Andmed seisuga: 20.07.2024 22:56 (GMT+3)

JSC "Latvijas Balzams" performance in the first half of 2004

16.08.2004, Amber Latvijas balzams, RIG

A/s "Latvijas balzams" - sharply increases its export volumes

During the first half of this year, A/s "Latvijas balzams" (LB) has
achieved notable results in export markets. Likewise, during the second
half of 2004, one of LB's priorities will be to maintain this increase
in its exports. Particular emphasis is being placed on exports to the
Baltic States, as well as entry into the EU market. The company plans
to increase the volume of its exports to countries such as Poland,
Greece, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Parallel to this, the company
intends to maintain its position at the head of the domestic market.

LB's leading shareholder is "S.P.I. Distilleries. B. V." which owns
6,595,745 shares or 87.98% of the company's equity capital. Sizeable
investments have been carried out within the company during the period
since S.P.I. Group became the company's leading shareholder. During the
past two years more than Ls 8 million has been invested in increasing
production capacity and facilitating operational development in
accordance with the growing demand in the domestic market for light
alcoholic drinks and the fulfilment of significant export orders. The
company has doubled production capacity, thanks to important export
orders and the export of products bearing the company's own brand.

Turnover and profits - up

During the first half of this year, LB's turnover reached Ls 25.9
million, which represents an increase of 13.5% on the figure from the
corresponding period in 2003. During the first half of this year, the
company enjoyed a 7.6% increase in domestic market sales compared to
the corresponding period in 2003. The growth in the domestic market is
attributable to marketing activities as well as the launch of new

Profits during the reporting period reached Ls 407,000 which is almost
twice as much as during the first half of 2003 (Ls 214,000). During the
first half of 2004, LB has deposited Ls 11.4 million into the State

LB increases its presence in other countries

A notable increase in sales has also been achieved in export markets.
Compared to the first six months of 2003, sales in export markets
increased by 102%. During the first six months of 2004, sales to EU
member countries, compared to the same period during 2003 increased by
156%. Sales to Lithuania and Estonia increased by two and a half times.

"It's an honour when we are able to successfully implement
the goals set for this year - to increase export volumes and enter new
markets. LB is sufficiently powerful in the domestic market, now this
Latvian company is able to operate in the markets of other countries
and to increase its presence in other markets," stresses Rolands
Gulbis, a/s "Latvijas balzams" Chairman of the Board.
Rolands Gulbis,
AS "Latvijas balzams"
Chairman of the Board

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