Andmed seisuga: 29.11.2024 23:48 (GMT+2)
JSC "Latvijas balzams" AGM of shareholders will be held on April 4,
2003, at 11:00, at the address 160 A.Čaka Street, Riga, conference
1. Management Board report on 2002 operations
2. Supervisory Board report.
3. Certified auditor's report.
4. Approval of Company Annual Report for 2002
5. Approval of the budget for 2003
6. Management Board and Supervisory Board elections
7. Setting the remuneration amount for Management Board and Supervisory
8. Elections of certified auditor.
9. Other business.
Shareholder registration is open on the meeting day, on April 4, 2003
from 10:00 till 11:00 at the venue of the meeting. The shareholders
shall have the shares blocked on the accounts by the end of business
day on March 25, 2003. Draft resolutions of the AGM are available to
shareholders for inspection starting with March 26 from 8:00 till 16:00
on business days, 160 A.Čaka Street, Riga, at the company secretary,
and at Registration on the meeting day