Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 15:14 (GMT+3)


07.08.2003, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/07/2003


The consolidated net sales of Harju Elekter Group for H1 2003 amounted to
149,6 MEEK or 9,6 MEUR (H1 2002: 125,2 MEEK or 8,0 MEUR). The Group's net
profit for the H1 2003 was 65,6 MEEK or 4,2 MEUR (H1 2002: 11,3 MEEK or
719 TEUR)and EPS 12,14 EEK or 0,78 EUR (H1 2002: 2,08 EEK or 0,13 EUR).

According to Andres Allikmäe, Chairman of the Management Board, the
Group’s results in the first half of 2003 met every expectation. Larger
than usual development and investments projects were under way, each
should start to pay back in the near future already.

Sales and revenues
The consolidated net sales of Harju Elekter Group for H1 2003 amounted to
149,6 MEEK or 9,6 MEUR (H1 2002: 125,2 MEEK or 8,0 MEUR),i.e. 19,5% growth.
Sales on the domestic market grew by 18,4%, thus accounting for 51,8% (H1
2002: 52,2%) of the consolidated net sales. Export sales amounted to 72,2
MEEK or 4,6 MEUR (H1 2002: 59,8 MEEK or 3,8 MEUR), i.e. 20,7% growth. Sales
on the Finnish market increased 25,4%.

In the Estonian enterprises of the group, the total sales of the accounting
period form 86,2% of the level of the previous year. However, the income of
the H1 2002 includes the sale of products and services of the cable
harnesses factory amounting to 31,1% of the group’s sales of the period,
that is 38,9 MEEK(2,5 MEUR).Apart from the sales of the cable harnesses
factory in the H1 2002, the comparable sales growth of the Estonian
enterprises would be 25,1%.

The Group's operating profit was 7,9 MEEK or 504 TEUR (H1 2002: 6,5 MEEK or
415 TEUR).

Compared to last year, the marketing and general administrative costs in
the first quarter increased by almost 5 MEEK (318 TEUR).The income statement
for six months of this year include the operating costs of the subsidiary
Satmatic OY acquired in September 2002, which are nearly 4 MEEK (250 TEUR)
greater than the expenses of the subsidiary AJT Harju Elekter in the first
half of 2002 due to the different wage levels in Estonia and Finland. The
profit margin of the Group was 5,3% (5,2% in the first half of 2002).

The operating profit of the mother company for six months increased by 12%
compared to the same period last year (6,9 MEEK or 444 TEUR in the first
half of 2003; 6,2 MEEK or 394TEUR in the first half of 2002). The profit
margin also improved by 1,1 percentage points.

Financial income was 57,7 MEEK or 3,7 MEUR (H1 2002: 4,0 MEEK or 258 TEUR).
PKC Group paid dividends for the year 2002 in an amount of 4,6 million EEK
(291 TEUR), which is over two times more than in the previous year(H1 2002:
2,1 MEEK or 132 TEUR). Revaluation of the shares of PKC Group Oyj as at the
end of the quarter, 30 June 2003, yielded a profit of 52,3 MEEK (3,3 MEUR).
As from 1 January 2003, the shares of PKC are valued at market price on the
balance sheet. Their price on the last trading day of the financial year
ending on 31 December 2002 on the Helsinki Stock Exchange was 7,10 EUR, but
on 30 June 2003 the price was already 12,28 EUR. Thus, the market price grew
by 73,0%.

In total, the Group's net profit for the H1 2003 was 65,6 MEEK or 4,2 MEUR
(H1 2002: 11,3 MEEK or 719 TEUR). Net profit margin settled at 43,8%(H1 2002:
9,0%). EPS was 12,14 EEK or 0,78 EUR (H1 2002: 2,08 EEK or 0,13 EUR). If we
eliminate the profit from revaluation of the shares of PKC in the results
for 2003, the comparable net profit for the period would be 13,2 MEEK (846
TEUR) and the rate of return on net profit would be 8,9%, about the same as
in 2002.

Cash flow, investments and capital employed
Cash flow from operating activities was 9,1 million EEK or 584 TEUR (H1
2002: 9,3 MEEK or 593 TEUR), outflow due to investing activities 15,5
million EEK or 990 TEUR (H1 2002: 2,9 MEEK or 187 TEUR) and financing
activities 2,3 MEEK or 147 TEUR (H1 2002: ourflow 9,9 MEEK or 632 TEUR).
During the first half of 2003 cash balance on hand and in bank decreased
by 4,1 MEEK or 259 TEUR (H1 2002: 3,5 MEEK or 226 TEUR).

During the accounting period the Group invested 26,8 MEEK or 1,7 MEUR in
tangible and intangible fixed assets (H1 2002: 8,2 MEEK or 526 TEUR).
Investments in plant and technology were 2,2 MEEK or 140 TEUR (H1 2002:3,7
MEEK or 239 TEUR), into the buildings and reconstructions 23,5 MEEK or 1,5
MEUR (H1 2002: 2,0 MEEK or 128 TEUR).

In the accounting period, AS Harju Elekter purchased 9 thousand shares of
PKC Group Oyj and paid 1 061 TEEK (68 TEUR) for the investment.

For financing the extension to be built to PKC Eesti, Harju Eelekter raised
a long-term loan in the amount of 15,6 MEEK (995 TEUR). Harju Elekter
obtained production equipment for the price of 1,7 MEEK (106 TEUR) on the
basis of a financial lease contract. Long-term loan and capital lease
repayments during the accounting period accounted for 4,2 MEEK or 272 TEUR
(H1 2002: 4,4 MEEK or 278 TEUR).

Balance sheet
In accordance with the new Accounting Act of the Republic of Estonia and new
standards of the Estonian Accounting Standards Board, which entered into
force on 1 January 2003, Harju Elekter Group changed the accounting method
of financial instruments. As from 2003, financial instruments are recorded
in the balance sheet using the method of fair value. Financial investments
(shares of PKC Group Oyj) in the balance sheet as of 31 December 2002 were
adjusted to their market value according to the rate of the last trading day
of 2002. The difference between the fair value and balance sheet value
arising from the revaluation was 53,9 million EEK (3,5 MEUR), by which the
opening balance of retained earnings under the owners’ equity and the opening
balance of other long-term shares under long-term financial investments were
increased. As a result, the proportion of owners’ equity increased in the
balance sheet from 76,2% to 80,8% as of 31 December 2002 and fixed assets
increased from 62,8% to 70,0% in the adjusted opening balance sheet of 2003.

Within six months, the cost of assets on the consolidated balance sheet
increased by 83 MEEK or 5,3 MEUR (15 MEEK or 0,97 MEUR within six months of
2002), reaching 361 MEEK or 23 MEUR as at 30 June 2003 (192 MEEK or 12MEUR
on 30 June 2002). The value of fixed assets increased by 73 MEEK or 5 MEUR
over the six months, constituting 74,4% of total assets as at the end of the
period. Current receivables increased by 7,5 MEEK or 0,48 MEUR in the first
half of the year (8,5 MEEK or 0,54 MEUR in the first half of 2002, which
constituted an increase in accounts receivable) and inventories grew by 5,6
MEEK or 0,35 MEUR (7,6 MEEK or 0,49 EUR in the first half of 2002). Non-trade
receivables include the unpaid dividend of Keila Kaabel in the amount of 1,5
MEEK or 97 TEUR. The prepaid VAT of the Estonian companies of the Group and
the prepaid import VAT have increased by 2,5 MEEK or 0,16 MEUR over the six
months. Experience has shown that accounts receivable and inventories
increase by the end of the first half-year due to seasonal reasons. To ensure
smooth business operation, larger inventories are stored for the holiday

On the side of liabilities, accounts payable have increased by 11 MEEK or
0,68 MEUR (14 MEEK or 0,9 MEUR in the first half of 2002), which is caused
by larger purchase invoices of production inventories in June, on the one
hand, and by the fact that investments in the amount of 18,2 MEEK or 1,2
MEUR of an investment total of 26,8 MEEK or 1,7 MEUR were made in the second
quarter, on the other hand. Accounts payable for construction, including VAT,
amounted to 5,8 MEEK or 0,36 MEUR in the total accounts payable. Owners’
equity comprised 77,4% of the assets (67,2% as at 30 June 2002), having
increased by 54 MEEK or 3,5 MEUR over the half-year.

The average number of employees in the group was 285 (H1 2002: 634). As of
the balance sheet date 30.06.03 the group employed 296 persons (645 in 2002).
The indicators of 2002 include the number of employees of the cable
harnesses factory.

Important events
In January, Harju Elekter submitted an application to transfer the shares of
the company into the main list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange. The
application was satisfied and the shares of the company (HAE1T) are traded
in the main list of the Tallinn Stock Exchange as from 17 February 2003.

The AGM of the shareholders took place on April 11. The general meeting
decided to pay dividends to the owners at the rate of 2,00 EEK (0,13 EUR)
per share. Dividends paid to the shareholders on May 9, 2003.

In April, AS Harju Elekter acquired a long-term loan from a Finnish bank
in the amount of 1 million EUR (15,6 MEEK). The loan is repayable within
8 years. Loan money is used for the construction of a new production hall
within the framework of the extension of PKC Eesti.

The shareholders of AS Keila Kaabel, a related company of Harju Elekter,
decided that a factory extension project would be launched. Construction
work began in June, and the final deadline on the end of this year.
According to the business plan, the sales of the factory would double in
the next two years, when the project has been implemented.

Harju Elekter will invest 18 MEEK (1,15 MEUR) in the building extension for
the larger production facilities. Draka NK Cables will provide the equipment
and related know-how. The equipment cost 21 MEEK (1,35 MEUR).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
+372 6 747 400


Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.06.0331.12.0230.06.0331.12.02
Cash, bank 7 540 11 620 482 743
Total customer receivables 31 672 28 705 2 024 1 834
Other current receivables 3 828 2 035 245 130
Accrued income 0 14 0 1
Prepaid expenses 3 505 753 224 48
Total current receivables 39 005 31 507 2 493 2 013
Raw materials and inventories 39 982 35 527 2 555 2 271
Goods 5 600 4 616 358 295
Prepayments to suppliers 113 0 7 0
Total inventories 45 695 40 143 2 920 2 566
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 92 240 83 270 5 895 5 322
Stock and shares in ass.compani 24 774 26 586 1 583 1 699
Other shares 124 188 70 803 7 937 4 525
Other long-term receivables 76 379 5 24
Total financial investments 149 038 97 768 9 525 6 249
Plant and equipment 78 621 77 556 5 025 4 957
Other equipment and fixtures 48 916 46 385 3 126 2 965
Other inventory 3 510 3 277 224 209
Accumulated depreciation -39 339 -35 288 -2 514 -2 255
Construction-in-progress 25 970 3 556 1 660 227
Prepayments for fixed assets 460 28 29 2
Total tangible assets 118 138 95 514 7 550 6 104
Licences 1 234 1 206 79 77
Goodwill 0 16 0 1
Total intangible assets 1 234 1 222 79 78
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 268 410 194 504 17 155 12 431
TOTAL ASSETS 360 650 277 774 23 050 17 753
Debt obligations 11 404 12 360 729 790
Customer prepayments 331 193 21 12
Supplier payables 33 135 22 438 2 118 1 434
Other short-term borrowings 1 519 1 251 97 80
Tax liabilities 4 124 5 405 264 345
Accrued expenses 8 424 5 869 538 375
Other prepaid revenue 971 0 62 0
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 59 908 47 516 3 829 3 037
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 21 425 5 707 1 369 365
TOTAL LIABILITIES 81 333 53 223 5 198 3 402
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 151 152 108 698 9 661 6 947
Net profit for the year 65 565 53 254 4 190 3 404
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 279 317 224 551 17 852 14 351
TOT.LIABIL. AND OWNERS' EQUITY 360 650 277 774 23 050 17 753

Consolidated, unaudited
in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.06.0331.12.0230.06.0331.12.02.
Cash, bank 5 365 11 165 343 714
Total customer receivables 15 074 12 075 963 772
Other current receivables 8 235 8 056 526 515
Prepaid expenses 2 914 564 186 36
Total current receivables 26 223 20 694 1 676 1 323
Raw materials and inventories 19 970 16 690 1 276 1 067
Goods 5 552 4 575 355 292
Prepayments to suppliers 27 0 2 0
Total inventories 25 549 21 265 1 633 1 359
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 57 137 53 124 3 652 3 395
Stock and shares in subs.-ies 14 198 13 759 907 879
Other long-term receiv.from sub 6 780 6 780 433 433
Stock and shares in associated 24 774 26 587 1 583 1 699
Other shares 124 188 70 803 7 937 4 525
Other long-term receivables 77 379 5 24
Total financial investments 170 017 118 308 10 866 7 561
Plant and equipment 78 494 77 428 5 017 4 949
Other equipment and fixtures 28 258 26 033 1 806 1 664
Other inventory 1 849 1 751 118 112
Accumulated depreciation -31 538 -28 798 -2 016 -1 841
Construction-in-progress 25 970 3 556 1 660 227
Prepayments for fixed assets 460 28 29 2
Total tangible assets 103 493 79 998 6 614 5 113
Licences 620 750 40 48
Total intangible assets 620 750 40 48
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 274 130 199 055 17 520 12 722
TOTAL ASSETS 331 267 252 180 21 172 16 117
Debt obligations 4 437 5 516 284 353
Customer prepayments 283 193 18 12
Supplier payables 21 790 13 501 1 393 863
Other short-term borrowings 1 611 1 269 103 81
Tax liabilities 2 012 2 525 129 161
Accrued expenses 3 782 3 191 242 204
Other prepaid revenue 971 0 62 0
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 34 887 26 195 2 230 1 674
TOTAL LIABILITIES 51 951 27 628 3 320 1 766
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 151 151 108 698 9 660 6 947
Net profit for the year 65 565 53 254 4 190 3 404
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 279 317 224 551 17 852 14 351
TOT.LIABIL. AND OWNERS' EQUITY 331 267 252 180 21 172 16 117


in thousand EEK EUR
H1 2003 H1 2002 H1 2003 H1 2002

NET SALES 149 566 125 172 9 559 8 000
Cost of goods sold -121 692-103 905 -7 778 -6 641

Gross profit 27 874 21 267 1 781 1 359

Operating expenses, incl. -19 660 -14 679 -1 256 -938
Marketing expenses -7 756 -5 646 -496 -361
Administrative expenses -11 904 -9 033 -760 -577
Other revenue 42 239 3 15
Other expenses -376 -339 -24 -21

Operating profit 7 880 6 488 504 415

Financial income and expenses, incl.
-from assoc.companies 1 238 2 357 79 151
-from other holdings 56 884 2 226 3 635 142
-interest expense -497 -624 -32 -40
-profit/loss from -30 0 -2 0
-other fin.income/expenses 90 84 6 5
Total financial income and exp 57 685 4 043 3 686 258

Profit from normal operations 65 565 10 531 4 190 673
External income 0 726 0 46
Corporate Income tax 0 0 0 0
Net profit for the year 65 565 11 257 4 190 719

Basic earnings per share 12,14 2,08 0,78 0,13

Diluted earnings per share 11,99 2,08 0,77 0,13

in thousand EEK EUR
Q2 2003Q2 2002Q2 2003Q2 2002

NET SALES 78 724 72 991 5 031 4 665
Cost of goods sold -64 551 -61 017 -4 125 -3 900

Gross profit 14 173 11 974 906 765

Operating expenses, incl. -10 563 -8 158 -675 -521
Marketing expenses -4 043 -3 059 -258 -195
Administrative expenses -6 520 -5 099 -417 -326
Other revenue 37 43 2 3
Other expenses -194 -155 -12 -10

Operating profit 3 453 3 704 221 237

Financial income and expenses, incl.
-from associated companies 1 164 1 577 74 101
-from other holdings 53 398 11 3 413 1
-interest expense -285 -290 -18 -19
-profit/loss from for.exch. -14 0 -1 0
-other financial income/expens 32 79 2 5
Total financial income and exp 54 295 1 377 3 470 88

Profit from normal operations 57 748 5 081 3 691 325
External income 0 726 0 46
Corporate Income tax 172 0 11 0
Net profit for the year 57 920 5 807 3 702 371

Basic earnings per share 10,73 1,08 0,69 0,07

Diluted earnings per share 10,59 1,08 0,68 0,07

in thousand EEK EUR
H1 2003 H1 2002 H1 2003 H1 2002

NET SALES 89 591 92 723 5 726 5 926
Cost of goods sold -70 798 -75 572 -4 525 -4 830

Gross profit 18 793 17 151 1 201 1 096

Operating expenses, incl. -11 591 -10 934 -741 -699
Marketing expenses -4 375 -4 393 -280 -281
Administrative expenses -7 216 -6 541 -461 -418
Other revenue 59 205 4 13
Other expenses -314 -256 -20 -16

Operating profit 6 947 6 166 444 394

Financial income and expenses, incl.
-from subsidiaries 376 -3 351 24 -214
-from associated companies 1 238 2 357 79 151
-from other holdings 56 884 2 227 3 636 142
-interest expense -217 -280 -14 -18
-profit/loss from for.exch. -15 -12 -1 -1
-other fin.income/expenses 352 111 22 7
Total financial income and exp 58 618 1 052 3 746 67

Profit from normal operations 65 565 7 218 4 190 461
External income 0 4 039 0 258
Net profit for the year 65 565 11 257 4 190 719

Basic earnings per share 12,14 2,08 0,78 0,13

Diluted earnings per share 11,99 2,08 0,77 0,13

in thousand EEK EUR
Q2 2003Q2 2002Q2 2003Q2 2002

NET SALES 49 308 48 401 3 151 3 093
Cost of goods sold -38 857 -38 388 -2 483 -2 453

Gross profit 10 451 10 013 668 640

Operating expenses, incl. -6 296 -5 849 -403 -374
Marketing expenses -2 295 -2 527 -147 -162
Administrative expenses -4 001 -3 322 -256 -212
Other revenue 50 44 3 3
Other expenses -164 -72 -10 -5

Operating profit 4 041 4 136 258 264

Financial income and expenses, incl.
-from subsidiaries -665 -3 888 -42 -248
-from associated companies 1 163 1 577 74 101
-from other holdings 53 398 11 3 413 1
-interest expense -155 -106 -10 -7
-profit/loss from for.exch. -15 -13 -1 -1
-other fin.income/expenses 153 51 10 3
Total financial income and exp 53 879 -2 368 3 444 -151

Profit from normal operations 57 920 1 768 3 702 113
External income 0 4 039 0 258
Net profit for the year 57 920 5 807 3 702 371

Basic earnings per share 10,73 1,08 0,69 0,07

Diluted earnings per share 10,59 1,08 0,68 0,07

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
67 47 403

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6712 761

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