Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 03:06 (GMT+3)

JSC "Ventspils nafta" AGM of shareholders will be held on July 30, 2004

28.06.2004, Ventspils nafta, RIG

The ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Joint Stock Company
VENTSPILS NAFTA will take place on July 30, 2004 in Ventspils, at Ostas
Street 23, at 10:00 AM.
1.On annual report of 2003.
2.On release from liability of the board members for the activities in
3. On profit division of 2003.
4. On budget and business plan for 2004.
5. On election of a sworn auditor for 2004.
6. On board members.
7. On conversion of shares.
8. On inclusion of Ventspils Nafta, JSC into commercial register.
9.On approval of revised version of articles of association.
On July 30, 2004 Shareholders will be registered from 9:00 to 9:45 AM
at the Meeting's venue.
Shareholders can participate individually or be represented by their
representatives or trustees.
· At registration, Shareholders whose shares are placed to an
account provided for securities with a bank or brokers' society shall
show their passports or any other ID, as well as a receipt issued by
their financial institutions confirming that shares are blocked.
· Shareholders whose shares are placed with Initial Register,
shall show their passports or any other ID at registration.
· Representatives or trustees of Shareholders shall show at
registration their passports or any other ID, however, if any shares of
a represented shareholder are placed to an account provided for
securities with a bank or brokers' society, then they also show a
receipt issued by those financial institutions confirming that the
shares are blocked. Any proxy issued to natural persons shall be
notarially sealed.
To block their shares the Shareholders of VENTSPILS NAFTA JSC shall
apply to their financial institutions not later than July 16, 2004
within their office hours.
In order to be acquainted with Draft Resolutions, VENTSPILS NAFTA
Shareholders can contact VENTSPILS NAFTA Office in Ventspils, Ostas
Street 23, starting from July 23, 2004 every working day from 1 PM to 5
PM. However, at the date of General Meeting they can do it at the place
of registration in Ventspils at Ostas Street 23.
Any offers and recommendations with respect to Draft Resolutions can be
submitted in writing to the Board of Directors of VENTSPILS NAFTA JSC
before the date of the Meeting.
The Board of VENTSPILS NAFTA, JSC reminds that as per Point 2 of
Transition conditions of the Financial Instrument Market Law any person
participating directly or indirectly in the joint stock company which
shares are included into a regulated market and their amount is not
less than 10 per cent of the total amount of voting shares shall report
to the General Meeting of Shareholders called together to approve the
Annual Report of 2003.

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