Andmed seisuga: 20.07.2024 13:08 (GMT+3)

KLV: Resolutions of the ordinary shareholders' meeting

25.11.2004, Kalev, TLN
Kalev                           ANNOUNCEMENT                            25.11.2004

Resolutions of the ordinary shareholders' meeting

80.55% of Kalev Ltd.'s share capital was represented at the company's ordinary
general meeting, held yesterday, on November 24. The general meeting thus had a

Tallinn notary Kersti Paeveer participated at the meeting to supervise over the
general meeting's right to pass resolutions.

Resolutions of the ordinary general meeting of the shareholders:

1. To appoint Heino Priimägi, personal identification code: 35407014719, as the
member of the Supervisory Board as of 2 December 2004.

2. To approve the Annual Report of Kalev Ltd. for the period between 1 July 2003
and 30 June 2004.

3. To allocate the net profit of Kalev Ltd. for the financial year 2003/2004 as

3.1. To increase mandatory reserve by 859,233 kroons to a total of 4,020,204

3.2. To carry out a bonus issue on the "Retained earnings" entry under owner's
equity in the amount of 141,514,656 kroons, and on the "Profit for the
financial year" entry under owner's equity in the amount of 16,035,344

3.3. To transfer the remaining profit in the amount of 290,087 kroons to
"Retained earnings".

4. To contract Ernst & Young Baltic AS, registry code: 10877299, located at
Harju 6 in Tallinn, as the auditor of the company.

Ernst & Young Baltic AS will receive remuneration for the audit services on
the basis of the contract to be concluded thereof.

5. To increase the share capital as follows:

5.1. To increase, at the expense of owner's equity and without making any
monetary contributions (bonus issue), the company's share capital by
157,550,000 kroons to a total of 236,325,000 kroons.

5.2. To issue 15,755,000 new common shares with a nominal value of ten (10)
kroons per one (1) share.

5.3. To carry out a bonus issue on the basis of the balance sheet for the
financial year 2003/2004 - on the "Retained earnings" entry under owner's
equity in the amount of 141,514,656 kroons and on the "Profit for the
financial year" entry under owner's equity in the amount of 16,035,344

5.4. To set 8 December 2004 as the deadline for establishing the list of
security holders who have the right to participate in the bonus issue.

5.5. The shares to be issued will give shareholders the right to receive
dividends from financial year 2004/2005 onwards.

5.6. The shares issued by way of bonus issue will be transferred to the
shareholders' securities accounts on 8 December 2004.

5.7. The bonus issue will be conducted on the basis of the list of
shareholders as at 8:00 on 8 December 2004.

Ruth Roht
PR Manager
+372 6 077 858

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