Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 09:14 (GMT+3)


11.05.2004, Nasdaq Tallinn, TLN

Tallinna Börs NEWS RELEASE 05/11/2004


On 5 May 2004, the Listing and Surveillance Committee of the Tallinn
Stock Exchange reviewed the circumstances identified and materials
collected in the course of supervisory proceedings carried out with respect
to a potential violation of the TSE Rules by AS Estiko in relation to the
acquisition of shares in AS Estiko by AS Rondam, a core shareholder of AS
Estiko and a company controlled by Mr. Neinar Seli, member of the
supervisory board of AS Estiko.

The Listing and Surveillance Committee of the Stock Exchange, having
examined the circumstances identified and materials collected in the
course of the supervisory proceedings carried out with respect to the
activities of AS Estiko, established:

1. AS Rondam, a company controlled by Mr. Neinar Seli, member of the
supervisory board of AS Estiko, made four (4) transactions (plus one
transaction of which the Committee already gave a warning to AS Estiko
and which is therefore excluded from this assessment) with the shares of
AS Estiko within the period commencing one week before the end of the
reporting period and ending on the day following the date of publication of
the relevant reports, i.e. the "restriction period".

Therefore, circumstances are evident in the conduct of AS Estiko which
prove that the conduct of AS Estiko has been contrary to the obligations
set out in clauses 4.3.2, 4.5.2 and 4.5.4 of the part "Requirements for
Issuers" (hereinafter: RI)of the TSE rules.

AS Estiko has violated the obligations set out in the RI, which oblige an
issuer to ensure that the members of the directing bodies and employees
of the issuer avoid from using inside information and that the members of
its directing bodies comply with the requirements for a restriction period
arising from the special position of the directing bodies. As the purpose of
the restriction period is to prevent insider dealing, it makes it possible to
ensure that transactions are made in a uniform manner and on the basis
of publicly known information, thus enhancing the transparency and
reliability of the market. The Stock Exchange therefore considers it
important that listed companies comply with the restriction period.

2. The use of confidential information in the activities of the member of
the supervisory board of AS Estiko, Mr. Neinar Seli, and the company AS
Rondam controlled by him has not been established.

3. The fact that AS Rondam referred to the provisions on the restriction on
transactions or provided any relevant explanatory instructions when
making the transaction or concluding the relating preliminary contracts
was not proved. The Listing and Surveillance Committee considers it
necessary to note that AS Rondam/ Mr. Seli should have made the
aforementioned transaction with care so as to comply with the
requirements of the Rules, i.e. inform the other party to the transaction of
the applicable restrictions. The Listing and Surveillance Committee would
further like to note that as AS Rondam made one of the transactions (on
21 August 2003) with AS Estiko, which was represented by the company’s
director Mrs. Ellen Tohvri who is also subject to the restriction period
arising from the Rules, the Director of AS Estiko has also failed to exercise
due diligence in her conduct.

4. AS Estiko has published no stock exchange announcements concerning
the purchase option agreement of 24 April 2003 and the transaction of 21
August 2003, although an issuer is required to publish information on any
transfer of its own securities, indicating the reason for the transaction,
unless the transaction is made under a resolution of the general meeting.

Therefore, the circumstances of the conduct of AS Estiko prove that the
conduct of AS Estiko was contrary to the obligations set out in clause 3.7
of the RI.

5. AS Estiko published no announcement neither on the purchase option
agreement of 24 April 2003 nor the transaction with AS Rondam of 21
August 2003, although AS Rondam is connected with AS Estiko and AS
Estiko is required to immediately publish the information required by the
Rules on transactions with connected persons.

Therefore, the circumstances of the conduct of AS Estiko prove that the
conduct of AS Estiko was contrary to the obligations set out in clause
7.9.3 of the RI.

6. The interim report of AS Estiko for the Q3 of 2003 does not include
information on the transactions with connected persons (parties) made on
21 August 2003 as prescribed by IAS24 and EASBS2, omitting a
description of the connection between the parties, the kind and scope of
transactions during the year, the account balances concerning the
connected persons as of the balance sheet date, and the pricing policy

Therefore, the circumstances of the conduct of AS Estiko prove that the
conduct of AS Estiko was contrary to the obligations set out in clauses
5.1.1 and 5.1.2 of the RI.

8. On the basis of a resolution of the general meeting of shareholders of
21 May 2001, AS Estiko repurchased 81,915 E-type of shares of AS Estiko
from its shareholders. AS Estiko repurchased a majority of these shares
from 30 May 2001 to 31 July 2001; one transaction in which AS Estiko
repurchased 132 shares was made on 5 February 2002.

According to § 284 (1) of the Commercial Code, a company has to
transfer its own shares within one year after acquisition. Subsection 4 of
the same section prescribes that if the shares are not transferred during
the above term, the shares shall be cancelled and the share capital
reduced accordingly.

AS Estiko sold all the E shares repurchased by it to AS Rondam on 21
August 2003, i.e. largely two years after acquisition; hence, AS Estiko did
not transfer the repurchased shares within the term set out in § 284 of
the Commercial Code and did not cancel them.

Substantive assessment of compliance with the requirements of the
Commercial Code is not within the competence of the Tallinn Stock

9. There are no objective circumstances which would have prevented AS
Estiko or the member of its supervisory board from duly performing its

10. There are sufficient grounds to apply the legal remedies within the
competence of the Stock Exchange to AS Estiko.

Based on the "Agreement on Listing Securities on Tallinn Stock Exchange"
concluded between the Stock Exchange and AS Estiko and guided by
clause 10.2 of the RI and clauses and 4.8.1 of "Supervision", the
Listing and Surveillance Committee of the Stock Exchange


to impose a fine of fifty thousand (50,000) kroons on AS Estiko for
violation of clauses 3.7, 4.3.2, 4.5.2, 4.5.4, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, and 7.9.3 of
the RI.

Tallinn Stock Exchange
Market Services
640 8802

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