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17.11.2003, Silvano Fashion Group, TLN

Klementi FINANCIAL RESULTS 11/17/2003


The third quarter of 2003 is characterised by the following
- turnover increase compared to last year 33%
- wholesale growth in the Nordic countries doubled
- net profit EEK 2.5 million
- inventories decreased by 38%, inventory turnover ratio 5.1 (last
year 3.0)
- the number of employees was reduced by 28% i.e. 179 employees
over the year
- 9 month turnover per employee increased by 28%
- changes in the group structure

The unaudited consolidated group net turnover of AS Klementi in
the third quarter of 2003 was EEK 50.9m (EUR 3.3m) and the net
profit amounted to EEK 2.5m (EUR 0.2m). In the same period of the
previous year the turnover amounted to EEK 38.2m (EUR 2.4m) and
the net profit was EEK 3.6m (EUR 0.2m).
Compared with the same period of the previous year the turnover
increased by 33%.

The unaudited consolidated group net turnover of the first 9
months of 2003 was EEK 105.6m (EUR 6.8m) and the net loss amounted
to EEK 16.5m (EUR 1.1m). During the same period of the previous
year the turnover was EEK 95.5m (EUR 6.1m) and the net loss was
EEK 15.2m (EUR 1.0m).

As of September 30, 2003 there were 456 employees in the group.
During the third quarter of 2003 the number of employees was
reduced by 14% i.e. 74 persons.


With a view to providing better service to the Swedish wholesale
clients an independent subsidiary in Sweden was founded. On July
31 2003 AS Klementi acquired non-active company Nybyggaren 10:1000
AB. The new business name of the company is Klementi Trading AB.
AS Klementi owns 100% of the company’s shares.

On October 9 2003 AS Klementi acquired 100% of the Latvian retail
company SIA Vision. The company has been retailing Klementi
apparel for a number of years already and is currently operating
two shops in Riga. Up to then AS Klementi did not have any
shareholding in the company. SIA Vision has been consolidated
into the Klementi group as a subsidiary from August 1 2003.

In connection with the start of co-operation between AS Klementi
and the leading Lithuanian retail chain Apranga APB, AS Klementi
closed its own shops in Lithuania at the beginning of September
and began the liquidation process of its subsidiary UAB Klementi


The net turnover breakdown by activity in the third quarter was as

NET TURNOVER 2003 2002 2003 2002 03/02
EEKm EEKm EURm EURm change
Apparel sales 45.5 33.3 2.9 2.1 36.6%
Subcontracting and other sales 5.4 4.9 0.4 0.3 10.2%
TOTAL 50.9 38.2 3.3 2.4 33.0%

In the third quarter the sale of both the own trademarks and
subcontracting showed positive signs of growth. The sale of
apparel increased in the third quarter by 37%.

The largest increase was in the apparel wholesale in the Nordic
countries, the numbers almost doubled. The wholesale share in the
Nordic countries formed 64% of apparel sale.

The net turnover breakdown by activity in the first nine months
was as follows:

NET TURNOVER 2003 2002 2003 2002 03/02
EEKm EEKm EURm EURm change
Apparel sales 87.9 68.3 5.6 4.4 28.7%
Subcontracting and other sales 17.7 27.2 1.1 1.7 -34.9%
TOTAL 105.6 95.5 6.8 6.1 10.6%

Currently Klementi retail chain consists of 10 shops, 8 of which
are in Estonia and 2 in Latvia. As of the end of September
Klementi had 2,377 square metres of retail area (last year at the
same time the total retail area was 2,547 square metres).
Despite a decrease in retail area the retail turnover increased in
the third quarter by 6%. The share of retail turnover in the total
sale of apparel in the first 9 months was 42%.


The cost on goods, raw materials and services has increased due to
an enlarged share of purchased goods in Klementi collections.

The miscellaneous operating expenses in the third quarter are
incomparable with the figures of last year. In reality the
miscellaneous operating expenses have decreased in comparison with
last year by 8% i.e. EEK 0.7m (EUR 0.05m). In the first half of
2002 improbable receivables in the amount of EEK 10.0m (EUR 0.6m)
were incurred as costs in relation with the bankruptcy of P.T.A.
Group OY. In the third quarter the cost of improbable receivables
was reduced by EEK 5.7m (EUR 0.4m).

The personnel expenses of the third quarter include the redundancy
payments to the amount of EEK 1.1m (EUR 0.07m). In addition to the
company’s own funds the redundancy payments were also covered by
the Unemployment Fund to the amount of EEK 0.5m (EUR 0.03m). By
eliminating the redundancy payments it is clear that the personnel
expenses have decreased in the year by 16%.


The loss of the first 9 months of 2003 includes one-off costs to
the amount of EEK 4.9m (EUR 0.31m), including:

- EEK 1.9m (EUR 0.12m) costs from the previous periods, of which
EEK 1.1m (EUR 0.07m) was due to the additional wholesale loss of
the previous year in Latvia and Lithuania.

- EEK 0.8m (EUR 0.04m) for developing the new retail concept and
the new Klementi logo and reorganising the outlets.

- In the third quarter of 2003 the optimisation of the demand for
workforce was successfully completed. In 9 months the number of
employees was reduced by 25% i.e. 152 people.
The redundancy payments in the given period amounted to EEK 2.2m
(EUR 0.14m).


The consolidated balance sheet of AS Klementi as of September 30
2003 was EEK 131.4m (EUR 8.4m). The stocks have decreased over the
year by 37.6% i.e. EEK 15.8m (EUR 1.0m) and the inventory turnover
ratio has improved by 2.1 points.

The wholesale increase in the third quarter in the Nordic
countries by EEK 14.3m (EUR 0.9m) has led to an increase in the
accounts receivable by EEK 5.6m (EUR 0.4m).

The investment volume of the first half-year was EEK 0.9m, most of
which went into the opening of the new shop in the Kristiine
shopping centre.

With the purchase of SIA Vision additional goodwill was accumulated
in the amount of EEK 2.1m (EUR 0.13m), which is reflected in the
balance sheet under intangible assets.
Simultaneously, as a result of this transaction the long-term
financial investments and the accounts receivable decreased and
the inventories increased.

In June of the current year the public issue of the company’s
shares took place, as a result of which the share premium
increased to EEK 40.9m (EUR 2.6m). In the third quarter the share
premium was reduced by the amount of the direct management costs
of the issue by EEK 0.6m (EUR 0.04m).

The key financial ratios of AS Klementi group as of 30.09.2003:

2003 2002
9 months 9 months

- year-over-year turnover growth (third quarter) 33.0% 12.9%

- year-over-year turnover growth (9 months) 10.6% 21.5%

- apparel sale share in total turnover 83.2% 71.5%

- inventory turnover ratio (adjusted to year) 5.1 3.0
[net turnover/average inventory]

- current ratio 0.94 1.27
[current assets/current liabilities]

- liquidity ratio 0.53 0.51
[current assets-inventory / current liabilities]

- EBIT margin -12.0% -11.6%
[operating profit / net turnover]

- net margin -15.6% -15.9%
[net profit / net turnover]

» BALANCE SHEET consolidated, unaudited
30.09.2003 30.09.2002 31.12.2002
EEK ‘000 EEK ‘000 EEK ‘000

Cash and bank 3 402 2 725 4 485
Customer receivables 28 571 22 992 12 537
Misc. receivables and accrued income 500 479 868
Prepaid expenses 1 591 1 765 2 896
Inventories 26 331 42 172 29 002
CURRENT ASSETS 60 395 70 133 49 788

Long-term financial investments 1 471 3 182 2 578
Tangible fixed assets 61 955 51 468 64 649
Intangible assts 7 553 764 5 771
NON-CURRENT ASSETS 70 979 55 414 72 998
ASSETS 131 374 125 547 122 786

Debt obligations 52 072 36 573 34 792
Customer prepayment 17 0 952
Accounts payable 5 717 10 027 10 867
Miscellaneous payables 0 0 0
Tax liabilities 3 369 4 999 3 875
Accrued expenses 3 193 3 623 3 905
Other unearned revenue 0 12 12
Short-term provisions 3 3 12
SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES 64 371 55 237 54 415

Long-term liabilities 27 494 32 395 27 467
Other long-term liabilities 4 928 0 4 928
Long-term provisions 68 68 68
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 32 490 32 463 32 463
TOTAL LIABILITIES 96 861 87 700 86 878

Share capital 18 969 13 219 13 219
Share premium 40 294 30 863 30 863
Revaluation reserve 15 578 816 15 578
Other reserves 1 046 1 046 1 046
Retained profit -24 798 7 083 7 083
Profit for the financial year -16 496 -15 180 -31 881
EQUITY 34 513 37 847 35 908
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 131 374 125 547 122 786

» BALANCE SHEET consolidated, unaudited
30.09.2003 30.09.2002 31.12.2002
EUR ‘000 EUR ‘000 EUR ‘000
Cash and bank 217 174 287
Customer receivables 1 826 1 469 801
Misc. receivables and accrued income 32 31 55
Prepaid expenses 102 113 185
Inventories 1 683 2 695 1 854
CURRENT ASSETS 3 860 4 482 3 182

Long-term financial investments 94 203 165
Tangible fixed assets 3 960 3 290 4 132
Intangible assets 483 49 368
NON-CURRENT ASSETS 4 536 3 542 4 665
ASSETS 8 396 8 024 7 847

Debt obligations 3 328 2 337 2 223
Customer prepayments 1 0 61
Accounts payable 365 641 694
Miscellaneous payables 0 247 0
Tax liabilities 215 319 247
Accrued expenses 204 232 250
Other unearned revenue 0 1 1
Short-term provisions 0 0 1
SHORT-TERM LIABILITIES 4 114 3 530 3 477

Long-term liabilities 1 757 2 070 1 755
Other long-term liabilities 315 0 315
Long-term provisions 4 4 4
LONG-TERM LIABILITIES 2 076 2 074 2 074
TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 191 5 604 5 551

Share capital 1 212 845 845
Share premium 2 575 1 973 1 973
Revaluation reserve 996 52 996
Other reserves 67 67 67
Retained profit -1 585 453 453
Profit for the financial year -1 054 -970 -2 038
EQUITY 2 206 2 420 2 296
LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 8 396 8 024 7 847

» III QUARTER INCOME STATEMENT consolidated, unaudited
2003 2002 2003 2002
Q3 Q3 Q3 Q3
EEK’000 EEK’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Net sales 50 864 38 236 3 251 2 444
Change in inventories -3 514 2 276 -225 145
Other revenue 543 577 35 37
TOTAL REVENUE 47 893 41 089 3 061 2 626

Goods, raw material and services 19 540 14 709 1 249 940
Miscellaneous operating expenses 8 616 3 609 551 231
Personnel expenses 13 600 14 822 869 947
Depreciation 1 918 1 749 123 112
Other expenses 370 811 24 51
TOTAL EXPENSES 44 044 35 700 2 815 2 281

OPERATING PROFIT 3 849 5 389 246 345

Interest expenses -1 481 -1 857 -95 -119
Foreign exchange profit (loss) 104 -45 7 -3
Other financial income / expense 35 66 2 4
NET FINANCIAL ITEMS -1 342 -1 836 -86 -118

NET PROFIT 2 507 3 553 160 227
Basic earnings per share (EEK / EUR) 1.32 1.60 0.08 -0.26
Diluted earnings per share (EEK / EUR) 1.30 1.52 0.08 -0.24

» 9 MONTH INCOME STATEMENT consolidated, unaudited
2003 2002 2003 2002
9 months 9 months 9 months 9 months
EEK’000 EEK’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Net sales 105 643 95 522 6 752 6 105
Change in inventories -5 504 759 -352 48
Other revenue 1 158 1 346 74 86
TOTAL REVENUE 101 297 97 627 6 474 6 239

Goods, raw material and services 42 392 34 051 2 709 2 176
Miscellaneous operating expenses 23 328 24 905 1 491 1 592
Personnel expenses 40 945 42 903 2 617 2 742
Depreciation 5 611 5 086 359 325
Other expenses 1 660 1 793 106 114
TOTAL EXPENSES 113 936 108 738 7 282 6 949

OPERATING PROFIT -12 639 -11 111 -808 -710

Interest expenses -4 017 -4 255 -257 -272
Foreign exchange profit (loss) 24 -11 2 1
Other financial income / expense 136 197 9 11
NET FINANCIAL ITEMS -3 857 -4 069 -247 -260

NET PROFIT -16 496 -15 180 -1 054 -970
Basic earnings per share (EEK/ EUR) -10.63 -4.92 -0.68 -0.31
Diluted earnings per share (EEK/ EUR) -10.28 -4.64 -0.66 -0.30

Toomas Leis
+372 6 710 700

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