Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 23:06 (GMT+3)


09.05.2003, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/09/2003


Sales and revenues
In the first quarter, the economic growth of Estonia was more than expected.
Industry demonstrated a good rising trend by 10% growth at the beginning of
the year. The building sector continues powerfully. Electricity production
has increased by one-third. As a whole, the economic growth has been more
then double compared to the first quarter of the previous year.

The consolidated net sales of Harju Elekter Group for Q1 2003 amounted to
70,8 MEEK or 4,5 MEUR(Q1 2002: 52,2 MEEK e. 3,3 MEUR). Compared to the same
period last year,the company's turnover grew by 35,8%. Sales on the domestic
market grew by 30,0%, thus accounting for 50,7% (Q1 2002: 53,0%) of the
consolidated net sales. Export sales amounted to 34,9 MEEK or 2,2 MEUR(Q1
2002: 24,5 MEEK e. 1,6 MEUR), which is 42,4% more than for the same period
last year. Sales on the Finnish market increased 56,6%, of which 40,3% was
attributable to the sales of the Finnish subsidiary acquired in Sept.2002.

In the Estonian enterprises of the group, the total sales of the accounting
quarter form 95,5% of the level of the previous year. However, the income of
the first quarter of 2002 includes the sale of products and services of the
cable harnesses factory amounting to 29,3% of the group’s sales of the
period, that is 15,3 MEEK (979 TEUR). Apart from the sales of the cable
harnesses factory in the first quarter of 2002, the comparable sales growth
of the Estonian enterprises would be 35,2%.

The Group's operating profit was 4,4 MEEK or 283 TEUR (Q1 2002: 2,8 MEEK or
178 TEUR). The Group's return on sales settled at 6,3% (Q1 2002: 5,3%).

Financial income was 3,4 MEEK or 217 TEUR (Q1 2002: 2,7 MEEK or 171 TEUR).
PKC Group paid dividends for the year 2002 in an amount of 4,6 MEEK (291
TEUR), which is over two times more than in the previous year (1Q 2002:
2,1 MEEK or 132 TEUR). A loss of 1 072 TEUR (69 TEUR) occurred as of
31 March 2003 due to the revaluation of the PKC Group Oyj shares.

In total, the Group's net profit for the 1st quarter of 2003 was 7,6 MEEK or
489 TEUR (Q1 2002: 5,5 MEEK or 348 TEUR. Net profit margin settled at 10,8%
(Q1 2002:10,4%). EPS was 1,42 EEK or 0,09 EUR (Q1 2002:1,01 EEK or 0,06 EUR).

Cash flow, investments and capital employed
Cash flow from operating activities was 4,9 MEEK or 315 TEUR (Q1 2002: 3,7
MEEK or 238 TEUR), outflow due to investing activities 1,3 MEEK or 85 TEUR
(Q1 2002: 0,2 MEEK or 14 TEUR) and financing activities 2,3 MEEK or 148 TEUR
(Q1 2002: 2,1 MEEK or 136 TEUR). During the quarter cash balance on hand and
in bank increased by 1,3 MEEK or 82 TEUR (Q1 2002: 1,4 MEEK or 88 TEUR).

During the accounting period the Group invested 8,6 MEEK or 550 TEUR in
tangible and intangible fixed assets (Q1 2002: 3,1 MEEK or 199 TEUR).
Investments in plant and technology were 2,0 MEEK or 127 TEUR (Q1 2002:
1,1 MEEK or 68 TEUR), into the buildings and reconstructions 6,4 MEEK or
409 TEUR (Q1 2002: 1,0 MEEK or 66 TEUR).

In the accounting quarter, AS Harju Elekter purchased 9 thousand shares of
PKC Group Oyj and paid 1 061 TEEK (68 TEUR) for the investment. After this
acquisition, Harju Elekter owns 12% of the shares of PKC Group.

AS Harju Elekter obtained production equipment for the price of 1,4 MEEK (89
TEUR) on the basis of a financial lease contract. Long-term loan and capital
lease repayments during the accounting period accounted for 2,3 MEEK or 148
TEUR (Q1 2002: 2,1 MEEK or 136 TEUR).

Balance sheet
In accordance with the new Accounting Act of the Republic of Estonia and new
standards of the Estonian Accounting Standards Board, which entered into force
on 1 January 2003, Harju Elekter Group changed the accounting method of
financial instruments. As from 2003, financial instruments are recorded in the
balance sheet using the method of fair value. Financial investments (shares of
PKC Group Oyj) in the balance sheet as of 31 December 2002 were adjusted to
their market value according to the rate of the last trading day of 2002. The
difference between the fair value and balance sheet value arising from the
revaluation was 53,9 MEEK (3 511 TEUR), by which the opening balance of
retained earnings under the owners’ equity and the opening balance of other
long-term shares under long-term financial investments were increased. As a
result, the proportion of owners’ equity increased in the balance sheet from
76,2% to 80,8% as of 31 December 2002 and fixed assets increased from 62,8%
to 70,0% in the adjusted opening balance sheet of 2003. As of 31 March 2003,
fixed assets formed and owners’ equity formed 69,9% and 80,8% of the
consolidated balance sheet total, respectively.

The average number of employees in the group was 280 (Q1 2002: 633). As of
the balance sheet date 31.03.03 the group employed 291 persons (645 in 2002).
The indicators of 2002 include the number of employees of the cable harnesses

Important events
In January, Harju Elekter submitted an application to transfer the shares of
the company into the main list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The application
was satisfied and the shares of the company (HAE1T) are traded in the main
list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange as from 17 February 2003. On 31 March, the
closing price of the share was 58,67 EEK (3,75 EEK).

Post-balance-sheet events
The AGM of the shareholders took place on April 11. The general meeting
decided to pay dividends to the owners at the rate of 2,00 EEK (0,13 EUR) per
share. Dividends shall be distributed to the shareholders on May 12, 2003.

In April, AS Harju Elekter acquired a long-term loan from a Finnish bank in
the amount of 1 MEUR (15,6 MEEK). The loan is repayable within 8 years.
According to the agreement between the parties, the interest of the loan is
not made public. Loan money is used for the construction of a new production
hall within the framework of the extension of PKC Eesti. The total cost of the
project is 26 MEEK (1,7 MEUR) and own funds will be used for financing in
addition to the loan. PKC Eesti, the former cable harnesses factory of Harju
Elekter, leases production premises from Harju Elekter from July 2002. Today,
Harju Elekter leases a total of 13 400 m2 to PKC Eesti, including 4 700 m2 in
Haapsalu. By launching the new production hall in July 2003, another 4 500 m2
of leased premises will be added in Keila.

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Management Board
+372 6 747 400


Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 31.03.03 31.12.02 31.03.03 31.12.02
Cash, bank 12 882 11 620 823 743
Total customer receivables 27 149 28 705 1 735 1 835
Other current receivables 2 306 2 035 147 130
Accrued income 2 14 0 1
Prepaid expenses 1 514 753 97 48
Total current receivables 30 971 31 507 1 979 2 014
Raw materials and inventories 36 943 35 527 2 361 2 271
Goods 5 573 4 616 356 295
Prepayments to suppliers 8 0 1 0
Total inventories 42 525 40 142 2 718 2 566
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 86 378 83 270 5 521 5 322
Stock and shares in ass.comp. 26 661 26 587 1 704 1 699
Other shares 70 791 70 803 4 524 4 525
Other long-term receivables 379 379 24 24
Total financial investments 97 831 97 768 6 253 6 249
Plant and equipment 78 621 77 556 5 025 4 957
Other equipment and fixtures 48 371 46 385 3 092 2 965
Other inventory 3 378 3 277 216 209
Accumulated depreciation -37 361 -35 288 -2 388 -2 255
Construction-in-progress 8 898 3 556 569 227
Prepayments for fixed assets 151 28 10 2
Total tangible assets 102 059 95 514 6 523 6 104
Licences 1 111 1 206 71 77
Goodwill 0 16 0 1
Total intangible assets 1 111 1 222 71 78
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 201 001 194 505 12 846 12 431
TOTAL ASSETS 287 379 277 774 18 367 17 753
Debt obligations 10 346 12 360 661 790
Customer prepayments 144 193 9 12
Supplier payables 25 006 22 438 1 598 1 434
Other short-term borrowings 1 274 1 251 81 80
Tax liabilities 3 121 5 405 199 345
Accrued expenses 7 543 5 869 482 375
Other prepaid revenue 971 0 62 0
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 48 405 47 516 3 094 3 037
TOTAL LIABILITIES 55 183 53 223 3 527 3 402
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 161 951 108 698 10 351 6 947
Net profit for the year 7 645 53 254 489 3 404
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 232 196 224 551 14 840 14 351
TOT.LIABIL.AND OWNERS' EQUITY 287 379 277 774 18 367 17 753

in thousand EEK EUR
Cash, bank 8 889 11 165 568 714
Total customer receivables 13 003 12 075 831 772
Other current receivables 7 855 8 056 502 515
Prepaid expenses 928 564 59 36
Total current receivables 21 786 20 694 1 392 1 323
Raw materials and inventories 20 036 16 690 1 281 1 067
Goods 5 525 4 575 353 292
Prepayments to suppliers 8 0 1 0
Total inventories 25 569 21 265 1 634 1 359
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 56 244 53 124 3 595 3 395
Stock and shares in subs. 14 801 13 759 946 879
Other l-term receiv.from subs 6 780 6 780 433 433
Stock and shares in ass.compa 26 661 26 587 1 704 1 699
Other shares 70 791 70 803 4 524 4 525
Other long-term receivables 379 379 24 24
Total financial investments 119 412 118 308 7 632 7 561
Plant and equipment 78 494 77 428 5 017 4 949
Other equipment and fixtures 27 930 26 033 1 785 1 664
Other inventory 1 761 1 751 113 112
Accumulated depreciation -30 216 -28 798 -1 931 -1 841
Construction-in-progress 8 898 3 556 569 227
Prepayments for fixed assets 151 28 10 2
Total tangible assets 87 019 79 998 5 562 5 113
Licences 685 750 44 48
Total intangible assets 685 750 44 48
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 207 115 199 055 13 237 12 722
TOTAL ASSETS 263 359 252 180 16 832 16 117
Debt obligations 4 209 5 516 269 353
Customer prepayments 97 193 6 12
Supplier payables 17 247 13 501 1 102 863
Other short-term borrowings 1 476 1 269 94 81
Tax liabilities 1 041 2 525 67 161
Accrued expenses 3 618 3 191 231 204
Other prepaid revenue 971 0 62 0
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 28 659 26 195 1 832 1 674
TOTAL LIABILITIES 31 163 27 628 1 992 1 766
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 161 951 108 698 10 351 6 947
Net profit for the year 7 645 53 254 489 3 404
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 232 196 224 551 14 840 14 351
TOT.LIABIL. AND OWNERS' EQUIT 263 359 252 180 16 832 16 117


thousand EEK EUR
Q1 03 Q1 02 Q1 03 Q1 02
Net sales 70 842 52 181 4 528 3 335
Cost of goods sold -57 140 -42 888 -3 652 -2 741

Gross profit 13 702 9 293 876 594

Operating expences, incl. -9 096 -6 521 -581 -417
marketing expences -3 713 -2 586 -237 -165
admin. and general expences -5 384 -3 935 -344 -251
Other operating revenue 5 196 0 13
Other operating charges -183 -184 -12 -12

Operating profit 4 428 2 784 283 178

Fin.incomes and expences, incl.
- from shares of associated 74 780 5 50
- from other investments 3 486 2 216 223 142
- interest expenses -212 -334 -14 -21
- profit/loss from foreign e -16
- other fin.expences/incomes 58 5 4 0
Total fin.incomes and expence 3 390 2 666 217 170

Profit from the ord.activitie 7 818 5 450 500 348
Tax -173 0 -11 0
Net profit for the current pe 7 645 5 450 489 348

Basic earning per share 1,42 1,01 0,09 0,06
Diluted earning per share 1,40 1,01 0,09 0,06

thousand EEK EUR
Q1 03 Q1 02 Q1 03 Q1 02
Net sales 40 283 44 322 2 575 2 833
Cost of goods sold -31 913 -37 184 -2 040 -2 376

Gross profit 8 370 7 139 535 456

Operating expences, incl. -5 323 -5 085 -340 -325
marketing expences -2 089 -1 866 -133 -119
admin. and general expences -3 234 -3 219 -207 -206
Other operating revenue 10 160 1 10
Other operating charges -150 -183 -10 -12

Operating profit 2 907 2 032 186 130

Fin.incomes and expenses, incl.
- from shares of subsidiarie 1 042 536 67 34
- from shares of ass.compani 74 780 5 50
- from other investments 3 486 2 216 223 142
- interest expenses -62 -174 -4 -11
- profit/loss from foreign e 0 0 0 0
- other fin.expences/incomes 198 60
Total fin.incomes and expense 4 738 3 418 303 218
0 0
Profit from the ord.activitie 7 645 5 450 489 348
Net profit for the current pe 7 645 5 450 489 348

Basic earning per share 1,42 1,01 0,09 0,06
Diluted earning per share 1,40 1,01 0,09 0,06

Karin Padjus
Chief Accountant
+372 6 747 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6 712 761

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