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LKB: Decision projects for the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Krājbanka

15.11.2004, Latvijas Krājbanka, RIG
Latvijas Krajbanka                     15.11.2004.

Decision projects for the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Krājbanka

1. About the conversion of the reserve shares of the Board
1. To convert 21 000 reserve shares of the Board without voting right
with the part value of LVL 1 into the ordinary bearer’s shares,
category – with voting right, par value – LVL 1 (hereinafter also –
the Shares) and to launch them into public circulation, starting
their quotation in the Free List of the Riga Stock Exchange.

2. About the issue of debt securities
1. To launch into the public circulation the three-year bonds of
JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” and hypothecary letters of mortgage in the
par value of Ls 100 (one hundred lats).
2. To determine such conditions for the public offer of the issue of
bonds of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”:

Issuer: JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”
Class of security: Bond
Type of security: Bearer’s security
Amount of issue: up to LVL 3 000 000
Currency of issue: Latvian lat
Par value of the bond: LVL 100
Number of disbursements of fixed income per year: twice
3. To determine such conditions for the public offer of the issue of
hypothecary letters of mortgage of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”:
Issuer: JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”
Class of security: Letter of mortgage
Type of security: Bearer’s security
Amount of issue: up to LVL 5 000 000
Currency of issue: Latvian lat
Par value of the letter of mortgage: LVL 100
Number of disbursements of fixed income per year:twice
3. About the entry of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” into the Commercial Register
1. To apply JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” for entry into the Commercial Register.

4. About the confirmation of the Charter of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”
in a new wording
1. To confirm the Charter of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” in a new wording.


1.1. The firm of the Joint-Stock Company: Joint-Stock Company
“Latvijas Krājbanka” (hereinafter – the Bank).
2.1. The Bank shall perform the commercial activity of such a type:
2.1.1. financial mediation, except for insurance and funding of pensions
(NACE 65.2. group “Other financial mediation”) and operation supplementing
the financial mediation (NACE 67.1. group “Operation supplementing the
financial mediation, except for insurance and funding of pensions”)
including: attraction of deposits and other repayable means; crediting, also in accordance with conditions of financial leasing; performance of cash and non-cash payments; issue and servicing non-cash payment means (all payment means,
except banknotes and coins in any currency); trading on behalf of the Bank or client with currency; operations of confidence (trust); provision of investing services and of supplementary investing
services; issuance of guarantees and other deeds of liability under which
the obligation is undertaken to be liable towards the creditor for the
debt of a third party; keeping of valuables; consultations to the clients on matters of financial character; provision of such information related to settlement of debt
liabilities of the client; other transactions that in substance are similar to the above-said
financial services; collection of cash and valuables; ensuring of the security-guarding and internal safety of the Bank
(NACE 74.6).
2.2. In the case when the Bank pursuant to the law is entitled to engage
in any of the above-said types of commercial activity only after reception
of a special permission or licence or registration, the Bank shall start
the respective type of commercial activity only after the actual reception
of such special permission or licence or registration.
3.1. The fixed capital of the Bank is 9 106 412 (nine million one hundred
six thousand four hundred twelve) lats.
4.1. The fixed capital of the Bank is formed out of 9 106 412 (nine million
one hundred six thousand four hundred twelve) shares of one category and
they all have equal right to reception of the dividend, reception of the
liquidation quota and to the voting right at the shareholders’ meeting.
4.2. Each paid-up share gives the right at the shareholders’ meeting to
one vote.
4.3. The par value of each share is 1 (one) lat.
4.4. All shares are dematerialised bearer’s shares.
5.1. The Bank is administered by the Shareholders’ Meeting, Council and Board.
5.2. The Shareholders’ Meeting is the highest administration institution of
the Bank.
5.3. The Shareholders’ Meeting is entitled to decide if it is attended by
the shareholders, which represent at least one half of the paid-up fixed
5.4. If the ordinary of extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is not entitled
to decide due to shortage of the quorum, the Board at the latest within one
month a repeated calling of the ordinary or extraordinary Shareholders’
Meeting. The repeatedly called Shareholders’ Meeting with the same agenda
is entitled to decide irrespective of the number of votes represented at it.
5.5. The Shareholders’ Meeting adopts resolutions with the majority of the
votes of the present shareholders with the voting right. Resolutions on
making of amendments in the Charter, amending the objectives of the Bank’s
activity, merging with other companies and liquidation of the Bank are
adopted by the Shareholders’ Meeting if in favour of such resolutions
votes are cast by the shareholders, which represent at least three fourths
of the paid-up fixed capital.
5.6. The Council is composed of 9 (nine) members. The Council is elected
for the period of 3 years.
5.7. The Council adopts resolutions with a simple majority of votes.
5.8. The number of the Board’s members is 5 (five).
5.9. The Board adopts resolutions with a simple majority of votes.
5.10. The Board’s Chairman is entitled to represent the Bank separately,
but other Board’s members – each together with two Board’s members.
5.11. From the members of the Board the Council appoints the Board’s
Chairman (President) and First Deputy of the Board’s Chairman
(First Vice President).
5.12. The Board’s activity is administered by the Board’s Chairman
(President), but during his absence – by the First Deputy of the Board’s
Chairman (of the President) (First Vice President).
5.13. The Board for resolving of significant matters necessitates the
consent of the Council. Such significant matters are:
- confirmation of the governing documents for the credit policy;
- acquisition, increase or reduction of participation at other companies;
- purchase of real estate, sale or mortgaging of the Bank’s real estate;
- confirmation of the regulations for granting of credits to the Bank’s
- foundation of branches and representative offices and termination of
their operation;
- appointment of the proxy at the commercial companies, at which the Bank
has the participation.
5.14. The Shareholders’ Meeting, Council and Board are not entitled to
adopt resolutions which are in contradiction to the laws of the Latvian
Republic, binding instructions of the Finances and Capital Market Commission
and Bank of Latvia, Privatisation Regulations and resolutions of the board
of the Privatisation Agency.
6.1. The statements of the Bank’s operation are verified by the auditor,
who gives the opinion about them, but the everyday internal audits and
control are performed by the special audit service formed by the Council
– Internal Audit. It acts within the scope of the powers stated by the Council,
under the task and in subordination to the Council.
The Council elects the manager of the Internal Audit of the Bank at the
recommendation of the Council’s Chairman, but the employees are taken into
employment and dismissed by the Board’s Chairman (President), upon previous
co-ordination with the Council.
6.2. Auditor (sworn accountant) is elected at the Shareholders’ Meeting.
The Board prepares and submits to Shareholders’ Meeting the proposal about
the candidacy of the sworn accountant. The Board after the election of
the auditor (sworn accountant) on behalf of the Bank concludes the contract
with him/her.
7. About the authorisation to register the resolutions adopted by the
General Meeting at the Enterprise Register of the Latvian Republic.
The shareholders of the Joint-Stock Company “Latvijas Krājbanka” can get
acquainted with the draft resolutions of the issues to be discussed at the
General Meeting in Riga, Jēkaba Street 2, in the operations’ hall of JSC
“Latvijas Krājbanka” at the administrator, starting from November 26 of 2004
each working day from 9:00 till 17:00, but on the day of the General meeting
– at the client servicing centre of JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka” in Riga,
Dzelzavas Street 55, at the place of registration.

Press Secretary of
JSC “Latvijas Krājbanka”
Liene Vanaga
Telephone 7092043, 9114772
e-mail –

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