Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 23:15 (GMT+3)


26.02.2004, Saku Õlletehas, TLN

Saku Õlletehas FINANCIAL RESULTS 02/26/2004


Performance and results

Saku Brewery Ltd ended 2003 with revenues of EEK 464.1m,
(€29.7m), an EEK 21.5m (€1.4m), i.e. 4.8% improvement on
2002. Sales results improved both in the domestic and
export markets, especially in the segment of other
alcoholic beverages (cider and long drink).

Since 2003 the net result of the sales and purchases of
returnable containers is recognised as other revenue or
other expense depending on whether the transactions
result in a gain or a loss. As a result, comparable
revenues for 2002 have been reduced to the extent of EEK
328.2m (€21m).

In quantitative terms, our beverage sales totalled 57m
litres, 1% up on 2002, the domestic market contributing
49.8m and export markets 7.2m of the total. With annual
sales of 41.2m litres and a 42.5% market share we
remained the leader of the Estonian beer market. Other
alcoholic beverages accounted for 2.1m litres of
beverages sold in the domestic market, 140% growth on

Expenses remained more or less stable, decreasing by EEK
1.7m (€109,000), i.e. 0.4% compared to 2002. Spending on
materials, consumables and supplies grew by EEK 20.7m
(€1.3m), largely on account of an increase in the output
of canned products (up 4.3m litres). Other operating
expenses, on the other hand, decreased by EEK 20.6m
(€1.3m). The largest savings were attained in advertising
where improved efficiency allowed to cut costs without a
reduction in marketing operations but we cut back also in
other areas.

Operating profit for the period amounted to EEK 63.4m
(€4.1m), EEK 23.2m (€1.5m), i.e. 57.6% up on 2002. Net
profit equalled EEK 54.8m (€3.5m), reflecting a 59.1%
improvement on the adjusted figure for 2002. Earnings per
share amounted to EEK 6.85 (€0.44).

Our direct tax burden was EEK 205.7m (€13.1m), including
alcohol excise duties of EEK 136.9m (€8.7m).

At the year-end we employed 245 people under contracts
with an unspecified term. The average number of employees
was 247.

Market and consumption

According to the Estonian Breweries Association, in 2003
the volume of the Estonian beer market levelled off at 97
million litres. Per-capita consumption amounted to 70.7
litres. In the first half of the year, the market shrank
due to cold weather 7% on the same period in 2002. At the
end of nine months, however, thanks to a recovery
triggered by better weather conditions in the second half
of the summer the domestic beer market was only 3%
smaller than a year ago. In the fourth quarter, growth
continued on account of an increase in the distribution
of cheaper beers and price campaigns. In terms of the
whole year, market volume the same as in 2002.

Based on the information of the Estonian Breweries
Association, in 2003 the Estonian beer market was divided
as follows: the leader was Saku Brewery Ltd with 42.5% of
the market, followed by Tartu Õlletehas (35.4%), Viru Õlu
(10.2%), imported beers (8.3%), Pärnu Õlletehas (2.4%),
Nigula Õlu (0.8%), Saaremaa Õlletehas (0.4%) and Sillamäe
Õlletehas (0.1%).

Increasing demand for cheaper beers allowed both cheaper
import and cheaper and stronger domestic beers to expand
their market share. The rise of cheaper beers increased
use of one-way, especially plastic containers on account
of bottles mostly. In 2003, 64% of the beer supplied to
the Estonian market was bottled, 15% canned, 14% in
plastic containers and 7% was draught.

In 2003 we continued putting a lot of effort in product
development. In response to the increasing popularity of
plastic containers and the rise of extra strong beers, we
launched in October Presidendi Pilsner and Presidendi 8
in plastic containers and in March Presidendi 10, which
improved our position in the extra strong segment. In
summer we brought out an innovative seasonal product Saku
on Ice Tequila.

Other beverages
Saku Brewery has expanded on other beverages markets in
2003. According to the Estonian Breweries Association, in
2003 the domestic cider market grew to 4.7 million litres
(37%). Sales of our Kiss line improved by an outstanding
80% thanks to new canned products. The line attained 25%
of the accumulated market volume, 5.6 percentage points
up on 2002.
The Estonian long drink market grew to 7 million litres.
The share of our Gin Long Drink line improved by 10
percentage points to 13% of the market.
The Estonian mineral water market grew to 35 million
litres (12%). We compete in the premium segment with the
Saku Vichy Classique line and in the mainstream cheap
segment with the Montavit line. In 2003 sales of Saku
mineral waters grew 22.5%. Our market share is 12% and
Saku Vichy Classique is among the five most recognised
mineral waters in Estonia.

In 2003 the Estonian soft drink market shrank to 47
million litres (4.1%). Sales of Saku Brewery’s soft
drinks, however, grew 6.4%, largely on account of the
launch of Päikese kvass and Päikese clear lemonade in the
second half of the year.


In 2003 we invested EEK 33.5m (€2.1m) in property, plant
and equipment and intangible assets. Investments in
production and laboratory facilities totalled EEK 21.3m
(€1.4m). The largest projects were installation of a PET
line, which began in 2003 and will be completed in 2004.
Sales-related investments totalled EEK 5.6m (€0.4m) and
investments in information systems and data security
amounted to EEK 1.0m (€65,000).

(In thousands) EEK EUR
31.12.20 31.12.20 31.12.2031.12.20
03 02 03 02
Adjusted Adjusted
* *

Cash and bank 22,023 3,296 1,408 211
Trade receivables (Note 2) 35,308 29,051 2,256 1,857
Other receivables and 3,882 2,645 248 169
prepayments (Note 3)
Inventories (Note 4) 113,652 118,480 7,264 7,572
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 174,865 153,472 11,176 9,809

Non-current assets
Long-term financial assets 14,060 16,000 899 1,023
(Notes 5, 10)
Other long-term 45 98 3 6
receivables (Note 6)
Property, plant and 245,843 260,597 15,712 16,655
equipment (Note 7)
Intangible assets (Note 8) 719 1,147 46 73
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 260,667 277,842 16,660 17,757
TOTAL ASSETS 435,532 431,314 27,836 27,566

Current liabilities
Debt obligations (Notes 907 7,154 58 457
Trade payables 12,226 19,962 782 1,277
Payables to group 4,600 282 294 18
companies (Note 15)
Deposit liability (Notes 29,209 29,751 1,867 1,901
4, 7)
Tax liabilities (Note 11) 15,809 12,376 1,010 791
Payables to employees 4,288 4,607 274 294
Other accrued expenses 1,599 3,463 102 222
Provisions (Note 12) 373 676 24 43
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 69,011 78,271 4,411 5,003

Non-current liabilities
Non-convertible debt 419 1,711 27 109
(Notes 9,10)
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 419 1,711 27 109

Equity (Note 13)
Share capital 80,000 80,000 5,113 5,113
Mandatory capital reserve 8,000 8,000 511 511
Other reserves 44,070 44,070 2,817 2,817
Accumulated profits 179,262 184,838 11,457 11,813
Net profit for the period 54,770 34,424 3,500 2,200
TOTAL EQUITY 366,102 351,332 23,398 22,454
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 435,532 431,314 27,836 27,566

* Comparable data on 2002 has been adjusted because in
2003 the principles of IAS 12 were implemented for the
recognition of dividend tax (for further information
refer to Note 13).
In addition, adjustments have been made for changes in
the recognition of returnable containers (for further
information refer to Note 4).

(In thousands) EEK EUR
2003 2002 2003 2002
Adjusted Adjusted
* *

Sales revenue (Note 14) 463,362 440,218 29,614 28,135
Other revenue (Note 16) 736 2,416 47 154
Total revenue 464,098 442,634 29,661 28,289

Expenses (Note 17)
Changes in inventories of 453 964 29 62
work in progress and
finished goods
Materials, consumables and 185,104 164,377 11,830 10,505
supplies used
Other operating expenses 112,158 132,724 7,168 8,483
Personnel expenses 52,091 53,872 3,329 3,443
Depreciation and 46,216 43,410 2,954 2,774
amortisation expense
Other expenses 4,688 7,075 300 452
Total expenses 400,710 402,422 25,610 25,719

PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS 63,388 40,212 4,051 2,570

Financial income and -936 -1,391 -60 -89
expenses (Note 18)

PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 62,452 38,821 3,991 2,481

Income tax expense 7,682 4,397 491 281

NET PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD 54,770 34,424 3,500 2,200

Basic earnings per share 6.85 4.30 0.44 0.28
(Note 19)
Diluted earnings per share 6.85 4.30 0.44 0.28
(Note 19)

* Comparable data on 2002 has been adjusted because in
2003 the principles of IAS 12 were implemented for the
recognition of dividend tax (for further information
refer to Note 13).
In addition, adjustments have been made for changes in
the recognition of returnable containers (for further
information refer to Note 14).

Kristina Seimann
Communication Manager
+ 372 6 508 303

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