Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 01:16 (GMT+3)


03.08.2004, Harju Elekter Group, TLN

Harju Elekter FINANCIAL RESULTS 08/03/2004


Key indicators (MEEK) 1-6/2004 1-6/2003
Net sales 189,2 149,6
Operating profit 10,0 7,9
Profit before fin. expenses (EBIT) 80,8 66,1
Net profit for the current period 79,9 65,6

At the end of the period
Total current assets 120,2 92,2
Total fixed assets 441,9 268,4
Total assets 562,1 360,7
Total liabilities 101,5 81,3
Minority interests 13,1 0
Total owners’ equity 447,5 279,3

Performance indicators (%)
Net sales growth 26,5 19,5
Operating profit growth 26,3 21,5
Net profit growth 21,8 482,4
Return of sales (operating profit/net sales *100) 5,3 5,3
Net profit margin (net profit /net sales *100) 42,2 43,8
Owners’ equity margin 79,6 77,4
(equity /balance sheet total *100)

Current ratio* 1,7 1,3
Quick ratio* 0,9 0,8
Number of employees on 30.06.2004 374 296
EPS (EEK) 14,79 12,14
*average number in the current period

The H1 of 2004 was for Harju Elekter consolidation group successful and
exceeds the expectations. Electrical engineering sector is characterised by
dependence on the season, due to which the production volume of the winter
period is considerably lower than in the second and third quarter when
construction reaches its peak. The economic results of the consolidation
group for the first six months were generally good and met our expectations.
The number of sales orders in the Q2 considerably exceeded the volume of the
Q1. Compared to the same period last year, the sales and operating profit
both increased.

Of the sales revenue, 76,6% accounted for the sales of industrial products
and 23,4% for intermediate sales and sales of services. At the same time,
the sales of products in the H1 increased by 23,0% in comparison with the
same period in 2003, and the sales of services and intermediate sales
altogether increased by 39,5%, including trade and intermediate sales by
41,2%. Of the sales revenue of Harju Elekter 47,6% is ascribed to the sales
to Estonia and 52,4% to the sales to foreign markets. The sales to the
Estonian market went up by 16,4%. The sales of products to foreign markets
went up by 37,3%. Attention should be paid to the fact that the data of
the H1 of 2004 include also the consolidated sales revenues of the Lithuanian
subsidiary Rifas in amount 19,9 MEEK (1,26 MEUR). The Republic of Finland,
with its share of 38,1% in turnover, continued to be the largest target
country of export.

Financial operations yielded a total profit of MEEK 70,2 (MEUR 5,1), which
is 22% more than in the same period of the previous year. The major source
of financial income was the share of PKC Group Oyj. The recalculation of the
value of shares as a fair value generated financial income of MEEK 51,0 or
MEUR 3,3 (H1 2003: MEEK 52,3 or MEUR 3,3). PKC Group Oyj paid dividends in
the amount of MEEK 19,4 or MEUR 1,2 for 2003 ((H1 2003: MEEK 4,6 or MEUR 0,3).

During the accounting period, the Group invested in tangible and intangible
assets a total of MEEK 21,3 or MEUR 1,4 (H1 2003: MEEK 27,0 or MEUR 1,7), of
which in technology was MEEK 10,4 or TEUR 663 (H1 2003: MEEK 2,7 or TEUR 170)
and construction and renovation work of buildings and plant was MEEK 10,6 or
TMEUR 672 (H1 2003: MEEK 22,4 or MEUR 1,4).

Andres Allikmäe
Chairman of the Board
Tel +372 6 747 400

More information: Interim report 1-6/2004 of Harju Elekter, Karin
Padjus, Member of the Board (tel +372 6 747 400).

Consolidated, unaudited

in thousand EEK EUR
ASSETS 30.06.0431.12.0330.06.0431.12.03
Cash, bank 7 482 26 449 478 1 690
Total customer receivables 47 583 31 784 3 041 2 030
Other current receivables 2 652 6 106 169 390
Accrued income 1 762 67 113 4
Prepaid expenses 2 132 1 251 136 80
Total current receivables 54 129 39 208 3 459 2 505
Raw materials and inventories 48 771 37 721 3 117 2 411
Goods 9 683 6 344 619 405
Prepayments to suppliers 157 57 10 4
Total inventories 58 611 44 123 3 746 2 820
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 120 222 109 780 7 684 7 016
Stock and shares in ass.companies 24 036 26 476 1 536 1 692
Other shares 257 075 201 128 16 430 12 854
Other long-term receivables 26 19 2 1
Total financial investments 281 137 227 623 17 968 14 548
Investment properties 85 621 86 896 5 472 5 554
Plant and equipment 35 589 28 308 2 275 1 809
Other equipment and fixtures 68 074 58 144 4 351 3 716
Other inventory 5 574 4 996 356 319
Accumulated depreciation -42 823 -38 892 -2 737 -2 486
Construction-in-progress 5 676 2 363 363 151
Prepayments for fixed assets 1 423 2 068 91 132
Total tangible assets 73 513 56 987 4 698 3 642
Licences 1 598 1 752 102 112
Prepayments for intangible assets 0 39 0 2
Total intangible assets 1 598 1 790 102 114
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 441 868 373 297 28 240 23 858
TOTAL ASSETS 562 090 483 077 35 924 30 874
Debt obligations 24 880 14 366 1 590 918
Customer prepayments 3 842 1 065 246 68
Supplier payables 33 959 26 756 2 170 1 710
Other short-term borrowings 1 820 1 218 116 78
Tax liabilities 5 932 6 838 379 437
Accrued expenses 8 571 9 600 548 614
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 79 004 59 843 5 049 3 825
TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES 22 526 20 800 1 440 1 329
TOTAL LIABILITIES 101 531 80 643 6 489 5 154
Minority interest 13 063 13 222 835 845
Share capital 54 000 54 000 3 451 3 451
Restricted reserves 8 600 8 600 550 550
Retained earnings 305 012 151 151 19 495 9 660
Net profit for the year 79 883 175 461 5 105 11 214
TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY 447 496 389 212 28 600 24 875
TOT.LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUIT 562 090 483 077 35 924 30 874


in thousand EEK EUR
GROUP H1 2004 H1 2003 H1 2004 H1 2003

NET SALES 189 201 149 566 12 092 9 559
Cost of goods sold -156 132-121 692 -9 978 -7 778

Gross profit 33 069 27 874 2 113 1 781

Operating expenses, incl. -23 266 -19 660 -1 487 -1 257
Marketing expenses -9 199 -7 756 -588 -495
Administrative expenses -14 067 -11 904 -899 -761
Other revenue 389 43 25 3
Other expenses -240 -377 -15 -24

Operating profit 9 952 7 880 636 504

Financial income and expenses, incl.
- from associated companies -680 1 238 -43 79
- from other holdings 20 494 4 560 1 310 291
- from revaluat.of fin.investm. 50 983 52 324 3 258 3 344
- interest expense -596 -497 -38 -32
- profit/loss from foreign excha -27 -30 -2 -2
- other financial income/expense 74 90 5 6
Total financial income and expen 70 249 57 685 4 490 3 687

Profit from normal operations 80 201 65 565 5 126 4 190
External income -33 0 -2 0
Profit after faxes 80 168 65 565 5 124 4 190
Corporate Income tax -285 0 -18 0
Net profit for the year 79 883 65 565 5 105 4 190

Basic earnings per share 14,79 12,14 0,95 0,78

Diluted earnings per share 14,44 11,99 0,92 0,77

Q2 2004 Q2 2003 Q2 2004 Q2 2003
NET SALES 103 468 78 724 6 613 5 031
Cost of goods sold -84 462 -64 552 -5 397 -4 126

Gross profit 19 006 14 172 1 215 906

Operating expenses, incl. -12 022 -10 563 -768 -675
Marketing expenses -4 807 -4 043 -307 -257
Administrative expenses -7 215 -6 520 -461 -417
Other revenue 204 37 13 2
Other expenses -132 -194 -8 -12

Operating profit 7 056 3 452 451 221

Financial income and expenses, incl.
- from associated companies -19 1 164 -1 74
- from other holdings -6 1 343 0 86
- from revaluat.of fin.investm. 19 402 52 055 1 240 3 327
- interest expense -371 -285 -24 -18
- profit/loss from foreign excha -21 -14 -1 -1
- other financial income/expense 51 32 3 2
Total financial income and expen 19 037 54 295 1 217 3 470

Profit from normal operations 26 093 57 747 1 668 3 691
External income -17 173 -1 11
Profit after faxes 26 076 57 920 1 667 3 702
Corporate Income tax -828 0 -53 0
Net profit for the year 25 248 57 920 1 614 3 702

Basic earnings per share 4,68 10,73 0,30 0,69

Diluted earnings per share 4,56 10,57 0,29 0,68

Karin Padjus
Chief accountant
+ 372 6 747 400

Moonika Vetevool
PR manager
+372 6712 761

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