Andmed seisuga: 20.07.2024 19:07 (GMT+3)


14.10.2004, Eesti Telekom, TLN
Eesti Telekom                 FINANCIAL RESULTS                 14.10.2004


Eesti Telekom, the leading provider of telecommunication services in Estonia,
hereby announces its results for the nine-month period ending 30 September 2004.

Financial highlights
Q3 Q3 Change 9 9 Change
2004 2003 , months months ,
% 2004 2003 %
Total revenues, 1,324 1,242 6.6 3,830 3,537 8.3
million EEK
EBITDA, million EEK 562 566 -0.7 1,636 1,669 -2.0
EBITDA margin, % 42.5 45.6 42.7% 47.2%
EBIT, million EEK 364 351 3.7 1,021 1,004 1.7
EBIT margin, % 27.5 28.3 26.7 28.4
Profit before taxes, 369 356 3.6 1045 1,085 -3.7
million EEK
Net profit for 366 353 3.6 659 796 -17.2
period, million EEK
EPS, EEK 2.65 2.56 4.79 5.79
CAPEX, million EEK 104 178 -41.9 294 307 -4.0
Net gearing, % -29.7 -30.2 -29.7 -30.2
ROA, % 34.6 32.5 19.6 23.9
ROE, % 41.7 38.3 35.6 37.9

In commenting on the results of the Eesti Telekom Group, Jaan Männik, Chairman of
the Management Board, emphasised: "The defining points of the 3rd quarter are the
strong sales growth and high profitability together with kept market shares and
success in new areas."

For further information, please contact:

Jaan Männik, CEO +372 6311 212

Hille Võrk, CFO +372 6272 460


Financial results

The rapid growth of the Eesti Telekom Group's total revenues continued in the
third quarter. The group's consolidated revenues reached 1,324 million kroons,
which is an increase of 7% in comparison to the third quarter of 2003. The mobile
communications sector continues to be the engine for this growth. The summer
brought heightened competition, discount packages and a rapid increase in the
company's customer base in this area. Whereas mobile penetration in Estonia was
85% at the end of June, by the end of September that figure had already reached
89%. Over three months, AS EMT's customer base increased by 26.6 thousand, and
the operator maintained its roughly 47% market share. Positive developments also
took place in the customer base of the group's fixed communications operator,
Elion Enterprises Ltd. The company's offer of subscription to fixed telephone
services without having to pay subscription fees, earned the company 6,900 new
customers. In the third quarter, the growth in the number of permanent Internet
connections accelerated once again, and by the end of September the operator had
65 thousand permanent connection customers. In addition to its principal
activity, growth has also continued in the areas of retail sales and network
construction. The diversification of the offers made to customers in the area of
data communications led to record growth in computer sales in September.

Increased operating volumes have led to higher operating expenses. Operating
expenses for the third quarter of 2004 exceeded the corresponding indicator for
2003 by 13%, reaching 762 million kroons. The majority of the increase in
expenses was caused by rising interconnection charges associated with the growth
in interconnected transactions. The expansion of our activities in the
construction and the wholesale and retail trade sectors has been accompanied by
an increase in the expenses connected with these sectors. The EBITDA of the Eesti
Telekom Group was 562 million kroons in the third quarter, which is 4 million
kroons below the result for the corresponding period of 2003. The EBITDA margin
was 43% in the third quarter of this year, which is lower than the corresponding
result for 2003 (46%), but at the same level as during the first and second
quarters of 2004.

In the third quarter of 2004, depreciation and amortisation decreased 8% in
comparison with the same period in 2003, and most of that change took place as a
result of the lower amortisation costs of the Elion Group. The Eesti Telekom
Group's profits from operations reached 364 million kroons in the third quarter,
and thus increased 4% over the year. The group earned 366 million kroons in net
profits, which also exceeds the third quarter results for 2003 by 4%.

The Eesti Telekom Group's total revenues for the first nine months of 2004
reached 3,830 million kroons, which is an increase of 8% over the first nine
months of 2003, or a numerical increase of 293 million kroons. The majority of
the increased revenue came from the mobile communications sector. The group's
operating expenses increased 18% over the nine months, reaching 2,195 million
kroons. The net profit for the nine month period was 659 million kroons, which is
137 million kroons less than in the same period in 2003. The results for the
first nine months of 2003, however, includes the 60 million kroons in capital
gain earned from the sale of the minority interest in Eltel networks (the former
AS Connecto). In addition, 277 million kroons more in dividends were paid to
shareholders in 2004 than was the case in 2003, which led to an increase of 97
million kroons in income tax on the dividends in comparison with 2003.

As of the end of September 2004, the total assets of the Eesti Telekom Group
amounted to 4,189 million kroons (4,599 million kroons in December 2003). Non-
current assets fell 294 million kroons from the beginning of the year, and
current assets fell 116 million kroons. Majority of the decline in current assets
is in connection with lower balance of cash and cash equivalents by 219 million
kroons which is related to the payment of the dividends and the payment of income
tax on the dividends. The balance of trade receivables has increased by 74
million kroons as a result of the increased operating volume of AS EMT Esindused,
and AS EMT's balance with other operators. Accrued income has increased by 79
million kroons as a result of the increased volume of international calls at
Elion Ettevõtted, which has also resulted in an increase in international
payments with longer payment deadlines. As of the end of September, the group had
long-term interest bearing liabilities of 3 million kroons and short-term
interest bearing liabilities amounting to 21 million kroons (at the end of 2003
these figures were 4 million and 8 million kroons respectively). At the end of
September, net debt was -1,107 million kroons, and net gearing was -30%. The
group's other short-term liabilities decreased by 10 million kroons, including a
reduction of 52 million kroons in trade payables.

The Eesti Telekom Group's cash flow from operating activities was 1,108 million
kroons in the first nine months of 2004 (1,269 million kroons in the first nine
months of 2003). The most important factor to influence the decrease in cash flow
from operating activities was the increased income tax on dividends. Cash outflow
into investment activities grew in comparison with 2003 - 176 million kroons in
the first 9 months of 2003 (including the 68 million kroons earned from the sale
of the minority holding in

AS Connecto), 239 million kroons in the first 9 months of 2004. Cash outflow
into financing activities was 1,087 million, including 1,101 million kroons paid
as dividends (834 million kroons in the first 9 months of 2003, including 824
million kroons paid as dividends).

Elion Group

Q3 Q3 Chang 9 9 Chan
2004 2003 e, months month ge,
% s %
2004 2003
Total revenues, million 678 661 2.6 1,996 1,898 5.2
EBITDA, million EEK 221 221 0.3 657 682 -3.6
EBITDA margin, % 32.6 33.4 32.9 35.9
EBIT, million EEK 110 91 21.4 302 277 9.1
EBIT margin, % 16.2 13.7 15.1 14.6
Profit before taxes, 112 91 22.6 308 336 -8.3
million EEK
Net profit for the period, 108 87 23.5 204 266 -23.
million EEK 4
CAPEX, million EEK 57 63 -9.9 151 125 20.8
ROA, % 21.0 16.6 12.7 16.1
ROE, % 26.1 20.6 22.7 26.2

The Elion Group's total revenues in the third quarter of 2004 reached 678 million
kroons, surpassing the corresponding indicator for the third quarter of 2003 by
17 million kroons. The decrease in EBITDA has also stabilised. EBITDA for the
third quarter of 2004 was at the same level as for the third quarter of 2003. The
EBITDA margin has fallen in comparison with the same period in 2003. In
comparison with the second quarter of 2004, the margin has risen by about one
percentage point.

The Elion Group's amortisation costs in the third quarter of 2004 were 19 million
kroons less than expenses in the third quarter of 2003. The group's EBIT reached
110 million kroons, having grown 19 million kroons or 21% in one year. In the
third quarter the Elion Group earned 108 million kroons in net profit, which is
21 million kroons more than in the third quarter of 2003.

The Elion Group's revenues from the internet grew by 14% in comparison with the
same period in 2003. The growth in the number of permanent connections, which
slowed somewhat during the first quarters of 2004, accelerated once again in the
third quarter. As of the end of September, Elion Ettevõtted AS had 65 thousand
permanent connection subscriptions, which is an increase of 23 thousand in a
period of one year.

The group's revenues from IT and data communications decreased 27% in comparison
with the third quarter of 2003. In 2003 Elion Enterprises Ltd was awarded the
public procurement for providing the computer classrooms of Tallinn schools with
computing equipment and high-speed data communications connections. Under the
agreement, 32 million kroons worth of computers were sold to the Tallinn
Education Authority in July 2003, which explains the high level of data
communications and IT revenue in 2003. If that 32-million-kroon transaction is
removed from revenues from IT and data communications in 2003, the increase in IT
and data communications revenues in the third quarter of 2004 would be 32%. There
were also extensive data communications and IT projects in the third quarter of
2004. The construction of an extensive private network for AS Eesti Post, which
connected 42 larger post offices across Estonia, ended in August. In September
Elion signed an agreement to provide nearly 500 computer worksites to Tartu
schools, the city library and city government on the basis of operating lease. In
this category, however, Elion did not reach the level of 2003.

The Elion Group's revenue from voice communications were only 1% lower than the
figure for the third quarter of 2003. In the third quarter of 2004, several
positive developments took place in the area of voice communication customers. In
July Elion began a campaign that will last until 31 October, during which time
customers will be able to obtain a telephone connection without having to pay a
subscription fee. Over three months, the offer has been used by over 6,900
customers, 85% of whom were private individuals. About 20% of subscribers wished
to have a permanent Internet connection in addition to a telephone connection. At
the same time, the intensity of movement of numbers from one operator to another
is decreasing. Whereas in the first and second quarters of 2004, the number of
Elion Ettevõtted customers who took advantage of the opportunity to switch to
another operator's network was 333 and 703 respectively, in the third quarter
that figure was 240, most of whom were private individuals. As of the end of
September 2004, Elion possessed 428,188 main lines (31.7 lines per 100

The fall in mobile phone call rates and the rapid growth in the number of users
of mobile phones has led to a decrease in the number of minutes of domestic calls
made from fixed-line telephones. As a result, revenue from domestic calls earned
in the third quarter of this year fell 19% in comparison with the previous year.
As concerns international calls and calls to mobile phones from the Elion
network, we have managed to keep the number of call minutes at the 2003 level.
Nevertheless, revenues from the said call types have fallen 1% and 3%
respectively from the third quarter of 2003, as a result of several discount
packages. Elion Enterprises Ltd estimates its market share of call minutes
initiated in the fixed-line network to be still at 87% (87% in September 2003).
Market share in domestic call minutes is 87% (87% last year also), whereas the
market share of call minutes made using mobile phones has fallen a little to 75%
this September (that figure was 76% in September 2003). At the same time, market
share in international call minutes has been regained. In September of this year
the company estimated its market share to be 70%, while the corresponding figure
was 68% in September of 2003. The market share for dial-up minutes remains at 95%
(95% in 2003 also).

In the third quarter, revenues from network services increased 19% in comparison
with the third quarter of 2003. This growth is the result of the increased volume
of international traffic and rental revenue from leased lines.

The greatest contribution to the growth of the Elion Group's total revenues was
made by AS Elion Esindus, which is involved with the retail sale of telephones
and computing equipment. Its revenues increased 58% in comparison with the third
quarter of 2003. In September the company sold more than 1,000 computers, which
is more than twice as much as in the previous best month for sales, and nearly
four times as much as in September 2003. In the first nine months of this year,
over 3,100 computers have been sold. The sustained efforts of AS Elion Ettevõtted
in strengthening its position in the area of IT and the past months' new offers
in the area of the Internet and data communications have certainly helped achieve
such sales figures. Thus in August and September, customers were able to purchase
the ADSL start-up package by instalment, and subscribers to the new Kodu-ADSL
permanent connection were offered an up to 42% cheaper monthly rate until the end
of November. In September, Elion became the first company in Estonia to introduce
a service combining a personal computer and a permanent connection. For a 555-
kroons monthly fee, a customer can obtain a permanent Internet connection and a
rental computer with software. As of mid-September, the company reduced the price
of the ADSL start-up package aimed at home users by half, to 490 kroons.

The revenues of the Eltel Group, the group of subsidiaries of the Elion Group
that are involved with network construction, increased 7% in the third quarter.
Elion Enterprises Ltd has decided to sell its present 51% share in the Eltel
Group's parent company Eltel Networks to Eltel Networks Corporation by the first
quarter of 2005 at the latest.

The operating expenses of the Elion Group were 4% or 17 million kroons greater
than the results for the third quarter of 2003. As a result of the low margins in
retail, the increase in the revenues of AS Elion Esindus also led to an extensive
increase in operating costs. The company's operating expenses in the third
quarter of this year exceeded the corresponding indicator for 2003 by 58%. The
operating expenses of the Eltel Group were 6% higher than in the third quarter of
2003. The operating expenses of the parent company of the Elion Group fell 4% in
comparison with the 3rd quarter of 2003. The decrease in operating expenses is
mainly the result of the fall in purchased goods and services costs (the
corresponding indicator from the third quarter of 2003 was inflated by the above-
mentioned transaction for the sale of computers to the Tallinn Education
Authority). Because the introduction of the new "Elion" trademark took place in
the third quarter of 2003, this year's marketing costs are significantly smaller
in comparison with those of last year. The increase in the number of call minutes
made to the networks of foreign operators has led to an increase in
interconnection expenses.

In the third quarter of 2004, the Elion Group invested 57 million kroons. In the
first nine months of 2004, a total of 151 million kroons has been invested. The
majority of investments were made with the aim of satisfying customers' needs and
developing the network. The most significant investment projects were the
development of IT infrastructure, the expansion of the DSL network, the creation
of a data warehouse for Hansabank.

The total revenues of the Elion Group for the first nine months of 2004 reached
1,996 million kroons, having grown 5% or 98 million kroons in comparison with the
first nine months of 2003. The majority of the increase in revenue came from
retail sales and network construction. The revenues of the group's parent company
increased 0.3% or 5 million kroons in comparison with the previous year. The
group's nine month operating expenses increased 10%, reaching 1,339 million
kroons. The majority of the increase in operating expenses also arises from the
expansion of subsidiaries' operations. The operating expenses of the group's
parent company increased 2%. The main cause for this increase was the increase in
interconnection charges that accompanied the increase in call minutes to the
networks of foreign operators. The net profit of the Elion Group in the first
nine months of 2004 was 204 million kroons, which is 62 million kroons less than
for the corresponding period in 2003. The nine month result for 2003 did,
however, include the 60 million kroons in profit earned from the sale of the
minority holding in Eltel Networks (formerly AS Connecto). In addition, Elion
Ettevõtted AS paid AS Eesti Telekom 100 million kroons more in dividends than in
2003, which led to an increase of 35 million kroons in income tax from the
dividends, in comparison with 2003.

EMT Group

Q3 Q3 Change 9 9 Chang
2004 2003 , months months e,
% %
2004 2003
Total revenues, million 790 702 12.5 2,235 1,995 12.0
EBITDA, million EEK 348 353 -1.6 1,000 1,006 -0.6
EBITDA margin, % 44.0 50.3 44.7 50.4
EBIT, million EEK 260 268 -3.0 740 746 -0.8
EBIT margin, % 33.0 38.2 33.1 37.4
Profit before taxes, 260 269 -3.3 747 755 -1.1
million EEK
Net profit for the 260 269 -3.3 466 544 -14.3
period, million EEK
CAPEX, million EEK 47 115 -59.3 144 181 -20.7
ROA, % 63.2 65.8 34.0 41.9
ROE, % 85.7 79.7 66.4 77.4

The total revenues of the EMT Group in the third quarter of 2004 reached 790
million kroons, which is an increase of 88 million kroons in comparison with the
third quarter of 2003. The increase in the group's total revenues remained stable
at 12% during 2004. The EMT Group's third quarter operating costs were 442
million kroons, which is an increase of 27% over the third quarter of 2003. The
increase in operating expenses has led to falling margins. The EMT Group's EBITDA
margin was 44% in the third quarter of 2004. In comparison with the third quarter
of 2003 EBITDA decreased 2%, to 348 million kroons. The extensive investments
made by the EMT Group in the second half of 2003 have led to a certain increase
in depreciation costs. The depreciation and amortisation for the third quarter of
this year exceeded the corresponding figure for the third quarter of 2003 by 3%.
The group's EBIT reached 260 million kroons, which is 9 million kroons less than
the result for the third quarter of 2003.

In the third quarter of 2004 the total revenues of AS EMT, the parent company of
the EMT Group, increased 9% in comparison with the third quarter of 2003, to 683
million kroons. The growth in total revenues is the result of the expansion of
the customer base. As of the end of September 2004, the operator had 557.3
thousand customers (463.8 thousand in September 2003). The customer base had
increased by 93.5 thousand during the year. The net increase during the third
quarter was 26.6 thousand. The number of both contractual customers and pre-paid
customers increased. As of the end of September, AS EMT had 349.6 thousand
contractual customers (295.1 thousand in September 2003). During the quarter, the
number of contractual customers increased by 13.9 thousand. The additional of
customers was facilitated by the many discount offers made by the operator. Those
who subscribed between July and mid-August were relieved from the monthly fee
until May 2005. Customers who recommended a new contractual customer were also
offered the same exemption from the monthly fee. Customers who joined in
September obtained 2,000 kroons of free call time. From mid-August, elderly
people have been offered a Seniors' Package that has no monthly fee and
favourable call rates. In September AS EMT introduced the Student Package, which
is intended for students and has a favourable monthly fee and call rates between
friends. The monthly fee and call rates of the Professional Package which targets
business customers, were reduced.

There were 207.7 thousand pre-paid card customers as of the end of September 2004
(168.7 thousand as of September 2003). During the third quarter, the number of
pre-paid cards in use increased by 12.8 thousand. The increase in the number of
pre-paid cards was partly the result of the change in the conditions for the use
of the pre-paid Simpel call card, which entered into effect on 21 September 2004.
Until September 2004, users of the card were able to use their call time for
making calls within a maximum of five months from the last loading, which was
supplemented with the possibility of receiving calls for 1 more month. As of
September, loaded calling time can be used to make calls for up to six months,
and calls can be received for up to one month, as before. The purpose of this
change was to harmonise the conditions of use of AS EMT's call cards with those
of call cards offered by other operators. Most of the increase in the number of
call cards, however, was caused by the addition of new customers. During the
quarter, several attractive offers were also made in the area of pre-paid cards.
Thus in summer months, start-up packages for pre-paid call cards were offered at
half the ordinary price, and in September customers could purchase two Simpel
start-up packages for the price of one. As of 1 July, per-minute calling rates
for users of the Simpel card were reduced. The expansion of the customer base has
been accompanied by increases in both the number of call minutes made by AS EMT
and incoming call minutes. The growth in AS EMT's total revenues in the third
quarter was largely the result of revenues earned from calls made by customers,
and revenues from interconnection services. The third important component of that
growth was revenue from roaming. In September 2004, an average of 378 kroons in
revenue was earned per customer (June 2004: 393 kroons; December 2003: 410
kroons; September 2003: 423 kroons).

The operating costs of the EMT Group's parent company increased in the third
quarter of 2004, rising 24% in comparison with the third quarter of 2003
amounting to 344 million kroons. The increase in expenditures resulted mainly
from an increase in the customer base - interconnection payments on call minutes
outside the EMT network and roaming costs. The increasingly tough competition in
the Estonian mobile telephone market in the past year has led to a certain
increase in marketing expenses.

AS EMT's EBITDA decreased 3% in comparison with the third quarter of 2003,
amounting to 339 million kroons.

In the third quarter of 2004 the total revenues of EMT Esindused AS, which is the
EMT Group's subsidiary that is involved with retail business, continued to rise
rapidly. The result for 2004 exceeded the total revenues for the third quarter of
2003 by 61%. The increase in total revenues was also accompanied by a 56% rise in
the company's operating expenses. In comparison with the previous year, the
margins of EMT Esindused AS have risen, and EBITDA for the third quarter of this
year was 3 million kroons greater than in the previous year.

In the third quarter of 2004, the EMT Group invested 47 million kroons. The
majority of the investments were made to ensure the quality of the company's
technological infrastructure. EMT continued to expand the range of the EDGE
service, which permits rapid data communications, and also increased the
bandwidth of the EMT Go mobile Internet environment.

The EMT Group's total revenues for the first nine months of 2004 reached 2,235
million kroons, which is a 12% or 240 million kroon increase over the first nine
months of 2003. The majority of the increase in total revenues was the result of
the parent company's operations. The group's operating expenses for the first
nine months increased 25%, to 1,235 million kroons. The majority of the increase
in operating expenses resulted from the increased customer base and direct costs
connected with the increase in the amount of call time. The EMT Group's EBITDA
for the first nine months was 1,000 million kroons, which was the same level as
that of the 2003 result. The group earned a net profit of 466 million kroons,
which is 78 million kroons less than in the first nine months of 2003. Whereas in
2003, AS EMT paid AS Eesti Telekom 600 million kroons in dividends, in 2004 the
dividends amounted to 800 million kroons. As a result of the increased dividend
volume, AS EMT's income tax expenditure on dividends was 70 million kroons
greater than in 2003.

Relations with state regulator

Precept of the Estonian National Communications Board to Elion Ettevõtted AS
regarding the calculation of the domestic interconnection service charges
On 22 June 2004, the Estonian National Communications Board (ENCB) issued a
precept to Elion Ettevõtted AS, whereby the firm has to decrease domestic
interconnection service charges in its telephone network. Pursuant to the
precept, Elion has to apply charges, which were determined by the ENCB on the
basis Regulation no. 313 of the Government of the Republic of 11.12.2003,
entitled "Cost Accounting Methodology for Leased Line and Interconnection Service
Charges". The Estonian Government had approved this new regulation package, which
prescribes the cost accounting methodology of SMP, on 11 December 2003. It was
formulated in cooperation with the Danish consultation company Andersen
Management International AS, the Association of Estonian IT and Telecommunication
Companies, and the ENCB.

Elion filed a challenge regarding the ENCB's precept, as a result of which the
ENCB changed its earlier precept. Pursuant to the ENCB's new precept, Elion was
required to lower its domestic interconnection charges by an average of 17
percent by 1 October.

Elion Ettevõtted AS has performed the precept, and as a result the company's
revenues from interconnection charges will decrease by an estimated 14 million
kroons per year.

Intention to declare Elion Ettevõtted AS an operator with significant market
power (SMP)
The ENCB notified Elion Ettevõtted AS on 7 September 2004 of its intention to
declare the company an operator with significant market power in the publicly
available telephone services market, the publicly available leased line services
market and the publicly available interconnection services market for the year

Elion Ettevõtted AS was declared an operator with significant market power in the
publicly available telephone services market, the publicly available leased line
services market and the publicly available interconnection services market for
the years 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004. The company is not surprised by the ENCB's
intention to declare Elion Ettevõtted AS an SMP in the three above-mentioned
markets also in 2005.

Intention to declare AS EMT an operator with significant market power
On 7 September 2004, the ENCB sent AS EMT a letter in which it announced
its intention to declare AS EMT an operator with significant market power in the
publicly available mobile telephone services market for the year 2005.

AS EMT was also declared an operator with significant market power in the
publicly available mobile telephone services market for the years 2002, 2003 and

Disclosure of financial results in 2005

In 2005 the financial results of the Eesti Telekom Group will be disclosed on the
following dates:

Preliminary, unaudited results for 2004 4 February
Audited results for 2004 10 March
3-month results for 2005 22 April
6-month results for 2005 15 July
9-month results for 2005 21 October


Net debt - long term and short term debt, less cash and cash equivalents, and
short term investments

ROA - Net profit for the period, expressed as a percentage of average total
ROE - Pre-tax profit for the period, expressed as a percentage of average equity

All trends, margins and growth rates have been calculated on bases of data in
Estonian kroons with 1-kroon accuracy.



Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian kroons (EEK)

Q3 2004 Q3 2003
Net sales 1,316,235 1,236,676
Other revenues 7,935 5,491
Total revenues 1,324,170 1,242,167
Operating expenses
Materials, consumables, supplies (501,074) (438,556)
and services
Other operating expenses (125,712) (110,219)
Personnel expenses (130,132) (121,799)
Other expenses (4,868) (5,381)
Total operating expenses (761,786) (675,955)
Profit from operations before 562,384 566,212
Depreciation and amortisation (198,158) (214,927)
Profit from operations 364,226 351,285
Net financial income / (expenses) (457) (1,101)
from associates
Other net financing items 5,347 6,213
Profit before minority interest 369,116 356,397
Minority interest (3,444) (3,485)
Net profit for the period 365,672 352,912
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (in 2.65 2.56
Diluted earnings per share (in 2.65 2.56



Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian kroons (EEK)

9 months to 9 months to 2003

30 30
September September
2004 2003
Net sales 3,809,836 3,514,437 4,777,858
Other revenues 20,629 22,662 30,393
Total revenues 3,830,465 3,537,099 4,808,251
Operating expenses
Materials, (1,377,856) (1,147,271) (1,662,093)
supplies and
Other operating (369,697) (325,710) (457,253)
Personnel expenses (430,663) (378,194) (532,140)
Other expenses (16,511) (17,172) (39,164)
Total operating (2,194,727) (1,868,347) (2,690,650)
Profit from 1,635,738 1,668,752 2,117,601
operations before
Depreciation and (614,571) (664,705) (880,941)
Profit from 1,021,167 1,004,047 1,236,660
Net financial income (840) 56,509 55,462
/ (expenses) from
Other net financing 25,124 24,928 33,495
Profit before tax 1,045,451 1,085,484 1,325,617
Income tax on (382,918) (286,022) (286,022)
Profit after tax 662,533 799,462 1,039,595
Minority interest (3,145) (3,485) (4,047)
Net profit for the 659,388 795,977 1,035,548
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per 4.79 5.79 7.53
share (in kroons)
Diluted earnings per 4.79 5.79 7.53
share (in kroons)



Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian kroons (EEK)

30 31 December 30
September 2003 September
2004 2003
Non-current assets
Property, plant and 1,992,363 2,275,868 2,250,506
Goodwill 9,606 10,287 4,095
Licenses, patents and 100,647 113,808 108,424
Investments in 15,798 16,638 20,562
subsidiaries and
Other investments 2,700 2,700 2,895
Other non-current 10,866 6,852 2,649
Total non-current 2,131,980 2,426,153 2,389,131
Current assets
Inventories 109,775 97,417 98,419
Trade receivables 560,529 486,037 468,828
Other receivables 256,470 219,893 178,866
Investments held for 28,554 48,709 48,524
Cash and cash 1,101,907 1,320,802 1,143,390
Total current assets 2,057,235 2,172,858 1,938,027
TOTAL ASSETS 4,189,215 4,599,011 4,327,158
Share capital 1,379,545 1,376,445 1,376,445
Reserves 493,663 468,410 468,410
Translation reserve 12 (11) (38)
Retained earnings 1,188,792 1,254,670 1,254,670
Net profit for the 659,388 1,035,548 795,977
Total equity 3,721,400 4,135,062 3,895,464
Minority interest 16,685 13,540 12,978
Interest-bearing loans 2,779 3,694 5,606
and borrowings - due
after one year
Retirement benefit 8,194 8,777 7,178
Total non-current 10,973 12,471 12,784
Current liabilities
Trade payables 173,950 226,042 148,999
Other current 178,025 161,829 178,339
Tax liabilities 62,914 35,696 58,100
Interest-bearing loans 20,808 8,346 8,559
and borrowings - due
within one year
Provisions 4,460 6,025 11,935
Total current 440,157 437,938 405,932
TOTAL EQUITY AND 4,189,215 4,599,011 4,327,158



Financial statements are prepared in thousands of Estonian kroons (EEK)

9 months to 9 months
30 Sept. 30 Sept.
2004 2004
Operating activities
Profit from operations 1,021,167 1,004,047
Adjustments for:
Depreciation and amortisation 614,571 664,705
Profit from sales and write-off of (8,173) (13,330)
fixed assets
Operating cash flow before 1,627,565 1,655,422
movements in working capital
Change in current receivables (111,603) 3,403
Change in inventories (9,950) (5,902)
Change in current liabilities (15,784) (97,112)
Cash generated by operations 1,490,228 1,555,811
Interest paid 891 (459)
Income tax on dividends paid (382,918) (286,022)
Net cash from operating activities 1,108,201 1,269,330
Investing activities
Purchases of property, plant and (284,885) (229,169)
Purchases of licenses (9,583) (77,465)
Proceeds from sales of property, 14,522 20,520
plant and equipment
Acquisition of subsidiaries (3,872) (13,339)
Proceeds from sales subsidiaries - 68,137
Purchases of other long-term - (185)
Purchases of trading investments (29,356) (48,523)
Proceeds on disposal of trading 49,510 79,080
Loans granted (11,919) (1,393)
Cash receipt from repayment of 67 45
Dividends received - 8
Interest received 36,115 26,400
Net cash used in investing (239,401) (175,884)
Financing activities
Repayment of long-term convertible (48) (169)
Proceeds from nonconvertible 507 360
long-term debt
Repayment of nonconvertible (5,533) (8,555)
long-term debt
Repayment of long-term borrowings - (23,273)
Repayment of obligations under (8,765) (1,066)
finance lease
Repayment of short-term borrowings (176) -
Shares issuance (Rights Offering) 27,782 23,413
Dividends paid (1,101,165) (824,309)
Net cash used in financing (1,087,398) (833,599)
Net increase / (decrease) in cash (218,598) 259,847
and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents at 1,320,802 883,988
beginning of year
Effect of foreign exchange rate (297) (445)
Cash and cash equivalents at end of 1,101,907 1,143,390

Hille Võrk
Financial Manager
6 272 460

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