Andmed seisuga: 20.07.2024 07:09 (GMT+3)

VNF: 8.4 Million t of Crude and Products Handled by VN Termināls in 2004

07.01.2005, Ventspils nafta, RIG
Ventspils nafta                                      07.01.2005.

8.4 Millions t of Crude and Products Handled by VN Termināls in 2004

In 2004 the Ventspils Nafta Termināls, Ltd. – a daughter company of the
Ventspils Nafta, JSC – handled totally 8.4 million tonnes of crude oil
and petroleum products, thus including 3.8 million tonnes of gas oil,
2 million tonnes of crude oil as well as 2.6 million tonnes of motor
gasoline of various grades.

All the volumes were delivered to the Ventspils Nafta Termināls
solely by railway, and if compared with 2002 when crude oil was
delivered to Ventspils also by pipeline, the growth of railway
deliveries to the terminal in 2004 was increased by 1.8 million
tonnes or 28%. Only a small amount of the total volume –
0.2 million tonnes was delivered in 2004 to the
Ventspils Nafta Termināls
by the sea.

Substantially – by 0.7 million tonnes, when compared with 2003,
in 2004 grew up the volume of motor gasoline handled by the
Ventspils Nafta Termināls.

Despite the decrease in the volumes of gas oil and crude
oil delivered
to the Ventspils Nafta Termināls last year when compared with 2003,
it is worth mentioning that the situation was influenced by some
circumstances beyond control of the terminal. First of all this
is a rapid increase in capacity of crude oil transhipment outlets
in Russia, as well as the total decrease in gas oil volumes
exported from Russia by railway, and in respect of Latvia the
unequal Russian policy on railway tariffs.

In November 2004 the Ventspils Nafta Termināls, Ltd. handled
0.4 million tonnes of petroleum products, among them
0.2 million tonnes of gas oil and 0.2 million tonnes of motor
In December the terminal handled almost 0.7 million tonnes of crude
oil and petroleum products, and it was more than within the
same period of 2003. Since December the volume of cargoes handled
has reached over 0.3 million tonnes of both gas oil and motor
gasoline, however, with respect to crude oil – 0.05 million tonnes.s.

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