Andmed seisuga: 28.11.2024 15:19 (GMT+2)
Riga Stock Exchange 14.12.2004
Draft resolutions of JSC “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” AGM, to convene on December 28, 2004
1. Approval of 2003 Annual Report
To approve Annual Report and Consolidated Report for year 2003.
2. Distribution of 2003 profit
To approve 2003 net profit LVL ______. To distribute the profit as follows:
1) to pay dividends LVL ______per share, total value of LVL ______. To set January ___,
2005 as dividend record date. To set January ___, 2005 as dividend payment date.
2) To spend a part of the profit, amounting to LVL ____, to enhance the Company
3. Elections of a certified auditor
To elect ___________a certified auditor for 2004. To set the auditor’s fee LVL ______
(tax inclusive).