Andmed seisuga: 28.11.2024 18:28 (GMT+2)
JSC "Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca" shareholders general meeting made
following resolutions:
1. To confirm 2001 Annual report;
2. To confirm budget for 2002 and plan of operations:
sales - LVL 8700 thousand;
Profit after tax - LVL 158 thousand.
To authorise Supervisory Board to review budget and make amendments if
3. To discharge Management Board members Eduardu Zavadski, Aleksandru
Krupeņko, Voldu Juhno, Nataļju Redzobu, Raimondu Bruževiču from
responsibility for 2001;
4. Company's profit in 2001 - LVL 135 125 leave non-distributed for
company's development;
5. To elect as certified auditor Valda Zitare from Auditor Company