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25.02.2005, Rakvere Lihakombinaat, TLN
RAKVERE LIHAKOMBINAAT            FINANCIAL RESULTS                    25.02.2005



AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat is the largest meat processing company in the Baltics.
The average number of employees of the Group was 1236 in 2004 (1326 in 2003).
The parent company is located and registered in Estonia, County of Lääne-Virumaa,
Sõmeru , Roodevälja Village.

The Group companies as at 31 December 2004:
Country Participation Participation
of location 31.12.04 31.12.03
AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat(the parent company)Estonia
AS Ekseko Estonia 98,75% 98,4%
AS Ekseko subsidiaries:
OÜ Kurika Seafarm Estonia 100% 100%
OÜ Põlva Peekon Estonia 100% 100%
AS Linnulihatooted Estonia 76% 76%
AS Rigas Miesnieks Latvia 93,82% 93,82%
AS Rigas Miesnieks subsidiary:
AS Tallat Latvia 100% 0%
OÜ Klaipedos maisto mesos produktai Lithuania 100% 0%
OÜ Klaipedos maisto mesos produktai subsidiary:
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos Maisto Produktai subsidiaries:
OÜ Pentinuotis Lithuania 100% 100%
OÜ Klaipedos maisto prekyba Lithuania 100% 100%


On 1 May, the Baltic States joined the European Union. For the meat industry,
accession without a transition period meant an end to the long and complicated
period of preparation. Most industries had been preparing for years and making
noteworthy investments to bring their manufacturing operations to the level
required by the European Union. In the case of Rakvere Lihakombinaat and its
subsidiary Rigas Miesnieks, investments rose to an estimated 80 million kroons
over three years.

At the beginning of 2004, before accession to the European Union, numerous
restrictions affecting the meat market were in effect. Latvia’s protective
tariffs on pork imports and Poland’s subsidization of cheap pork exports to
the Baltics had a negative effect on RLK operations at the beginning of the year.

After accession, there ceased to be restrictions on the free movement of goods.
Customs formalities on the border were also scrapped, which made the company’s
work much easier. Simultaneously, export to the European Union market became
possible. At the end of the year, after market studies and sample shipments of
products, the company’s export to what is known as the “old” European Union began
to grow.

In the second half of the year, the prices of the company’s main raw
ingredients—pork and beef—began rising. In the case of pork, it was conditioned
by a prices increase throughout Europe. The marked rise in beef prices was caused
by standardization of price levels with the EU, where the price of beef is higher
than in the Baltic States. The company is forecasting a slow price rise for beef
to continue.

The meat industry’s economic results were significantly affected by the
extraordinarily poor summer of 2004, one of the primary periods of highest
consumption. Despite the fact that summer products did not sell as well as
forecasted, results clearly exceeded the sales volumes of 2003. In the course
of 2004, pork and beef consumption rose slightly, while consumption of poultry
grew faster, similarly to previous years.

Above all it is rapid growth in private consumption in the Baltics that is to be
considered the reason behind 2004’s positive economic results. Above all, it has
grown retail chain turnover. Large investments into the construction of new
shopping areas and continuously growing competition between chains has kept the
prices of meat in a pattern of gentle decline in spite of the constant increase
of the meat industry’s expenses. The demands of commerce on industry are growing,
and companies will have to raise their internal effectiveness to retain
profitability. The rapid growth of commercial chains has reduced the turnover of
marketplaces and smaller wholesalers.


Compared to 2003, the economic results posted by Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group were
positive. Company turnover, profits and production volumes all grew. Since the
group is a vertically integrated enterprise—active in both basic production and
processing—the cyclical nature of the field of activity has a significant effect
on the group’s economic activity. In the second half of the year, which saw a rise
in the price of pork, Ekseko’s role in shaping the firm’s profits grew markedly.

The consolidated net sales of the RLK Group totalled 1,267 million kroons (80 995
thousand euros) – a increase of 101 million kroons (6 452 thousand euros) or 8,7%,
compared to 2003.
The total production output (including the by-products) amounted to 44,446 tons –
an increase of 3 402 tons (8,3%) compared to 2003.
Even though a slow decline in the price of products persisted in 2004, the firm’s
turnover grew a little faster than production volumes. This fact is can be
attributed to changes in the product portfolio, especially the growth in the
share of products marketed under the Rakvere brand name.

Rakvere Lihakombinaat
GROUP (thousand euros)
2004 2003 Difference%
Net sales 80 995 74 543 8,7%
Operating profit 6 601 3 222 104,9%
Net profit 6 211 2 546 144,0%
The average number
of employees 1 236 1 326 -6,8%
Investments 8 979 5 734 56,6%

PARENT COMPANY (thousand euros)
2004 2003 Difference%
Net sales 63 372 60 112 5,4%
Operating profit 3 760 3 087 21,8%
Net profit 6 211 2 546 144,0%
The average number
of employees 789 779 1,3%
Investments 2 346 1 771 32,5%

The size of the balance sheet for Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group grew by nearly 200
million kroons (12 746 thousand euros) in 2004. Current assets and fixed assets
grew in equal measure. Net working capital was 165 million kroons ( 10 535
thousand euros) as of 31 Dec 2004, which is 14 million kroons (906 thousand euros)
less than at the end of 2003. The share of external finance has grown a bit,
making up 36% of the balance sheet (32% at the end of 2003). The rate of growth
of the firm’s sales clearly outstripped the rise in expenses. That fact, along
with the relatively low raw ingredient prices of the first half of the year, is
the primary reason for the rapid growth of profits.

RLK and its subsidiaries employed an average of 1,236 people in 2004 (1,326 in
2003). The members of the Supervisory Board of the company received remuneration
in the total amount of 42 thousand kroons or 2,7 thousand euros. As a rule, the
members of the Management Board of the company form a part of the management of
the company, and no separate remuneration is paid to them. Personnel expenses
(wages and social security expenses) totalled 150 million kroons or 9 585
thousand euros in 2004 (157 million kroons or 10 034 thousand euros in 2003).
The management of the parent company RLK received wages and salaries in the total
amount of 5,1 million kroons or 328 thousand euros.


Two main watchwords characterize the meat and processed meat market in the Baltics
in 2004—increasing competition in retail and a constant growth in product
selection, which represents a victory for the end consumer: there is no more
room for retail price rises, and the diverse assortment offered by various
manufacturers allows consumers to favour only the best products. To a certain
extent, a standardization of the good selection can be seen throughout the
Baltics. Despite the fact that there is very high loyalty to domestic goods in
each Baltic state—80-90%—the biggest manufacturers have begun to make good on
previous investments into production and have started to market their products
much more actively in neighbouring states.

Retail commercial chains also contribute to standardization of the selection of
goods; such chains are expanding across the Baltics desiring to standardize the
portfolio of products, enabling a good outcome for producers at the same time.

The main marketing objectives for Rakvere Grupp companies in 2004 was innovation
in the product line and cooperation with major retail chains. In Estonia, we
introduced a new series of sliced products, which in five months made Rakvere
the ham market leader in Estonia with 20%. In addition to sliced products, the
line of grill sausages and wieners was overhauled almost entirely, the greatest
hit being Rakvere grill wieners above all. The assortment of marinated meat was
fleshed out with a trendy line of stir-frying meat.

To sum up, Rakvere Lihakombinaat is still the clear market leader in Estonia,
enjoying a market share in ready-to-eat products of 33.7% in October-November
2004. The priority of advertising and other promotional activity was increased
in 2004 in the biggest retail chains, impacting the most important phase of
consumer decision-making by the offering of innovative solutions.

At Rigas Miesnieks, we focused on developing the biggest product groups—cold cuts
and wieners (market shares 19.8% and 44.8%, respectively). The sale of summer
barbecue meat also went well. The market share of ready-to-eat products in October
and November 2004 was 15.2%.

One of the key activities in the last year was the creation of a new packaging
and advertising concept, which in the longer term should ensure the strengthening
of the Rigas Miesnieks brand name and the market position of products. There were
many changes in the administration of Rigas Miesnieks in the second half of the
year, with a large part of the marketing team being replaced as well. The primary
goals of the new team are carrying out the packaging changes and increasing the
market share in 2005.

The primary focus of Klaipedos Maisto Produktai’s sales and marketing team in
2004 was designing and marketing the new bulk products—cold cuts, wieners and
smoked sausages. A new packaging concept was also worked out, which reached store
shelves at the beginning of 2005. The market share of Klaipedos Maisto Produktai
ready-to-eat products was 2.8% in October and November 2004.

Investments in Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group comprised a record 140 million kroons
(8 979 thousand euros) in 2004. The largest investments were channelled to Ekseko
and Rigas Miesnieks. Harmonization of manufacturing conditions with European Union
requirements continued at Rigas Miesnieks. The largest investment for Ekseko was
the construction of Tsooru weanling pig farm and expansion with a view to raising
a herd of sows. The renovation of farrowing sties was significant as well.
European Union assistance funds played a significant role in the investments.

In addition to the new line of sliced products mentioned above, the other major
development project for AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat in 2004 was the development of
meat cutting. By management decision, meat cutting operations were shut down at
Rigas Miesnieks at the beginning of 2004 and the operations were moved to Rakvere.
Extensive investment were also made around this time into pork cutting in the
parent company, with streamlining principles being applied to the system. The
change in the cutting system in turn led to changes in personnel. The cutting line
reached full capacity only at the end of the year after the administration of an
extensive training program.

As a result of the new cutting system the meat cutting figures for pork grew 2.5
times from the year before. The transition from sales of meat mass to cut meat
allows the company to be more flexible and plan meat supply better. The seasonal
nature of meat sale will be less of a factor and profitability will grow.

Use and development of quality and environmental control systems based on ISO
9000/14000 continues. Balanced Scorecard logic continues to be used as a control


In 2004, Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group launched strategic cooperation with AS
Tallegg, which has the same owner. Both companies are active in a similar field
in all three Baltic states. With an aim to saving on expenses and raising
effectiveness, overlapping activity began to be mapped and consolidated into the
structure of one company. As a result of many transactions, the AS Tallegg
subsidiary Klaipedos maisto mesos produkati (UAB Selingas) was merged with the
Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group company Klaipedos Maisto Produktai. Tallegg AS sold
its shares in its Latvian subsidiary AS Tallat to AS Rigas Miesnieks. In the near
future, it is planned to merge the latter two companies. As a result of the
transactions described, AS Tallegg no longer owns subsidiaries in Latvia and
Lithuania, and the sale and distribution of products will start going through the
companies owned by Rakvere Lihakombinaat Grupp.

In September, the chairman of the AS Tallegg management board Kalvar Kase stepped
down. Chairman of AS Rakvere Lihakombinaat management board Olle Horm and AS
Ekseko chairman of the management board Teet Soorm were named new members of
the management board in his stead. With that move, the management of AS Tallegg
was effectively united with the management of Rakvere Lihakombinaat Group. The
main goal of this decision is the implementation of synergy between all companies
and growth in effectiveness as a result of merging similar support functions. In
the near future, both companies will continue as independent legal persons, with
a more detailed plan to shore up cooperation currently being worked out.


The company’s management believes that the Baltic region will see continued
positive economic growth, and based on the latter, growth in consumption. The
anticipated rise in meat consumption will give the company the opportunity to
increase supply. Competition between meat industries persists, while a host of
new products will be introduced on the basis of new equipment purchased with
European Union aid.

The rapid growth of the influence of retail chains continues. Demands on suppliers
will become even stricter than they are now. Manufacturers from other countries
will find it easier to get access to all markets though retail chains covering the
whole of the Baltic states. Demands on suppliers will become standardized from
country to country.

The management believes that the prices of the company’s primary raw
ingredient—pork and beef—will be higher than last year, with especial pressure on
beef prices. With higher prices, the importance of Ekseko, a member of the group,
will grow with regard to forming profits. The marketing of quality pork
throughout the European Union will in turn afford the opportunity to find a
better price level.
The primary goal of the company is to preserve and consolidate the market leader
position on the Baltic states’ meat market. Changes in the structure of the
company together with a continuing rise in internal effectiveness will give the
company the opportunity to preserve profitability in the most difficult of

(in thousands of euros)

Group Parent company
ASSETS 31.12.2004 31.12.2003 31.12.2004 31.12.2003

Current assets
Cash and bank 1 871 2 111 1 414 1 958
Trade receivables 7 735 5 543 3 100 4 029
Tax receivables 336 546 11 24
Other short-term receivables 2 392 309 5 640 2 528
Inventories 7 680 5 627 3 974 3 567
Biological assets 5 346 4 178 0 0
Total current assets 25 360 18 314 14 139 12 107

Non-current assets
Long-term receivables 2 254 62 17 5
Investments in subsidiaries 0 0 15 825 11 312
Tangible fixed assets 31 499 27 976 15 278 15 055
Intangible assets 249 211 84 46
Goodwill 0 53 0 0
Total non-current assets 34 002 28 302 31 204 26 416

TOTAL ASSETS: 59 362 46 616 45 343 38 523


Current liabilities
Loans and lease payables 3 917 278 0 13
Supplier payables 5 915 4 552 3 917 2 379
Tax payables 926 647 457 368
Other current liabilities 4 066 1 395 3 363 2 533
Total current liabilities 14 824 6 872 7 737 5 293

Deferred tax 40 109 0 0
Non-current loans and lease payable 6 628 7 947 0 1 821
Pension liabilities 49 47 0 0
Total non-current liabilities 6 717 8 102 0 1 821
Total liabilities 21 541 14 975 7 737 7 114

Minority interest 215 232 0 0

Owners’ equity
Share capital 24 109 24 109 24 109 24 109
Mandatory legal reserve 749 622 749 622
Retained earnings 12 812 6 728 12 812 6 728
Unrealised translation differences -64 -50 -63 -50
Total owners’ equity 37 606 31 409 37 605 31 409

AND OWNERS’ EQUITY: 59 362 46 616 45 343 38 523

(in thousands of euros)

Group Parent company
Revenue 2 004 2 003 2 004 2 003

Net sales 80 995 74 543 63 372 60 112
Other revenue 526 549 441 210
Total revenue 81 521 75 092 63 813 60 322

Change in work-in-progress and
finished goods 660 -295 520 -245
Change in fair value of
biological assets 1 168 351 0 0
Materials, consumables and supplies -51 780 -47 098 -46 659 -43 651
Other operating expenses -11 095 -11 052 -5 461 -5 343
Personnel expenses -9 585 -10 034 -6 185 -5 985
Depreciation and write-downs
of non-current assets -3 777 -3 358 -1 875 -1 748
Other expenses -511 -384 -393 -264

Operating profit 6 601 3 222 3 760 3 087

Financial income/expenses
Net foreign exchange gain/loss -95 -81 -11 -46
Net gain/loss from shares of subsidiaries 0 0 2 287 -612
Interest and other financial
income and expenses -354 -508 175 117
Total financial income/expenses -449 -589 2 451 -541

Profit before taxes 6 152 2 633 6 211 2 546
Income tax 67 -110 0 0
Minority interest -8 24 0 0

Net profit 6 211 2 546 6 211 2 546

Earnings per share (in euros) 0,165 0,067 0,165 0,067

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