Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 11:07 (GMT+3)


06.05.2004, Sampo Pank, TLN

Sampo Pank FINANCIAL RESULTS 05/06/2004


Unaudited business results of the
Consolidated Group of AS Sampo Pank of the
3 months of 2004

The net profit of the Consolidated Group of
AS Sampo Pank (hereinafter the Group) was
EEK 26.5 million in Q1 2004, an increase of
38.9% or EEK 7.4 million compared to the
same period last year. The Group’s return
on equity was 19.6% (17.0% in Q1 2003) and
return on assets was 1.4% (1.3%).

Income Statement

The Group’s income, which includes net
interest income, net fee and commission
income and other non-interest income
amounted to EEK 95.4 million in Q1 of 2004.
Compared to Q1 2003, the Group’s income
increased by 17.1% or EEK 14.0 million. Net
interest income accounted for 57,0%
(60,4%), net fee and commission income
25.9% (24.1%), income from foreign exchange
transactions 5.6% (6.5%), income from
investments in securities 9.7% (6.5%) and
other income 1.8% (2.5%) of the total
income earned in Q1 2004.

Net Interest Income

The Group’s net interest income amounted to
EEK 54.4 million in Q1 of the current year,
an increase of 10.6% or EEK 5.2 million
compared to the same period last year (EEK
49.2 million).

The Group’s return on interest earning
assets accounted for 5.0% (6.3%) and
expense on interest bearing liabilities
2.2% (2.9%) in Q1 2004, as a result of
which interest spread was 2.8% (3.4%). Net
interest margin before allowances for loan
impairment reached 2.8% (3.3%) in Q1 of the
current year.

Non-Interest Income

The Group’s non-interest income increased
by 25.0% or EEK 9.1 million compared to Q1
2003, amounting to EEK 45.4 million in the
period under review. The breakdown of non-
interest income was as follows: fee and
commission income 63.2% (65.2%), income
from investments in securities 21.2%
(14.6%), income from foreign exchange
transactions 11.8% (14.5%) and other income
3.8% (5.7%). Fee and commission income
increased by 21.2% or EEK 5.0 million
compared to the same period last year,
amounting to EEK 28.7 million at the end of
Q1 of the current year.
Non-Interest Expenses

The Group’s non-interest expenses totalled
EEK 57.9 million in Q1 2004, an increase of
7.8% or EEK 4.2 million compared to Q1 of
the prior year. The breakdown of non-
interest expenses was as follows: personnel
expenses 60.0% or EEK 34.7 million (58.9%
or EEK 31.6 million) and other
administrative expenses 29.8% or EEK 17.3
million (32.5% or EEK 17.4 million).
Compared to the same period last year,
personnel expenses increased by 9.7% or EEK
3.1 million and other administrative
expenses decreased by 1.1% or EEK 200

Due to the slower increase in expenses in
comparison with the growth of income the
Group’s cost/income ratio dropped from
65.9% in Q1 2003 to 60.6% in Q1 2004. The
ratio of non-interest expenses to average
assets also declined: from 3.6% in Q1 2003
to 3.0% in Q1 of this year.

Balance Sheet

The Group’s total assets amounted to EEK
7.7 billion at the end of March 2004, an
increase of 6.4% or EEK 459 million over Q1
2004 and an increase of 23.7% or EEK 1.5
billion over the year.


The volume of the Group’s gross loan
portfolio grew by 6.7% or EEK 353,8 million
over Q1 of the current year, amounting to
EEK 5.6 billion at the end of March 2004
and accounting for 73.3% of the Group’s
total assets. The annual growth of the
gross loan portfolio reached 31.5%. Loans
to private enterprises totalled EEK 3.2
billion at the end of March 2004,
accounting for 57.0% of the gross loan
portfolio. Loans to private enterprises
increased by 5.3% or EEK 160.7 million over
Q1 2004 and by 31.5% or EEK 1.3 billion
over the year. Loans to private persons
grew by 8.9% or EEK 183.4 million over Q1
2004 and 63.0% or EEK 864.8 million over
the year. As at the end of March 2004,
loans to private persons totalled EEK 2.2
billion, accounting for 39.9% of the gross
loan portfolio.

At the end of March of the current year
allowances for loan impairment represented
2.0% of the gross loan portfolio, remaining
at the level of the year-end of 2003. In Q1
2004 uncollectible loans were written off
in the amount of EEK 1.7 million and at the
same time EEK 0.3 million was recovered
from the write-offs of the previous
periods. Allowances for loan impairment
were established in the amount of EEK 11.4
million in Q1 of the current year, compared
to EEK 8.8 million in the same period last


The volume of client deposits increased by
2.7% or EEK 108.8 million over Q1 of the
current year and by 22.8% or EEK 768.0
million over the year, amounting to EEK 4.1
billion at the end of March 2004. The
deposits of private persons increased by
2.1% or EEK 21.7 million, while the
deposits of private enterprises remained
almost unchanged. The deposits of private
persons and those of private enterprises
increased by 22.6% or EEK 197.8 million and
26.3% or EEK 505.3 million over the year,
respectively. The share of the deposits of
private persons made up 25.9% and that of
private enterprises 58.6% of total

In Q1 of the current year demand deposits
increased by 6.2% or EEK 129.9 million,
chiefly due to the growth of the demand
deposits of private enterprises. Total
client demand deposits experienced an
increase of 29.5% or EEK 506.5 million over
the year, amounting to EEK 2.2 billion at
the end of March 2004.

The volume of time deposits decreased by
1.1% or EEK 21.1 million over Q1 of the
current year, but increased by 15.8% or EEK
261.5 million over the year. At the end of
March the volume of time deposits amounted
to EEK 1.9 billion.

The share of client deposits in the Group’s
total liabilities and owners’ equity
comprised 54.1% at the end of Q1 2004 and
56.0% at the end of 2003.

Loans from other banks increased by 31.0%
or EEK 344.6 million and the volume of
issued debt securities decreased by 17.0%
or EEK 156.9 million over Q1 of the current
year. Total interest bearing liabilities
increased by 5.3% or EEK 330.9 million over
Q1 2004 and 24.5% or EEK 1.3 billion over
the year, amounting to EEK 6.6 billion at
the end of March 2004.

Owners’ Equity

As at the end of March 2004, the Group’s
equity totalled EEK 547.3 million,
accounting for 7.1% of total assets (7.2%
at the end of Dec. 2003), and the Group’s
capital adequacy was 12.3% (12.5% at the
end of Dec. 2003).

Balance sheet
ths. EEK ths. EEK ths.EUR ths.EUR
31.03.04 31.12.03 31.03.04 31.12.03
Cash 49 633 55 659 3 172 3 557
Claims and loans 6 468 155 6 167 727 413 389 394 189
Claims and loans 451 966 612 807 28 886 39 165
to central bank
Claims and loans to 523 174 404 902 33 437 25 878
credit institutions
Claims and loans to 4 244 127 3 950 372 271 248 252 474
clients of credit institution
Claims and loans to 1 367 461 1 307 424 87 396 83 559
clients of leasing enterprises
Claims from insurance and 0 0 0 0
reinsurance activities
Other claims 0 0 0 0
Allowance for claims - 118 573 - 107 778 - 7 578 - 6 888
and loans
Debt securities 733 296 662 601 46 866 42 348
Shares and other 41 299 39 886 2 639 2 549
Investments in associates 0 0 0 0
Other shares 31 366 37 265 2 005 2 382
Derivatives 9 933 2 621 635 168
Intangible assets 5 359 5 659 343 362
Consolidated goodwill 0 0 0 0
Other intangible assets 5 359 5 659 343 362
Tangible assets 141 149 141 657 9 021 9 054
Investment property 13 157 13 239 841 846
Settlements with 0 0 0 0
Other assets 143 880 54 163 9 196 3 462
Prepayments and 61 397 57 981 3 924 3 706
accured income
TOTAL ASSETS 7 657 325 7 198 572 489 391 460 071

Amounts owed 5 610 063 5 157 689 358 547 329 636
Amounts owed to 0 0 0 0
the central bank
Amounts owed to the 1 454 878 1 110 250 92 983 70 958
credit institutions
Amounts owed to the 4 140 286 4 031 512 264 612 257 660
clients of credit institutions
Amounts owed from insurance 0 0 0 0
and reinsurance activities
Other amounts owed 14 899 15 927 952 1 018
Liabilities related 774 358 995 593 49 490 63 630
to securities
Issued debt securities 765 187 922 059 48 904 58 930
Derivatives 9171 73534 586 4 700
Other liabilities related 0 0 0 0
to securities
Other liabilities 332 605 169 277 21 257 10 819
Accruals and 143 766 141 296 9 188 9 030
deferred income
Provisions 0 0 0 0
Technical provisions for 0 0 0 0
insurance activities
Pension reserve 0 0 0 0
Other provisions 0 0 0 0
Subordinated liabilities 249 206 213 849 15 927 13 667
Minority interests 0 0 0 0
Total liabilities 7 109 998 6 677 704 454 411 426 782
Share capital 323 111 323 111 20 651 20 651
Paid in capital over par 17 081 17 081 1 092 1 092
General banking reserve 0 0 0 0
Mandatory reserve 4 695 4 695 300 300
Other reserves 0 0 0 0
Unrealised rate 0 0 0 0
Profit or loss retained 175 981 89 382 11 247 5 713
Profit or loss for 26 459 86 599 1 691 5 535
the financial year
Own shares 0 0 0 0
Total owners´equity 547 327 520 868 34 980 33 289
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 7 657 325 7 198 572 489 391 460 071

Income statement
ths. EEK ths. EEK ths.EUR ths.EUR
I kv 2004 I kv 2003 QI 2004 QI 2003
Interest income 91 937 85 816 5 876 5 485
Interest income from 70 606 65 855 4 513 4 209
banking activities
Interest income 21 331 19 961 1 363 1 276
from leasing activities
Other interest income 0 0 0 0
Interest expense 37 539 36 634 2 399 2 341
Interest expense from 37 520 36 602 2 398 2 339
banking activities
Interest expense from 19 32 1 2
leasing activities
Other interest expense 0 0 0 0
Net interest income (loss) (+/-) 54 398 49 182 3 477 3 143
Income and expenses 0 0 0 0
from insurance activities
Insurance premiums 0 0 0 0
Insurance compensations and 0 0 0 0
change in reserves
Income from securities 0 0 0 0
Equity method gains (losses) (+/-) 0 0 0 0
Profit/loss from sales of 0 0 0 0
long-term securities
Dividends on long-term securities 0 0 0 0
Net fee and commission income 24 693 19 653 1 578 1 256
Fee and commission income 28 659 23 653 1 832 1 512
Fee and commission expense 3 966 4 000 253 256
Net profit (loss) on financial 14 616 10 561 934 675
operations (+/-)
Profit/income 14 616 10 561 934 675
Loss/expense 0 0 0 0
General administrative expenses 51 921 49 048 3 318 3 135
Salaries expense 26 154 23 788 1 672 1 520
Social security expense 8 538 7 841 546 501
Pension expense (non-state) 0 0 0 0
Other administrative expenses 17 229 17 419 1 101 1 113
Value adjustments in - 4 546 - 3 595 - 291 - 230
investment property and tangible
and intangible fixed assets (+/-)
Profit/income 0 0 0 0
Loss/expense 4 546 3 595 291 230
Value adjustments in loans - 11 103 - 8 754 - 710 - 559
and off-balance sheet items (+/-)
Profit/income 334 41 21 3
Loss/expense 11 437 8 795 731 562
Value adjustments in 0 0 0 0
long-term investments (+/-)
Income 0 0 0 0
Expense 0 0 0 0
Other operating income (+/-) 322 1 050 21 67
Other operating revenue 1 719 2 072 110 132
Other operating expenses 1 397 1 022 89 65
Extraordinary 0 0 0 0
income/expenses (+/-)
Extraordinary income 0 0 0 0
Extraordinary expenses 0 0 0 0
Profit before taxes (+/-) 26 459 19 049 1 691 1 217
Income tax expenses 0 0 0 0
Income tax for reporting period 0 0 0 0
Change in deferred 0 0 0 0
income tax liability (+/-)
Minority share of profits 0 0 0 0
PROFIT FOR THE 26 459 19 049 1 691 1 217

Unaudited business results of the Consolidated Group of
AS Sampo Pank of the 3 months of 2004 are available on our homepage
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>

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