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25.02.2004, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN

Rakvere Lihakombinaat FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/25/2004




AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat is the largest meat processing company in the
Baltics. The average number of employees of the Group was 1326 in 2003
(1267 in 2002). The parent company is located and registered in Estonia,
County of Lääne-Virumaa, Sõmeru , Roodevälja Village.

The Group companies as at 31 December 2003:
Country Participation Participation
of location 31.12.03 31.12.02
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat
(the parent company) Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 98,4% 98.2%
AS Ekseko’s subsidiaries:
OÜ Kurika Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Söödatehas Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Viiratsi Peekon Estonia 100% 0%
OÜ Lutsu Seafarm Estonia 100% 0%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
OÜ RLK Kinnisvarahalduse Estonia 0% 100%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 93.82% 92,47%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai subsidiaries:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Prekyba Lithuania 100% 0%


The Baltic States’ resolution to join the European Union can be considered
to be the most significant economic event of 2003. Although such goal had
been set long before the referendum, the positive results of the
referendum attested to the conclusiveness of the accession. The outcome
of the accession talks that ended in 2003 was not surprising.

In the course of the accession talks, the Baltic States stated that no
transition period needs to be established for the meat industry upon the
accession to the EU. This means that, after 1 May 2004, all meat
processing companies operating in the Baltic region will fully comply
with the requirements established by the European Union. The EU
accession forced the companies to make major investments, especially
as regards to bringing the production hygiene and good manufacturing
practices into the line with the European laws.

The companies had duly and widely took advantage of the opportunity to
apply for aid from the corresponding support funds to finance their
investments. With the help of EU-supported investments, the companies
launched a markedly bigger-than-average number of new products and
packaging to the market. This tightened the competition on the meat
market. EU support funds also granted aid to the Rakvere Meat Processing
Plant Group (hereinafter RLK Group) companies, Rigas Miesnieks and Ekseko.

The import of low-price Polish government-subsidised pork had a big
effect on the Baltic meat market throughout 2003. With the help of
state export subsidies, Polish companies could sell pork at a price
lower than the cost price paid by the Baltic pig farmers. This
considerably lowered the market price for pork, and rendered the
conditions for local manufacturers very difficult. The local
manufacturers insisted that the Estonian and Latvian governments apply
protective measures for restricting the import of subsidised products.
To protect the local manufacturers, the Estonian government imposed
protective customs duties on the import of Polish pork, while the Latvian
government established, in June 2003, a comprehensive 0.267 LVL/kg import
tariff for pork, irrespective of the country of origin. Lithuania applied
national protective measures as well. Still, due to the subsidy volume,
the restrictions established by the governments proved insufficient.

Latvia’s decision had a material effect on the operations and financial
results of the RLK Group, since the Rakvere Meat Processing Plant
(hereinafter RLK) supplies pork to all of Rigas Miesnieks. After the
entry into force of the government regulation, Rigas Miesnieks was forced
to pay import tariffs on most of the raw materials. This increased the
cost price of the products. In October, the Latvian government established
customs duty-free pork import quotas for Latvian meat processing companies.
This covered most of the needs of Rigas Miesnieks.

The tense situation on the meat market also had an effect on other trade
operations in the Baltic countries. Free trade movement across the borders
of the Baltic States was often hindered for various reasons. In the
beginning of May, the State Food and Veterinary Service of the Republic
of Lithuania temporarily banned the import of meat products manufactured
by the RLK due to RLK’s alleged labelling failure to comply with the
regulations established for product. The temporary ban was upheld for a
total of six weeks and caused major production problems in the subsidiary
Klaipedos Maistas Produktai, which, in turn, resulted in a sudden drop in
the company’s market share and a deterioration in the financial results.

Irrespective of the problems in the meat sector, the economies of the Baltic
States continued to show positive development trends. Lithuania showed the
fastest economic growth in 2003. Positive economic growth was largely based
on a rapid increase in consumption by the private sector. In addition to
the growth in general consumption, the consumption of meat and meat products
increased nearly 2-3% during the year. The most rapid growth could be seen
in poultry consumption. Pork consumption (per capita) remained more or less
on the same level, and beef consumption dropped significantly. The decrease
in veal consumption (together with the increase in milk production),
especially in Lithuania and Estonia, led to the oversupply of beef which
lead to a subsequent price drop in the second half of 2003.

In 2003, the competition also tightened in the retail trade sector. Retail
chains, which are mostly based on foreign capital, made investments in
hypermarkets and supermarkets in big cities. Since the product price
remains customers’ main consideration for their purchases, the retail
trade’s price pressure also had a growing effect on the meat industry. The
tightened competition on the meat market, caused by major investments as
well as the retail companies’ pressure, caused the prices of meat products
to drop by nearly 6-8% in all Baltic countries. The price drop in meat
products had a significant role in the low level of the consumer price
index in the Baltic region in 2003.


January - Rakvere launched a new and improved trademark on the market.
- Lloyd’s Register issued ISO9001/2000 and ISO14000/1996 quality
certificates to RLK.
- Continuous invasion of the low-priced Polish government-subsidised
pork to the Baltic markets.

February RLK launched a series of fresh meat in consumer package.

June - The State Veterinary and Food Service of the Republic of
Lithuania banned the import of RLK’s meat products for six weeks.
- The third farm was completed in co-operation with Lõpe Agro
within the framework of the contractual pig farming project.

July The Government of the Republic of Latvia imposed protective
customs duties on pork import in the amount of 0.267 LVL/kg.

August The Supervisory Board of Klaipedos Maistas Produktai removed the
Chairman of the Management Board Dimitri Chudakov, and appointed
Saulius Masalskis as the new Chairman of the Management Board.

September - The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Latvia
established, for the 4th quarter, customs duty-free quotas on
the import of pork from various countries (including Estonia).
- The Supervisory Board of RLK was appointed at the Extraordinary
Shareholder’s Meeting on 16 September 2003: Simo Palokangas,
Matti Perkonoja and Olli Antniemi.

October RLK was entered in the list of EU-approved companies.

November Rigas Miesnieks completed the reconstruction of its meat
dumpling plant to meet the EU requirements.

December In addition to the existing ISO9001/2000 quality certificate,
Lloyd’s Register issued to Ekseko the ISO14000/1996 quality


Compared to the unexpectedly favourable 2002, the financial results of the
RLK Group remained quite modest in 2003 as regards to profit and sales
increase. At the same time, production volume continued to grow and the
company continued its planned development irrespective of the complicated
market situation. The cyclical nature of the business branch has a
significant effect on the economic activities of the RLK Group, which is a
vertically integrated company involved in both primary production and
product processing.

The consolidated net sales of the RLK Group totalled 74 543 thousand
euros - a decrease of 3 846 thousand euros (4.9%), compared to 2002.
This decrease was triggered, first and foremost, by the drop in sales
prices, which, in turn, was conditioned by the low raw material price
level and tightened competition on the meat market.

The total production output (including the by-products) amounted to
41,044 tons - an increase of 1,175 tons (3%) compared to 2002. Growth
in production volume slowed down in the second half-year since the company
was forced to significantly reduce the purchase volumes of pork as a
result of protective import tariffs established by Latvia.

Rakvere Lihakombinaat Rakvere Lihakombinaat
Group Parent company
2003 2002 Diff.% 2003 2002 Diff.%
Net sales (th. euros) 74 543 78 389 -4.9% 60 112 62 444 -3.7%
Operating profit
(th. euros) 3 222 5 669 -43% 3 088 2 998 +3.0%
Net profit (th. euros) 2 546 4 814 -47% 2 546 4 814 -47%
The average number of
employees 1 326 1 267 +4.7% 779 736 +5.8%
Investments (th. euros) 5 734 4 713 +22% 1 771 1 672 +5.7%

The share of current assets in the balance sheet structure of RLK Group
Rakvere has continually increased. Current assets made up 39% of the
total balance sheet volume in 2003. Non-current assets, which made up
67-68% of the balance sheet volume between 1998 and 2000, dropped to 61%.
At the same time, the share of external funding has decreased in the
company. In the end of 1998, external funding amounted to 54% of the
company’s balance sheet. By the end of 2003, however, external funding
only amounted to 32%. This is the result of the profitability of the
company, and a decrease in the loan burden in recent years.

In 2003, net cash flow from operating activities amounted to 6 852 thousand
euros. In addition to the operating profit and depreciation, cash flow was
also affected by decrease in inventories and increase in operating
liabilities. The inventories decreased by 430 thousand euros in 2003 as
a result of improved stock management. Total change in cash flow after the
offsetting of cash flow from investing activities and cash flow from
financing activities was also positive, amounting to 1 136 thousand euros
(222 thousand euros in 2002).


Total investments in the RLK Group companies amounted to 5 734 thousand
euros in 2003. RLK is already an EU-approved company, major investments
were made in bringing Rigas Miesnieks into line with the EU requirements.
Since these investments constitute capital investments, a majority of them
will not be implemented until the beginning of 2004. Major single
investments included the reconstruction of the dumplings plant and the
launch of construction of the new logistics centre (which should be
completed by the spring of 2004) in Riga.

Investments in the parent company RLK totalled 1 771 thousand euros. Most
of this amount was spent on replacing equipment so as to increase
efficiency. The most significant innovation was the launch of
consumer-packaged meat products in accordance with Rakvere’s long-term
fresh meat strategy.

Investments in Ekseko amounted to 1 871 thousand euros. These
investments were used for improving production efficiency, reconstructing
old buildings and equipment, and enhancing the environmental-friendliness
of the company. Major single investments included the continued
reconstruction of the farrowing stables, replacement of the windows of
the fattening unit, launch of reconstruction of insemination sections
and construction of the liquid manure storage facility.

Major development projects included the renewal of the Rakvere trademark
at the beginning of the year, and the "Estonian Pig" campaign in the
autumn. The trademark renewal and the change of the packaging concept
was a carefully planned strategic project. The main objective of this
transformation was to communicate new values and tie them to the company’s
development. The new symbol of Rakvere - the oak tree - is a strong and
hardy tree with a long lifespan. The oak is a continually growing and
maturing tree which produces new acorns every year. The goal of the
"Estonian Pig" campaign was to acknowledge the high-quality pork produced
by Ekseko, and meet the customers’ expectations as regards to the local
raw material. The campaign was well received by the consumers and
customers, and achieved its goal.

On 10 September 2003, the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal
Health in Brussels unanimously decided to grant EU approval to RLK. Only
those companies that meet the hygiene and structural requirements
established for the common market of the European Union are approved by
the Committee. RLK applied for the approval of its fresh meat, and is
currently the only meat processing company in Estonia that has the honour
of being approved by the Committee. RLK is thus among those approved
third countries that have been authorised to export their products to the
EU market.

RLK brought its production into accordance with the EU requirements
already by 1 June 2002, after having invested over 40 million kroons
in production modernisation. The approval of the Committee means that
RLK can start exporting its pork to other EU countries. The company made
its first actual sales transaction in January 2004. EU sales constitute
a new, highly perspective business for the company.

In 2003, the RLK Group companies continued developing and implementing
the quality systems. The ISO 9001/2000 quality certificate has already
been issued to the parent company RLK, Ekseko and Rigas Miesnieks. In
addition, the ISO14000/1996 environment certificate has been issued to
the parent company RLK and Ekseko, Ekseko being the first agricultural
company in Estonia to be granted such a certificate. Both companies
have implemented internal inspection systems and HACCP quality systems
within the company in accordance with the specific regulations on food
processing companies such as RLK and Rigas Miesnieks. These systems are
supervised by the corresponding authorities. The Balanced Scorecard
continues to be used as a management tool in the RLK Group companies.


The situation on the Baltic meat market will probably remain volatile
until accession to the European Union on 1 May 2004. Enforcement of
market protection measures, which hinder normal competition, will
remain a possibility until that time. While the Estonian market has
already been opened for competitors abroad, Latvia’s and Lithuania’s
import duties and restrictions on meat and several meat products still
apply. The above restrictions on EU goods will be abandoned after 1
May 2004, and the competition will become even tighter. Lithuania will
see the harshest battles for market shares.

Competition will also tighten between local meat processing companies.
The pressure from retail will increase and the role of the company’s
internal efficiency in ensuring profitability will also increase.
The RLK management has initiated several projects in order to improve
the co-operation between the group companies, and achieve a higher
efficiency rate through mutual synergy. These projects mainly involve
specialisation of the RLK Group companies in the manufacturing of
certain product groups, as well as the improvement of the logistical
co-operation between the RLK Group companies so as to increase cost
efficiency. For instance, the company plans to centralise meat cutting
and sliced product manufacturing in the parent company RLK. Negotiations
on possible co-operation in the Baltic States are currently ongoing with
Tallegg, a company owned by the owner of RLK. Considering the losses
made by the subsidiary Klaipedos Maistas Produktai, and the failure to
achieve the set goals, major structural changes have been planned for
the subsidiary. However, these changes cannot be introduced until the
accession to the EU, and the abandonment of trade restrictions between
the Baltic States.

Opening of the EU markets will provide a range of new prospects for
the RLK Group companies. In the first instance, the company plans to
launch the export of cut and frozen parts of pork to countries with a
higher price level.

The chief objective of the company is to maintain and strengthen the
position of the company as the leader in the Baltic meat market.
Irrespective of the potential hindrances and problems at the beginning
of the year, we believe that the projects we have launched will help us
ensure continued growth.

(in thousands of euros)

Group Parent company
ASSETS 31.12.2003 31.12.2002 31.12.2003 31.12.2002
*adjusted *adjusted
Current assets
Cash and bank 2 111 975 1 958 184
Trade receivables 5 543 5 705 4 029 3 908
Tax receivables 546 355 24 124
Other short-term receivables 309 396 2 528 2 265
Inventories 5 627 6 409 3 567 4 361
Biological assets 4 178 3 828 0 0
Total current assets 18 315 17 667 12 107 10 842

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables 62 290 5 224
Investments in subsidiaries 0 0 11 312 10 104
Tangible fixed assets 27 976 26 570 15 055 15 087
Other intangible assets 211 130 46 66
Goodwill 53 0 0 0
Total non-current assets 28 301 26 989 26 416 25 482

T OT A L A S S E T S: 46 616 44 656 38 523 36 324


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 278 177 13 12
Supplier payables 4 553 4 381 2 380 2 860
Tax payables 647 756 368 356
Deferred tax 109 0 0 0
Other current liabilities 1 395 1 025 2 533 1 300
Total current liabilities 6 982 6 339 5 294 4 528

Long-term loans and
lease payable 7 947 9 128 1 821 2 834
Pension liabilities 47 0 0 0
Total liabilities 14 976 15 467 7 115 7 362

Minority interest 232 227 0 0

Owners’ equity
Share capital 24 108 24 108 24 108 24 108
Mandatory legal reserve 622 380 622 380
Retained earnings 6 728 4 424 6 728 4 424
Unrealised translation
differences -50 49 -50 49
Total owners’ equity 31 408 28 962 31 408 28 962

OWNERS’ EQUITY : 46 616 44 656 38 523 36 324

(in thousands of euros)

Group Parent company
REVENUE 2003 2002 2003 2002
*adjusted *adjusted

Net sales 74 543 78 389 60 112 62 444
Other revenue 549 353 210 171
Total revenue 75 093 78 742 60 324 62 616

Change in work-in-progress
and finished goods -295 55 -245 2
Change in fair value of
biological assets 351 -92 0 0
Materials, consumables and
supplies -47 098 -49 656 -43 651 -46 987
Other operating expenses -11 052 -9 930 -5 342 -5 231
Personnel expenses -10 034 -9 723 -5 985 -5 677
Depreciation and write-downs of
non-current assets -3 358 -3 113 -1 748 -1 590
Other expenses -384 -613 -264 -136

Operating profit 3 222 5 669 3 088 2 998

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange gain/loss -81 -127 -47 -77
Net gain/loss from shares of
subsidiaries 0 0 -612 1 848
Interest and other financial income
and expenses -508 -706 117 44
Total financial income/expenses -589 -833 -542 1 815

Profit before taxes 2 633 4 836 2 546 4 814
Income tax -110 0 0 0
Minority interest 24 -22 0 0

Net profit 2 546 4 814 2 546 4 814

Earnings per share 0,067 0,128 0,067 0,128

Olle Horm
Chairman of the Board
32 29 221

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