Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 11:03 (GMT+3)


24.10.2003, Hansapank, TLN

Hansapank FINANCIAL RESULTS 10/24/2003 09:00


- Net profit EUR 35.7 million in Q3 2003, -2.5% yoy
- 9-month net profit EUR 99.3 million, +12.5% yoy
- Operating profit before tax -9.0% qoq and -2.1% yoy, profit before
provisions -6.0% qoq and +19.9% yoy
- Annual net profit comparison considerably influenced by
extraordinarily low level of provisions in Q3 last year. Net
provisions in Q3 2003 EUR 8.6 million, Q3 2002 EUR 0.3 million.
- Total income -4.7% qoq and +6.2% yoy
- Total operating expenses -3.3% qoq and -5.2% yoy
- Further decrease in interest margins due to discontinuation of
government subsidies on student lending in Estonia. Net interest
margin 3.56% in Q3 2003, -19bp qoq and -69bp yoy
- Return on equity (ROE) 22.6%, return on assets (ROA) 2.5%, earnings
per share (EPS) EUR 1.80
- Annual loan growth stable at 32%, 9% qoq
- Annual deposit growth has recovered to 16%, 3% qoq

AS Hansapank and its subsidiaries (hereinafter Hansabank Group or the
Group) earned EUR 35.7 million net profit in the third quarter of
2003. The Group’s operating profit before provisions increased by
19.9% yoy (2002 third quarter).

The Groups earnings per share (annualised) were 1.80 euros in Q3 2003
vs 1.47 euros in Q2. The increase is mainly attributable to the
dividend income tax paid in Q2 2003. Hansapank Group’s return on
equity increased to 22.6% and return on assets was 2.5%. The Group’s
EVA result for the third quarter of the year was EUR 17.2 million.
Geographic division of the Hansapank Group EUR 35.7 million net profit
is the following: EUR 23.7 million from Estonia, EUR 5.8 million from
Latvia, EUR 4.4 million from Lithuania and EUR 1.8 million from other

The Group’s total income amounted to EUR 89.7 million in Q3 2003,
decreasing by 4.7% qoq and increasing by 6.2% yoy. One of the reasons
for the quarterly decrease was one-off income from the sale of
property and other assets worth EUR 2.4 million as well as higher than
usual (by approximately EUR 3 million) trading income. Total income
distribution during the third quarter was the following: 58% net
interest income, 28% net fee income, 10% financial income, and 4%
other income.
Operating expenses decreased by 3.3% qoq and 5.2% yoy, totalling EUR
43.9 million in Q3 2003. 45% of total expenses was formed by personnel
expense, 16% by other expenses (incl. goodwill amortisation) 19% by
administrative expenses, 12% by depreciation, and 8% by IT expenses.
The Group’s cost-income ratio (before provisions) was 47.10% compared
to 46.50% in Q2 2003 and 51.48% in Q3 2002. The ratio of operating
expenses to total assets improved to 2.90% from 3.16% in Q2 2003 and
3.59% in Q3 2002.
The Group’s average yield of interest-earning assets was 5.61% in Q3
2003, compared to 5.89% in the second quarter, while the cost of
interest-bearing liabilities was 1.86% in Q3 2003 versus 1.95% in the
previous quarter. The Group’s spread decreased by 19bp to 3.75% during
one quarter and by 83bp during the past year.

The Group’s loan and guarantee losses totalled EUR 12.2 million in Q3
2003, which is 24.5% more than in the previous quarter, and 3.4 times
more than in the same period last year. Quarterly increase was caused
by 65% higher loan growth in the third quarter, EUR 347 million in Q3
vs EUR 210 million in Q2. The level of loan write-offs and
provisioning coverage changed only marginally during the quarter. The
annual increase resulted from extraordinarily low provisions in Q3
2002 due to write-backs in Estonia and Lithuania.
Recoveries totalled EUR 3.6 million in Q3 2003. The Group’s net risk
cost was 0.4% versus 0.7% in Q2 2003. The Group’s target is to keep
the ratio below 0.6% over a business cycle.
The Group’s loan loss reserve amounted to EUR 60.0 million at the end
of September, forming 1.49% of the loan portfolio. Loans overdue
totalled EUR 307.8 million, up 3.8% qoq, while non-performing loans
(overdue more than 60 days) amounted to EUR 27.3 million. Total
overdues formed 7.7% and non-performing loans 0.7% of total loans at
the end of September 2003.

The loan portfolio increased by EUR 0.35 billion, or 9% during the
third quarter to EUR 4.02 billion. Annual growth was EUR 0.98 billion
or 32%. 40% of the third quarter growth originated from Estonia, 29%
from Lithuania, 17% from Latvia and 14% from other countries, which
mainly represents the growth in the Russian leasing portfolio. Lending
to private individuals formed 37% of the growth, with wholesale and
retailing and industry contributing another 14% and 13% respectively.

Customer deposits increased by 3%, or EUR 100.2 million during the
third quarter to EUR 3.90 billion. Latvian deposits increased by EUR
80 million, Lithuanian by EUR 48 million, while Estonian deposits
decreased by EUR 28 million. Annual growth of deposits keeps
increasing steadily, rising to 16% at the end of September from 11% at
the end of June. At the end of September loan to deposit ratio stood
at 103% (97% at the end of Q2 2003).

1 EUR = 15.64664 EEK

Mart Tõevere
Head of Corporate Communications and IR
Tel. +372 6131 569

(in millions, EEK EUR
30.09.03 31.12.02 30.09.02 30.09.0 31.12.0 30.09.0
3 2 2
Cash 2,133.2 2,436.5 2,020.9 136.3 155.7 129.2
Due from Central 4,154.8 3,185.4 3,107.5 265.5 203.6 198.6
Due from other 5,328.3 6,067.0 4,176.3 340.5 387.8 266.9
Treasury securities 4,965.3 5,059.1 6,585.9 317.3 323.3 420.9
Trading securities 1,323.4 1,439.3 1,154.8 84.6 92.0 73.8
Investment 2,447.8 3,731.5 3,654.7 156.5 238.5 233.6
Securities 3,971.5 3,010.5 2,430.7 253.8 192.4 155.3
purchased under resale agreements
Loans 62,910.4 52,086.4 47,609.4 4,020.7 3,328.9 3,042.8
- Allowances for -939.5 -754.7 -727.6 -60.0 -48.2 -46.5
credit losses
Net loans 61,970.9 51,331.7 46,881.8 3,960.7 3,280.7 2,996.3
Tangible assets 1,809.9 1,897.8 1,983.3 115.7 121.3 126.8
Intangible assets 321.0 406.5 433.7 20.5 26.0 27.7
Prepayments and 2,953.6 2,556.4 2,627.3 188.8 163.4 167.9
accrued interest
Other assets 1,127.1 862.4 1,031.0 72.0 55.0 65.9
Total assets 92,506.8 81,984.1 76,087.9 5,912.2 5,239.7 4,862.9

Due to Central Bank 220.7 139.5 115.7 14.1 8.9 7.4
and government
Due to other 7,753.1 5,670.8 4,069.5 495.5 362.4 260.1
financial institutions
Deposits 61,031.0 55,821.4 52,493.8 3,900.6 3,567.6 3,355.0
Demand deposits 42,284.9 37,499.8 34,201.9 2,702.5 2,396.6 2,185.9
Time deposits 18,746.1 18,321.6 18,291.9 1,198.1 1,171.0 1,169.1
Securities sold 348.4 86.1 255.9 22.3 5.5 16.4
under repurchase agreements
Debt securities 7,695.4 5,656.4 5,305.0 491.8 361.5 339.1
issued to the public
Accrued liabilities 1,892.7 2,020.9 1,864.3 121.0 129.2 119.2
Appropriations 712.6 593.7 536.4 45.5 37.9 34.3
Deferred tax 26.8 26.6 24.0 1.7 1.7 1.5
Other liabilities 1,944.0 2,213.1 2,089.6 124.3 141.5 133.4
Total liabilities 81,624.7 72,228.5 66,754.2 5,216.8 4,616.2 4,266.4
Minority ownership 127.2 16.5 16.8 8.1 1.1 1.1

Subordinated 693.1 709.7 714.2 44.3 45.3 45.6
Common stock 793.4 793.4 793.4 50.7 50.7 50.7
Share premium 2,846.1 2,824.7 2,827.4 181.9 180.5 180.7
Treasury stock -8.2 -26.9 -30.9 -0.5 -1.7 -2.0
Reserves 451.3 453.8 453.8 28.8 29.0 29.0
Other restricted 100.5 100.5 100.5 6.4 6.4 6.4
Currency -124.6 -38.7 27.6 -8.0 -2.4 1.8
translation reserve
Retained earnings 6,003.3 4,922.6 4,430.9 383.7 314.6 283.2
Total shareholders' 10,061.8 9,029.4 8,602.7 643.0 577.1 549.8
Total liabilities 92,506.8 81,984.1 76,087.9 5,912.2 5,239.7 4,862.9
and shareholders'

(in millions, 9m 2003 2002 9m 2002 9m 2003 2002 9m 2002

Interest income 3,700.5 4,906.1 3,642.3 236.5 313.6 232.8
Interest expense -1,280.2 -1,758.3 -1,318.9 -81.8 -112.4 -84.3
Interest income, net 2,420.3 3,147.8 2,323.4 154.7 201.2 148.5

Fee and commission 1,489.3 1,766.7 1,276.8 95.2 112.9 81.6
Fee and commission -318.8 -420.4 -312.1 -20.4 -26.9 -19.9
Fees and commissions, 1,170.5 1,346.3 964.7 74.8 86.0 61.7

Net result from 433.3 463.7 335.8 27.7 29.7 21.5
financial operations
Net income from 23.0 29.8 23.3 1.5 1.9 1.5
insurance activities
Other income 155.3 186.5 149.0 9.9 11.9 9.5
Total income 4,202.4 5,174.1 3,796.2 268.6 330.7 242.7

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 955.9 1,427.7 1,071.7 61.1 91.2 68.5
Data network expenses 161.3 217.5 157.3 10.3 13.9 10.1
Administrative 387.6 530.6 381.1 24.8 33.9 24.4
Other expenses 300.7 562.7 413.9 19.2 36.0 26.4
incl. goodwill 75.0 217.6 193.3 4.8 13.9 12.3
Depreciation 273.6 392.8 306.9 17.5 25.1 19.6
Total operating 2,079.1 3,131.3 2,330.9 132.9 200.1 149.0
Operating profit 2,123.3 2,042.8 1,465.3 135.7 130.6 93.7
before provisions
Losses on loans and -481.0 -313.6 -188.6 -30.7 -20.0 -12.1
Recovered loans 139.6 265.3 208.8 8.9 16.9 13.3
Profit from associates 3.9 5.9 1.1 0.2 0.3 0.1
under the equity method
Profit before income 1,785.8 2,000.4 1,486.6 114.1 127.8 95.0
Income tax -222.9 -124.6 -103.1 -14.2 -7.9 -6.6
Profit after income 1,562.9 1,875.8 1,383.5 99.9 119.9 88.4
Minority interest -9.4 -1.9 -1.5 -0.6 -0.1 -0.1
Net profit 1,553.5 1,873.9 1,382.0 99.3 119.8 88.3

(in millions of euros, Q3 Q2 Q1 Q4 Q3 Q2
unaudited) 2003 2003 2003 2002 2002 2002

Interest income 78.5 78.7 79.4 80.8 78.5 78.0
Interest expense -26.8 -26.7 -28.4 -28.1 -27.0 -28.4
Interest income, net 51.7 52.0 51.0 52.7 51.5 49.6

Fee and commission income 33.0 33.1 29.1 31.3 28.6 28.0
Fee and commission expense -7.6 -6.6 -6.2 -7.0 -6.6 -7.3
Fees and commissions, net 25.4 26.5 22.9 24.3 22.0 20.7

Net result from financial 8.8 11.0 7.9 8.2 7.4 6.2
Net income from insurance 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.5
Other income 3.3 4.2 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.1
Total income 89.7 94.1 84.8 88.0 84.5 80.1

Operating expenses
Personnel expenses 19.7 20.9 20.5 22.7 21.8 22.6
Data network expenses 3.4 3.6 3.3 3.8 3.6 3.4
Administrative expenses 8.4 8.2 8.2 9.5 8.0 8.0
Other expenses 6.9 6.8 5.5 9.6 6.3 10.1
incl. goodwill amortisation 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.6 4.8
Depreciation 5.5 5.9 6.1 5.5 6.6 6.6
Total operating expenses 43.9 45.4 43.6 51.1 46.3 50.7
Operating profit before 45.8 48.7 41.2 36.9 38.2 29.4
Losses on loans and -12.2 -9.8 -8.7 -7.9 -3.6 -3.5
Recovered loans 3.6 1.9 3.4 3.6 3.3 5.3
Profit from associates under - 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.1 -
the equity method
Profit before income tax 37.2 40.9 36.0 32.8 38.0 31.2
Income tax -1.3 -11.6 -1.3 -1.3 -1.4 -4.3
Profit after income tax 35.9 29.3 34.7 31.5 36.6 26.9
Minority interest -0.2 -0.3 -0.1 - - -0.1
Net profit 35.7 29.0 34.6 31.5 36.6 26.8

Mart Tõevere
Head of investor relations
+372 6131 569

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