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GZE: Draft decisions of EGM of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze" to be held on December 3, 2004

24.11.2004, Latvijas Gāze, RIG
Latvijas Gaze                                                  24.11.2004.

Draft decisions of EGM of Shareholders of JSC “Latvijas Gaze" to be held
on December 3, 2004

1.About approval of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget for the year 2005.
2.About conversion of shares of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
3.About registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial Register.
4.About amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
5.About composition of Management Board of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
6.Other questions related to registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in
the Commercial Register.

Item No. 1 of agenda
About approval of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget for the year 2005.
To approve "JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget for the year 2005".

About JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget for 2005 and business plan Company's most
important activities in year 2005
The activities of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in year 2005 will be directed for
achievement of the following goals:
1.reliable and uninterruptible natural gas supply to all the customers in
the requested volumes and quality provided for by the contract;
2.cooperation with state institutions on meeting the demands of European
Parliament and Council Directive 2003/55/EK (26.06.2003) on common rules
regarding internal natural gas market;
3.improvement of clients' service;
4.completion of installation of reserve compressor in Incukalna UGS;
5.estimation of results of inline diagnostics of gas transmission pipelines Pskow-
Riga and Riga-Daugavpils; on Incukalns UGS, natural gas transmission and distribution system
reconstruction and supply system expansion.

Company's most important activities plan in 2004
1.Capital investment program
Capital investment program for year 2005 is prepared by taking into consideration
fulfillment of conditions of licenses issued by Energy Regulation Council, three
years investment program submitted and accepted by Public Service Regulation
Commission during the tariffs' approval process, implementation of measures,
regulations, defect statements connected to safety issues prepared by other
supervision institutions (fire safety, environmental protection, sanitary inspection)
and Gazobezopasnostj.
In year 2005 it is foreseen to invest Ls 24,88 million. Capital investment program
priorities in year 2005 will be:
Installation of reserve compressor and CS-1 construction, CS-2 building renovation,
completion of construction of methanol storage and piping and reconstruction of power
supply system as well as commence of reconstruction of Incukalns UGS wells (4) and
Gas Collecting Station GCS-1 (46,9 %);
Construction of gas distribution pipes, connection of new towns and villages (32,8 %);
Completion of reconstruction of Gas Regulation Stations (10) (2,9 %);
Development of Information Technologies (IT) and systems, including development of
clients' accounting and service system and continuation of the work on common gas
network digital map (2,6 %);
Replacement of vesicles and mechanisms (3,2 %).
It is planned to construct 218,2 km of gas pipelines in year 2005, incl. 19 km of
gas transmission pipe to Rezekne and 199.2 km of gas distribution pipelines. 2500
individual houses and 1400 flats will be connected to natural gas supply system.

2.Natural gas sales in year 2005
According to operative prognosis natural gas sales in year 2004 will reach 1 630
mil.nm3 and will be on 2003 level.
According to information obtained during consumers' inquiry there are requests
received on supply of 1 730 mio.nm3. This volume corresponds to calculated consumption
volume at average temperature during last 10 years. However, taking into consideration
polar air temperature tendencies during last years as well grounded gas sales volume
in draft budget for year 2005 is considered 1 650 mil.nm3.
It is necessary to mention that in 1st quarter of year 2004 the average air
temperature was by 2,5 °C lower than last five-year average for 1st quarter and by
0,4 °C lower than in 1st quarter of 2003.
JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget income prognosis from gas sales is comprised taking into
consideration the tariffs determined by PSRC 09.04.2003. order No. 105 "On JSC
“Latvijas Gaze" natural gas tariffs' project" with heavy fuel oil sulphur content
3,5 % at average quotation BARGES FOB ARA - above 140 USD/t and conditions of
individual contracts for new customers. Gas purchase price is calculated according
to conditions of gas delivery agreements, forecasted gas flows and heavy fuel oil
with sulphur content of 1% price BARGES FOB ARA - 170 UST/t.
3.Average number of employees
There were 1270 employees working for the Company in 2004, but in year 2005 it is
planned to employ 1315 persons.
Increase of the number of employees is connected to increase of the length of
serviced pipelines and number of equipment due to new connections and new personnel
for Contact center. New working places in 2005 will have to be made in structural
units of operation and maintenance and sales because rapid increase of number of
clients and limited number of employees may adversary influence quality and
operability of furnished services.

JSC "Latvijas Gaze" year 2005 budget most important financial indices

1. Natural gas sales
In year 2005 natural gas sales will contribute Ls 121,1 million revenue, which
in total net turnover will comprise 96,7 %. To the households will be sold 7,2%
of gas, generating 11,6 % of natural gas sales revenues.
When elaborating gas flow balance for Incukalns UGS for year 2005 it is planned
for to inject 2 000 mio.nm3 of gas in storage in summer , including for needs of
other countries 875 mio.nm3, but withdraw 2 029 mio.nm3, including for needs of
other countries 957 mio.nm3, which will generate revenue of Ls 3,67 million for
the company.
JSC "Latvijas Gaze" revenue from basic activity for year 2005 is planned for
in the amount of LVL 125 275 thousand., but expenditures in the amount of -
LVL 113 937,9 thousand.

2. Company's profit
In year 2005 profit before taxes is planned for in the amount of Ls 11 million,
but after payment of immovable property tax and enterprise income tax Ls 8,2 million.
In year 2005 profit changes, comparing to last years when with the lower gas sales
volumes net profit was higher, is connected to increased depreciation due to
revaluation of fixed assets and increased expense for natural gas purchase.

For approval:
JSC "Latvijas Gaze"
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
3 december 2004

JSC "Latvijas Gaze" budget for the year 2005 (thousand LVL)

Index Budget
1. Income TOTAL 126 042.8
incl. from basic activities 125 275.0
2. Expenses TOTAL, incl. Taxes 115 037.9
incl. from basic activities 113 937.9
3. Profit before tax 11 004.9
4. Taxes 2 769.9
incl. corporate income tax 1 249.9
5. Profit of the Company 8 235.0

Capital investment (thousand LVL) 24880.0
Number of employees (people) 1315

Accepted :
The minute of meeting of the Supervisory Board # 4 (2004)at 19.november 2004
The minute of meeting of the Board of the Directors #38(2004)at 2.november 2004

Chairman of the Board of Directors A.Davis

Item No. 2 of agenda
About conversion of shares of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
To convert 2 500 (two thousand five hundred) common shares without voting rights,
which are reserved to the Management Board into dematerialised bearer shares,
giving the owner voting rights at the meetings of shareholders and the right to
receive dividends and liquidation quota.
To put 2 500 (two thousand five hundred) bearer shares converted into circulation
on the regulated market.
To convert 25 326 020 (twenty five million three hundred twenty six thousand twenty)
common registered shares with voting rights, which are put into circulation on the
regulated market, into 25 326 020 (twenty five million three hundred twenty six
thousand twenty) dematerialised bearer shares, giving the owner voting rights at
the meetings of shareholders and the right to receive dividends and liquidation quota.
To authorize Management Board of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" to take all the required
actions to effect the share conversion and to put the shares into circulation
on the regulated market.

Item No. 3 of agenda
About registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial Register.
To register JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial Register. To resolve that all rights
and obligations of JSC "Latvijas Gaze", resolutions adopted by its managing bodies,
as well as other circumstances relating to its business activity shall refer to JSC
"Latvijas Gaze" and remain effective after JSC "Latvijas Gaze" registration in the
Commercial Register.

Item No. 4 of agenda
About amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
To approve "Amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze"" on 9
To prescribe that amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze"
shall become effective from the moment of registration in the Register of Enterprises
of the Republic of Latvia (an administrative institution of the Commercial Register).
If state notary of the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (an
administrative institution of the Commercial Register) has made the decision to
suspend or refuse the registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial Register
and if such suspension or refusal is related to unconformity of amendments to the
Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" to legislative acts of Republic of
Latvia or other imperfections and, if elimination of the imperfections do not change
the scope of rights and liabilities of shareholders, authorise Management Board of
JSC "Latvijas Gaze" with its decision to eliminate reasons of the suspension or refusal
of the registration, which are mentioned in the decision of the state notary of the
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (an administrative institution of
the Commercial Register), approving respective amendments to the Articles of Association
of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".

Draft, 19 November 2004
Amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze"
1.Replace in the name of Section I the word "Company" with the word "Firm".
2.Replace in 1.1 the words "joint stock company "Latvijas Gaze" (hereinafter
referred to as "Company") is a company "with the words "The firm of the
company is the joint stock company "Latvijas Gaze" (hereinafter referred to as
"Company"), which is a capital company,".
3.Delete 1.2, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
4.In the whole text of the Charter change the words "The Meeting"(in respective
case), "General Meeting" (in respective case) and the words "General Meeting of
Shareholders" (in respective case) with words "Meeting of Shareholders" (in
respective case).
5.In 2.1 delete the words «under the laws of the Republic of Latvia "On
Entrepreneurial Activities", "On Joint Stock Companies", "On Energy" and
6.Delete 2.2, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
7.Delete 2.11, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
8.Delete clause 2.13.
9.Word the name of Section III as: “TYPES OF COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES”.
10.Change in 3.1 the words "natural gas and liquefied gas to consumers and" to
words "gas and energy to consumers, as well as".
11.Word 3.2 as follows:
"3.2. The main types of activities of the Company according to the General
Classification of Economic Activities (NACE) are as follows:
1)production of gas and distribution of gas along gas mains (40.20),
including acquire, transportation of all types, distribution and sale of
natural gas; (wholesale and retail sale);
2)other retail sale in specialized shops (52.48), other retail sale outside
shops (52.63), including supply of liquefied gas, retail sale,
transportation of all types, import, export, transit and distribution of
3)retail sale of car petrol (50.5), including gas retail sale of natural gas
and liquefied gas as car petrol;
4)wholesaling of solid, liquefied and gaseous petrol and similar products
(51.51), including wholesale of natural gas and liquefied gas and
wholesaling of natural gas and liquefied gas as car petrol;
5)pipe transmission transportation (60.3), including transportation of
natural gas along gas mains, import of natural gas, export and transit of
natural gas;
6)storage and warehouse management (63.12), including storage of
natural and liquefied gas;
7)services and advice in the area of architecture and projecting (74.2),
including projecting, construction supervision and management of all
external and internal systems of gas mains and systems of gas
transmission and distribution;
8)general construction of buildings and engineering-technical works
(45.21), including construction and assembly works on all external and
internal systems of gas mains and systems of gas transportation;
9)plumbing and technical works (45.33), including transportation,
processing, storage, distribution of natural and liquefied gas,
installation, regulation and operation of equipment and control
mechanisms for quantity and quality of natural gas;
10)other works for assembly of engineering systems (45.34);
11)production, distribution and sale of electricity (40.1);
12)other activities in the area of health protection of humans (85.14);
13)transportation by trucks (60.24), including commercial conveyances
by truck and international commercial conveyances by truck;
14)other road passenger transportation (60.23), including passenger
commercial conveyances."
12. To word clause 4.1. as follows:
,,4.1. The share capital of the Company is LVL 39,900,000 (thirty nine million
nine hundred thousand lats). The share capital of the Company is formed by
39,900,000 (thirty nine million nine hundred thousand) shares. The nominal
value per one share is LVL 1.00 (one lat)."
13.To add new clause 4.2. and to word as follows:
"4.2. All 39,900,000 (thirty nine million nine hundred thousand) shares of the
Company give their shareholders equal rights, particularly rights to receive
dividends and liquidation quotas, as well as voting rights at the Meeting of
14.To word clause 4.3 as follows:
"4.3. 14,573,980 (fourteen million five hundred and seventy-three thousand nine
hundred and eighty) shares of the Company are registered shares. 25,326,020
(twenty-five million three hundred and twenty-six thousand and twenty) shares
of the Company are bearer shares which are publicly traded."
15.To word 4.4 as follows:
«4.4. All shares of the Company are dematerialized shares.»
16.To word 4.5. as follows:
"4.5. The share capital of the Company may be increased or reduced on the basis
of a decision of the Meeting of Shareholders, in which regulations for an
increase or reduction of the share capital shall be approved, and amendments to
the Charter of the Company made."
17.Delete clause 4.7.
18.To word 5.1 as follows:
5.1. The Company may issue shares and convertible bonds.»
19.Delete 5.2, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
20.To word 5.3 as follows:
«.5.2. The Meeting of Shareholders determines the volume, timing, conditions and
other issues related to the emission of the Company's shares and approves the rules
and prospectus of the emission. The emission and distribution of the shares is
carried out by the Board of Directors in accordance with the procedures set forth
by the Meeting of Shareholders.
In respect of the securities of the Company being on public sale, the Board of
Directors has to comply with the obligations prescribed in the Law On the Market
of Financial Instruments and the obligations of an issuer, except for the duties
and obligations, which are in the competence of the Meeting of Shareholders or
the Supervisory Board."
21.Delete 5.4., accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
22.To word 5.5 as follows:
«5.3. Information on the owners of registered shares, as well as transfers of
the registered shares shall be recorded in the shareholders' register of the
Company. The holders of the registered shares obtain the rights of the shareholder
only upon registration with the shareholders' register.
The rights arising from the bearer shares belong to the person who holds these
bearer shares.»
23.Delete 5.6, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
24.Delete 5.7, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
25.To word 5.8 as follows:
«5.5. The acquirer of a registered share shall notify the Company about the
acquisition of shares in the form of a common application, which is prepared by
the person alienating his shares and the person buying the shares, or by means of
an act evidencing the transaction. The record in the shareholders' register of
the Company shall be made no later than on the next day after the Board receives
the data on changes in the records of the shareholders' register of the Company.»
26.Delete 5.9, 5.10 and 5.11.
27.In the Latvian and Russian version the word "auditor" is
changed terminologically as provided for by the Law.
28.Replace in 6.3. the words « an internationally recognized auditing company
being registered in the Republic of Latvia» with the words « a sworn (certified)
internationally recognized auditor or an internationally recognized commercial
company of sworn (certified) auditors registered in the Republic of Latvia
(hereinafter "the Auditor").
29.Delete in 6.5 the words "and in accordance with the procedures set forth by
the Meeting of Shareholders".
30.In 7.2 delete the word «General» (hereinafter - Meeting).
31.To word clause 7.3. as follows:
"7.3. The following issues are in exclusive competence of the Meeting of
(1)the annual report of the Company;
(2)distribution of the profit of the previous operating year;
(3)appointment and dismissal of the members of the Supervisory Board,
auditors, Company controllers and liquidators;
(4)making decisions on bringing claims against members of the Board of
Directors and the Supervisory Board and the auditor, or dismissal of claims
against them, as well as appointment of a representative of the Company for
upholding the claim against the members of the Supervisory Board;
(5)making amendments to the Charter of the Company;
(6)increase or decrease of the share capital of the Company;
(7)termination or continuation of the activities of the Company or on
reorganization of the Company;
(8)emission or conversion of the securities of the Company;
(9)determination of remuneration for the members of the Supervisory Board
and the auditor;
(10)other issues if they are directly provided for by the Law."
32.Delete 7.4 and 7.5, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
33.To express 7.6. as two clauses and word as follows:
«7.4. The ordinary Meeting of Shareholders is every year called by the Board
of Directors. When calling an ordinary Meeting of Shareholders, the Board of
Directors shall take into account the period provided for by the Law for approval
of annual reports.
7.5. The Board of Directors notifies shareholders on the summoning of the Meeting
at least 30 (thirty) days ahead of the planned Meeting of Shareholders through
publishing the relevant announcement in newspaper "Latvijas Vestnesis" and at least
in one more newspaper. The announcement shall specify place, date and time, and agenda
of the Meeting of Shareholders, type of the Meeting o Shareholders (ordinary or
extraordinary), institution which calls the Meeting of Shareholders, actions to be
taken by the shareholders so that they could participate and vote, provisions of the
Charter on participation of representatives of the shareholders at the Meeting,
agenda, as well as provide information on where and when shareholders may familiarise
themselves with the draft resolutions on the issues on agenda of the Meeting of
Shareholders and other issues to be considered by the Meeting of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors shall notify the owners of the registered shares on the Meeting
of Shareholders at least 30 (thirty) days ahead of the Meeting of Shareholders by
personal notice or notice mail accompanied by facsimile to be sent to the addresses
of the owners of the registered shares indicated in the shareholders register. The
notice shall be considered to be received as of the date when the facsimile message
is received. Such a notice shall specify the firm name and registered address of
the Company, date, time and place of the Meeting of Shareholders, type of the
Meeting of Shareholders(ordinary or extraordinary), institution which calls the
Meeting of Shareholders, actions to be taken by the shareholders so that they could
participate and vote, provisions of the Charter on participation of representatives
of the shareholders at the Meeting of Shareholders, agenda, and shall be attached
with the draft resolutions on the amendments to the Charter of the Company, if any."
34.To word 7.7 as follows:
«7.6. Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders shall be called by the Board of
Directors at its own initiative or if requested by the Supervisory Board,
auditor or Shareholders representing together at least 5% of the share capital
of the Company, by indicating the reasons for calling the Meeting of Shareholders
and the agenda of the extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors
shall call the extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders no later than within 2 (two)
weeks after receipt of the respective request.»
35. To supplement clause 7.8 with new paragraph and to word it as follows:
"The Meeting of Shareholders, where the items listed under clause 7.9. are considered,
as well as repeated Meetings of Shareholders, where the items listed under the clause
7.9. are considered, is entitled to adopt the decisions if not less than 85% (eighty
five percent) of the equity capital is present."
36. To word 7.10 as follows:
"7.9. The following issues may be decided by the Meeting of Shareholders if at
least 85% (eighty five percent) of the paid-up equity capital of the Company are
represented and the decisions of the Meeting of Shareholders on those issues are
adopted if voted for by 3/4 (three quarters) of the shareholders represented:
1)amendments to the Charter of the Company;
2)increase of the share capital of the Company;
3)decrease of the share capital of the Company;
4)reorganization of the Company and termination or continuation of operations
of the Company;
5)emission of convertible bonds of the Company;
6)closing, changes or termination of the group agreement;
7)merger or agreement to merge with another company;"
37.In 7.12 replace the word «management» with the word "supervisory", the word "
controls" with the words "performs supervision" and the words "approved by the
General Meeting" with the words "confirmed by the Supervisory Board".
38.Delete the 5th paragraph in 7.14 and to word Paragraph 6 as follows:
"In case if a Supervisory Board member retires or is discharged from his
office before expiry of the term of the Supervisory Board mandate, then new
elections are held during which the whole composition of the Supervisory Board
is reelected."
39.To word 7.16 as follows:
"7.15. The Supervisory Board has the following tasks:
1)appointment and dismissal of the members of the Board of Directors,
regular control over the activities of the Board of Directors, fixing of
remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors;
2)conducting of regular control to ensure that the operations of the Company
are performed in accordance with the Laws, the Charter and resolutions of the
Meeting of Shareholders of the Company;
3)review of the annual report of the Company and recommendations to the
Board of Directors on distribution of the profit and preparation of its statement;
4)representation of the Company's interests in the court regarding all claims
brought by the Company against the members of the Board of Directors, including
all claims brought by the members of the Board of Directors against the Company
and representation of the Company in other court relationship with the members
of the Board of Directors;
5)approval of deals to be closed between the Company and a member of the
Board of Directors or the auditor;
6)preliminary review of all issues included in the agenda and being the
competence of the Meeting of Shareholders or proposed for discussion in
the Meeting of Shareholders at the request of the members of the Board of
Directors or the Supervisory Board and submission of conclusions on these
issues. »
40.Add new clause 7.16 following wording:
«7.16. Supervisory Board has the right to elect permanent or interim
commissions to review and report on specific issues. »
41.Delete 7.20, accordingly change the numeric sequence of clauses.
42.To word clause 7.21 as follows:
«7.20. Meetings of the Supervisory Board are entitled to decide on issues
if more than a half of the members of the Supervisory Board are present.
Absent members of the Supervisory Board shall have the right to vote on any
resolution of the Supervisory Board by submitting the vote in writing to
another member of the Supervisory Board, and in such a case they will be
considered as being present in solution of such issue. Voting on telephone or
any other way is allowed only in those cases if the means of communication permit
the members of the Supervisory Board simultaneously participate in discussion of
the issue and in making a resolution, and provided that this action is properly
fixed in documents.»
43.Delete the second sentence in 7.22.
44.Replace in 7.24 the figure and the word «6 (six)» with the figure and the word «5
(five)» and words "General Meeting" with the words "Supervisory Board".
45.To word 7.26 as follows:
«7.25. The Supervisory Board is entitled to withdraw any member of the Board of
Directors if there is a serious reason for it. A serious reason in any case shall
deem to be a gross violation of authority, non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment
of obligations, failure to lead the Company, causing harm to the Company's interests,
as well as disloyalty manifested by the Meeting of Shareholders.»
46.To word 7.27. as follows:
"7.26 The Board of Directors supervises and manages all the activities of the
Company. The Board of Directors represents the Company and manages property of
the Company in accordance with the Law, this Charter and decisions of the Meeting
of Shareholders. The Board of Directors decides on all the issues, which are not
in the competence of the Supervisory Board or the Meeting of Shareholders.
The Board of Directors may decide on the following issues only with the approval
of the Supervisory Board:
1)acquiring of the shareholding in other companies, its increase or decrease;
2)foundation of the subsidiaries of the Company;
3)purchase and sale of the assets substantial for the operation of the
4)foundation or termination of activities of the enterprises, branches and
representative offices, as well as approval of their statutes (charters); purchase,
sale, lease or suspension of activities of enterprises;
5)purchase of real estate at a value exceeding LVL 50,000 (fifty thousand
lats) for each object or in excess of a purchase value for real estate of LVL
250,000 (two hundred fifty thousands lats) per year; sale of real estate at a
value in excess of LVL 100,000 (one hundred thousand lats) for each object;
lease of real estate at an accumulated rent above LVL 50,000 (fifty thousand
lats) per year, as well as its encumbrance;
6)providing warranties and guaranties with the exception of measures
necessary for the fulfilment of the business plan or the budget approved by the
Supervisory Board;
7)transactions with affiliates or affiliated parties (including shareholders,
members of the Supervisory Board, the Board of Directors, etc.);
8)transactions which exceed LVL 200,000 (two hundred thousand lats) or
where term exceed 1 (one) year and which are not provided for in the business
plan of the Company;
9)entering strategically important agreements on co-operation, as well as
entering agreements on co-operation, where financing by the Company is
required which exceeds the sum determined in Article 7.26 (8).
10)hiring legal advisors, brokerage companies, banks, investment advisors or
audit companies to prepare prospect of the public emission of the securities of
the Company;
11)taking and granting of loans;
12)full or partial waiver of exclusive licenses;
13)preliminary review of purposeful merger with another company or take
over by another company;
14)adoption of the Company's business plan;
15)adoption of the annual budget of the Company;
16)establishment and use of the Company's reserves;
17)adoption of regulations of the Board of Directors;
18)matters of material importance."
47.Change in 7.28. the wording "procedural rules and guidelines approved by the
Supervisory Board" with "regulations of the Board of Directors adopted by the
Board of Directors with approval of the Supervisory Board".
48.To word in 7.30 to word the third sentence as follows:
« The Board of Directors is entitled to decide on issues if at least 3
(three) members of the Board of Directors are present.";
Delete the fourth sentence;
Add new sentence in following wording:
"The procedure of meetings of the Board of Directors are established by the
49.Delete the second sentence in 7.31.
50.To word 7.34 as follows:
"7.33. The Chairman of the Board of Directors manages activities of the Board
of Directors and organizes day-to-day management of the Company, including:
1)provides information for the Supervisory Board on all important aspects of
the activities of the Company;
2)submits for approval of the Board of Directors structure of the Company;
3)decides on all the issues of the operation of the Company within his/her
4)organizes fulfilment of the decisions of the General Meeting;
performs other functions provided in the regulations of the Board of
5)reports to the Supervisory Board on transactions with shareholders and
related parties;
6)organizes elaboration of regulations of the Board of Directors and approval
with the Supervisory Board."
51.Delete 7.35., accordingly changing the sequence of clauses.
52.Add new clause 7.34. and word as follows:
"7.34. The Chairman of the Board of the Directors represent the Company solely,
any other member of the Board of Directors represents the Company jointly with
another member or the Board of Directors."
53.Change wording of clause 9.6. "internal auditing commission or auditor" to
"one or more Company controllers".
54.Delete second and third sentences of clause 10.1.
55.To word the title of Section XI as follows: "TERMINATION OF THE
56.To word 11.1 as follows:
"11.1. The company ceases its activities:
1)in accordance with a resolution of the Meeting of Shareholders;
2)according to a court judgment;
3)upon commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings;
4)in other cases stipulated in the Law."
57.To word 11.2 as follows:
"11.2. The liquidation of the Company according to the Law shall be performed
by liquidators elected by the Meeting of Shareholders which shall set forth
the procedure and terms of liquidation, as well as amount and procedure of
paying the fee to the liquidator."
58.To word 11.3 as follows:
"11.3. The resolution on termination of the Company's operation shall be
registered by the Board of Directors in the Commercial Register within 3
(three) days from making of this resolution."
59.To word 11.4 as follows:
"11.4. After satisfying of the creditors' claims or disbursement of money
amounts allocated to them and covering of expenses connected with liquidation,
the liquidator shall prepare the final liquidation financial statements and a
plan for distribution of the remaining Company's property for which liquidation
quota is prescribed."
60.To word 11.5 as follows:
«11.5. The remaining property of the Company shall be distributed among the
Shareholders according to the plan of property distribution prepared by the
liquidator in proportion to the shares of each Shareholder. The property is
allowed to be distributed no earlier than in six months' time after publication
of the announcement on termination of the Company's activities and 2 (two) months
after sending to the Shareholders the final liquidation financial statements and
a plan for distribution of the remaining Company's property, or publication of
the announcement on the possibility to get acquainted with these documents.))
61.Delete clause 11.7.
Item No. 5 of agenda
About composition of Management Board of JSC "Latvijas Gaze".
Due to registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial Register and approval
of amendments to the Articles of Association of JSC "Latvijas Gaze", to recall
from duties of Member of the Management Board Uldis Aunins.
To consider question about releasing of Uldis Aunins from responsibility for
activities from January 1, 2004 till December 3, 2004 after approval of Annual
Report of 2004 of JSC "Lavijas Gaze".

Item No.6 of agenda
Other questions related to registration of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" in the Commercial
To authorize the chairman of Management Board of JSC "Latvijas Gaze" Adrians
Davis to sign an Application to the Register of Enterprises of the Republic of
Latvia (an administrative institution of the Commercial Register) to register the
resolutions passed by Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC
"Latvijas Gaze"; to attest the correctness of the Excerpt from the Minutes of
this Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders; should the registration be
suspended or refused, to sign the repeated application and/or appeal to the
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (an administrative institution
of the Commercial Register), if needed.
To authorize Inese Melke, to submit all the required documentation to the
Register of Enterprises of the Republic of Latvia (an administrative institution
of the Commercial Register) to register the resolutions passed by Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as supply the required explanations,
if demanded, and to receive the documents from the Register of Enterprises of
the Republic of Latvia (an administrative institution of the Commercial Register).

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