Andmed seisuga: 25.11.2024 02:27 (GMT+2)
JSC "Valmieras stikla skiedra" informs that for shareholders general
meeting on April 29, 2000, following proposals will be made:
to confirm net profit for 1999 - LVL 536 972;
to distribute profit as follows: development and modernisation of
production process - LVL 400 000 or 74,5%, to pay in dividends ( LVL
0,008 per share) - LV
107 395 or 20% ( date of dividend calculation -May 15, 2000, payment -
May 19,
2000), reserves - LVL 29 577 or 5,5%;
to confirm budget for 2000 will be made: gross turnover - LVL 13,8
million and net profit - LVL 450 000.