said shares from the company's
assets in excess of its share capital, reserve capital
and share premium. The amount of shares to be acquired
each time shall be determined on each occasion separately
by a resolution of AS Eesti Telekom's Supervisory

4. To appoint Villu Vaino from Deloitte&Touche Audit AS
to audit Eesti Telekom in 2003. Remuneration of the
auditor will be based on a contract with the auditing

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager
6 272 460

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