Andmed seisuga: 21.07.2024 09:12 (GMT+3)

SEB's strong start to 2004 due to increase revenues

06.05.2004, , RIG

SEB's operating result for the first quarter amounted to SEK 2,463m, an
increase of 37 percent compared with the first quarter of 2003 and also
an improvement on the previous quarter.
Net profit (after tax) increased by 40 per cent to SEK 1,768m. Total
income rose by 11 per cent due to increased capital market-related
income. Total costs were negatively affected by new accounting
principles and increased by 3 per cent. On a comparable basis, costs
were in line with the first quarter of 2003 and 2 per cent lower than
the previous quarter. Net credit losses remained stable at a low level.
Return on equity amounted to 14.0 per cent (10.9) and to 20.1 per cent
(17.1) excluding goodwill. Earnings per share increased by 41 per cent
to SEK 2.56 (1.81). The result from SEB Trygg Liv's ongoing business
amounted to SEK 417m (252) including change in surplus values.
President's comments The year has started positively for SEB. Results
were better than last year's corresponding period within all divisions.
Volumes, market shares and income continued to increase in many areas.
A strong stock market trend has of course favoured many of our business
areas, while others have gained from decreasing interest rates and
higher volatility. Corporate & Institutions continues to yield the
highest result, accounting for half of the Group's profit. It is still
a strong trend within Trading & Capital Markets but also encouraging to
see that Enskilda Securities has picked up. SEB is the leading bank
within equity-related business and has benefited from the improved
markets. In Nordic Retail & Private Banking market shares keep
increasing in the mortgage area; private banking is picking up with the
stock market and the card operation is steadily growing. In Germany,
our business shows improved profitability, even though the profit was
affected by the ongoing improvement programme in the Retail division,
reducing staff by more than 400 positions. In our Baltic operations,
which have been a growth area for several years, profits keep on
rising, even if the first quarter generally is weaker than the fourth.
SEB Asset Management's efficiency programme has been successful,
rebuilding profits and increasing net inflow. Last but not least it is
indeed promising that SEB Trygg Liv continued to increase its sales and
result and that the underlying value now clearly starts to show in the
profit and loss accounts. Our overall profit has now reached a higher
level and our costs are stable in spite of increased income. We
continue relentlessly with our 3 C programme to further improve
customer satisfaction, cost efficiency and cross-servicing all through
the different parts of our Group. We are well positioned for the
future. Improved result SEB's operating result for the first quarter of
2004 increased by 37 per cent, to SEK 2,463m (1,792). Compared with the
previous quarter the increase was 12 per cent. Net profit (after tax)
improved by 40 per cent, to SEK 1,768m (1,260). The increase from the
last quarter of 2003 was 6 per cent. Total income rose by 11 per cent
to SEK 7,303m (6,579). The increase compared with the previous quarter
was 3 per cent. The improvement was an effect of higher net commission
income and increased net result of financial transactions. Net interest
income improved by 2 per cent, to SEK 3,442m (3,377) compared with the
corresponding period of 2003, while it decreased by 2 per cent compared
with the previous quarter. The outcome was a combined effect of
increased volumes, particularly of mortgage and corporate lending and
deposits, and the current generally low level of interest rates. On 1
April the Swedish central bank lowered its interest rate by another 50
basis points, to 2.0 per cent. Net commission income amounted to SEK
2,852m (2,440), an increase of 17 per cent compared with the
corresponding quarter of 2003. The improvement was an effect of
increased equity market-related revenues. Equity brokerage income
increased by more than 50 per cent and fund management fees by
approximately 30 per cent, compared with the first quarter of 2003.
SEB's investment bank Enskilda Securities participated in five IPO's,
including the first one in Sweden since June 2002. Net financial
transactions amounted to SEK 830m, which was significantly higher than
in both previous quarter and the corresponding quarter of 2003. The
strong increase was an effect of lower interest rates, high volatility
and good performance within foreign exchange.
Other income, SEK 179m, decreased both compared with the first and the
last quarter of last year. Costs affected by new rules Total costs, SEK
4,695m (4,551), were negatively affected by SEK 55m due to new
accounting principles and restructuring costs of SEK 75m in Germany.
Excluding these items, costs were in line with the corresponding period
last year and 2 per cent lower than in the previous quarter. Staff
costs rose by 3 per cent to SEK 2,741m (2,665). The increase is mainly
explained by the above mentioned SEK 55m in higher pension costs. Staff
costs were also negatively affected by higher performance-related
remuneration. The average number of full time equivalents in March 2004
was 17,623, a decrease of 706 compared with March 2003 and
approximately 2,370 fewer than in June 2001, which was the basis for
SEB's cost reduction programme. Other operating costs increased
somewhat, to SEK 1,540m (1,519) due to investments in new systems for
Basel II etc. Compared with the previous quarter other costs decreased
by 7 per cent. External IT-costs amounted to SEK 448m (374). Total
IT-costs (defined as a calculated cost for all IT-related activities
including costs for own personnel) were SEK 0.8bn (0.8). In spite of
significant improvements during the past years and even though SEB has
performed better than its German competitors, the result of the German
Retail & Mortgage Banking division is still unsatisfactory. In December
2003, the division therefore launched a profit improvement programme,
which includes a staff reduction of 400 employees. So far 300 out of
the 400 have been contracted to leave. The programme will lead to
restructuring costs of about SEK 300m mainly during 2004, of which SEK
75m in the first quarter. Full profit impact will be reached in 2005.
The Group's net credit losses including changes in the value of assets
taken over amounted to SEK 212m, in line with the corresponding period
last year (214) and a decrease of 36 per cent from the previous
quarter. The credit loss level was 0.12 per cent (0.12). Asset quality
remained stable. SEB Trygg Liv's operating result increased to SEK 78m
(8). This was the division's best result so far and has been included
in the Group's result. SEB Trygg Liv's result from ongoing business
(including change in surplus values but excluding financial effects of
market fluctuations) was SEK 417m (252). Results including surplus
value changes are not consolidated with the SEB Group's result. A
complete description of SEB Trygg Liv's operations, including changes
in surplus values, is reported in "Additional information" on
<a href='' target='_blank'></a> The result of the SEB Group's total insurance
opera-tions, - non-life (run-off only) and life including goodwill
amortisation of SEK 37m (37) - amounted to SEK 68m (-18). As of 31
March 2004, assets under management amounted to SEK 875bn, an increase
of 6 per cent compared to year-end 2003 and 19 per cent higher than a
year earlier. Net inflow during the first three months was SEK 12bn
(11) while the change in value was SEK 41bn (-18). The dominating part
of the net inflow emanated from Sweden and the other Nordic countries.
The balance sheet increased by SEK 184bn during the first quarter of
2004 to SEK 1,463bn. The strong growth was due to high customer
activities within securities lending and repo market as well as to
increased trading volumes in general. Lending to the public as well as
deposits and borrowing from the public continued to increase in line
with earlier quarters. Due to new accounting rules for pension
liabilities, assets and commitments in the Group's pension obligations
have been consolidated in the balance sheet. As of 31 March 2004, book
equity due to the consolidation has increased by SEK 1.4bn, which is
included in core capital. Market risk The increased business activities
were not matched by an increase in market risk levels. The Group's
risk-taking in trading operations (measured by so called Value at Risk,
VaR) averaged SEK 76m in the first quarter of 2004. This means that the
Group, with a 99 per cent probability, cannot be expected to lose more
than a maximum of SEK 76m during a ten-day period. VaR was slightly
higher compared to year-end 2003 due to higher market volatility.
During the first quarter there was an overall growth in the credit
portfolio. Total credit exposure, including contingent liabilities and
derivatives contracts, amounted to SEK 1,116bn (1,040), of which loans
and leasing excluding repos amounted to SEK 817bn (776). Volume growth
continued within Swedish household mortgage lending, the German public
sector and the Baltic subsidiary banks. Lending volumes also increased
within the property management and Nordic corporate sectors. In
addition, fluctuating banking sector volumes contributed to the
increase. The geographical distribution of the credit portfolio
remained stable, with credit volumes concentrated in SEB's home
markets: the Nordic area (45 per cent), Germany (34 per cent) and the
Baltic countries (4 per cent). On 31 March, doubtful loans, gross,
amounted to SEK 9,887m (10,877 at year-end 2003), of which SEK 8,693m
(8,632) were non-performing loans (loans where interest and
amortisation are not paid) and SEK 1,194m (2,245) performing loans. The
reserve ratio was 72 per cent (66). The increase was an effect of a
lower level of doubtful loans. The volume of assets taken over was SEK
119m (117). As of 31 March 2004, the capital base of the financial
group of undertakings (i.e. excluding insurance companies) amounted to
SEK 60.0bn (54.7 at year-end 2003) including the first quarter result.
Core capital was SEK 47.4bn (42,6), of which SEK 5.6bn (1.8)
constituted so-called core capital contribution. The increase in core
capital contribution was due to the Bank's successful issue of USD 500m
in the U.S. market. The issue was made for refinancing purposes to
create a more favourable and matched capital structure of the Group.
Total risk-weighted assets amounted to SEK 558bn (535).. The increase
of SEK 23bn was mainly due to increased business volumes in lending and
trading. As of 31 March 2004, the core capital ratio was 8.5 per cent
(8.0) and the total capital ratio 10.8 per cent (10.2).
Following a regulatory change as from 2004, deferred tax assets and all
intangible assets (not only goodwill as before) shall be excluded from
the capital base. In consequence, the capital ratios have been
calculated excluding SEB's holding of SEK 1.8bn in such assets.
In February 2004, Moody's upgraded its long-term rating for SEB to Aa3
from A1.
Events since the end of the quarter
In accordance with a resolution by the Annual General Meeting on 1
April 2004, SEB has repurchased 6,200,000 series A shares on the
Stockholm Stock Exchange in order to hedge against potential costs of
the employee stock option programme for 2004. The repurchase was done
at a price of SEK 108.50 per share. After this, the Bank's holding of
Series A shares amounts to 19,400,000. The value of these shares will
be deducted from equity. The AGM also decided on a mandate for a
general repurchase of maximum 20 million own shares to facilitate an
effective management of the Group's capital position.
In May 2004, SEB sold the majority of its shares in Amagerbanken,
Denmark. The sale implies a capital gain of approximately SEK 170m.The
remaining amount hold by SEB is now less than 5 per cent of the shares
in Amagerbanken.
Lars H Thunell
President and Group Chief Executive
The report has not been reviewed by the Bank's Auditors.

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