Andmed seisuga: 08.07.2024 20:16 (GMT+3)

BLT: March sales results

08.04.2005, Baltika, TLN
AS BALTIKA              ANNOUNCEMENT                 08.04.2005

March sales results

Baltika's March net turnover totalled 53.55 million EEK (3,42 m EUR) a 19.3%
increase on the same period last year. Retail trade increased by 36% to 38.4
million EEK (2.45 m EUR), with a percentage net turnover of 72%.

The high sales figures in March were the result of the good early sales
performance of the new spring-summer collections, which was aided by the warm and
sunny weather towards the close of the month.

Baltika's largest fast fashion brand, Monton, comprised 55% of March sales,
amounting to 20.9 million EEK (1.34 m EUR). These figures represent an increase
of 15% compared to last year. CHR/Evermen had the largest retail increase 38% in
March reaching 9.5 million EEK (0.61 m EUR). Baltman had a 34% increase in retail
trade in March reaching 3.5 million EEK (0.22 m EUR).

During March, sales increases were noted in all Baltika's markets, the largest of
which were in Estonia (29%), Latvia (27%), and Ukraine (14%). Ukraine became
Baltika's biggest Monton market, largely as a result of the exposure Monton
received from being crowned best women clothing brand "Choise of the Year 2004".

In March, a new CHR/Evermen store was opened in Tartu Lõunakeskus (Estonia) while
Blauhaus, a factory outlet store in Pärnu (Estonia), was closed.

As of the end of March, Baltika Group has 76 shops in its retail chain.

In March, wholesale turnover totalled 13.9 million EEK (0.89 m EUR), 9% more that
last year.

Figures for the first quarter show a total consolidated net turnover totalling
151.33 million EEK (9.67 m EUR), a 16% increase on the same period last year,
including retail turnover of 113.13 million EEK (7.23 m EUR, a 43% increase) and
wholesale turnover of 34.3 million EEK (2.19 m EUR, a 13% decrease).

Due to Baltika's 50% participation in Baltika Tailor OÜ, a joint venture
established in 2004, the consolidated sales results do not report the
subcontracting figures for 2005, amounting to 11.5 M EEK (15.65 m EUR) in 2004
(for the same period). Therefore, retail and wholesale totalled 147.4 M EEK (9.42
m EUR), showing a 24% increase when compared to last year.

Ülle Järv
AS Baltika
+ 372 6302 731

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