Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 21:01 (GMT+3)

JSC Latvian shipping company will retain its leading position in the world's handy-size tanker secto

30.05.2003, Latvijas kuģniecība, RIG

On May 30, 2003 JSC Latvian Shipping Company (LSC) shareholders
approved LSC Group's Strategic Plan for 2003-2010. According to the
Plan the Group will aim at joining the world's top six owners of
handy-size product tankers, retaining its leading position in the North
European market and increasing return on shareholders' equity.
"The main target set by LSC Group's Strategic Plan, developed in
cooperation with the world's leading shipping consultants, is
development and renewal of LSC tanker fleet, which generates the major
part of the Group's net voyage result. LSC activity in the tanker
market is considered to be more stable than in the rest of the
segments," acknowledged Imants Vikmanis, LSC President.
For the year ended December 31, 2002 LSC Tanker Fleet reported vessel
operating profit of USD 21.8 million. In terms of the size of its fleet
LSC is one of the world's largest owners of handy-size product tankers.
At the beginning of 2003 LSC Group's fleet consisted of 52 vessels,
including 36 product tankers of the average age of 18 years, 13 reefer
vessels of the average age of 16 years, 2 five-year-old LPG carriers
and1 Ro-Ro/general cargo vessel.
"Ageing fleet is the main reason to consider current prospects of LSC
vessels employment as unfavourable. Besides, the company's performance
may be affected by the anticipated EU restrictions on the employment of
single hull tankers due to Prestige tanker accident and oil pollution
at the Spanish coast", believes Ģirts Rungainis, Deputy Chairman of LSC
Supervisory Council.
To achieve the targets set by LSC Group's Strategic Plan substantial
investments are required in the renewal and restructuring of the
company's fleet. One of the prerequisites of LSC's stable development
and competitiveness in the long-term perspective is foundation of a
joint venture together with an attendant reorganisation of the existing
LSC Group's Strategic Plan for 2003-2010 provides for the development
of the company's activity in three main stages:
The first stage - foundation of the joint venture, which will be 50%
owned by LSC. It is envisaged that LSC would have a majority on the
Board of the new joint venture company. The joint venture's capital
expenditures for fleet renewal will be financed as following: 30% -
equity, 70% - bank loans. The fleet renewal programme for the following
seven years provides for acquisition of at least ten newly built and
two second-hand handy-size product tankers.
The second stage - disposal of all refrigerators till the end of 2005
with the best possible economical effect. It is also planned to dispose
of the oldest and single-hull handy-size product tankers, which do not
comply with EU requirements. Besides, economically sound sale of two
LPG carriers and the remaining Ro-Ro vessel will be considered.
Proceeds from the disposal of the above vessels will be invested in the
renewal of the most profitable sector - tanker fleet.
The third stage - within the next two years all the activities not
related to the company's core business, will be terminated, as well as
purposeful optimisation of the administration expenses will be
implemented. It is also planned to dispose of all LSC property not
involved in its main type of activity, as well as to move the
administration office to the premises in Elizabetes str. 1 and
Andrejostas str. 4a till the end of 2003.
On May 30, 2003 LSC shareholders also approved the Group's Financial
Statements for the year ended 31 December 2002, released members of LSC
Management Board from responsibility for 2002, as well as approved LSC
Budget and Business Plan for 2003.
The 2002 was a year of considerable changes in the history of JSC
Latvian Shipping Company. The privatisation process of the Group's
parent company JSC Latvian Shipping Company was completed during the
year, which brought more than 81% of LSC shares into private ownership.
Structural changes and fleet revaluation were made to improve the
company's performance and cost effectiveness.
LSC Group reported losses of USD 54.4 million for the year ended
December 31, 2002. Independent professional valuers' estimates revealed
significant difference between certain vessels' market value and their
book value. The difference was especially notable for the two LPG
vessels and three Panamax product tankers purchased within the last
five years at relatively high prices. The Group's result was also
considerably affected by the settlement of a legal dispute with
Stocznia Gdanska Shipyard.

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