Andmed seisuga: 08.07.2024 14:03 (GMT+3)

KLV: Commentary to the article in Äripäev, 14 April 2005

15.04.2005, Kalev, TLN
Kalev                             ANNOUNCEMENT 15.04.2005

Commentary to the article in Äripäev, 14 April 2005

The article in yesterday's Äripäev - that Kalev concealed a huge sugar cache in
its warehouses - shows that the newspaper was working with inadequate and
inaccurate information when it wrote the article, due to which the piece does not
give a true picture of the situation.

The Tax and Customs Board (TCB) has indeed been inspecting Kalev's sugar
warehouse stock and declarations starting on 8 November 2004. AS Kalev, which
manufactures confections from sugar, is one of Estonia's biggest sugar users and
thus the fact that it is inspected by the TCB is completely normal.

"As of today, inspections are still under way and no tax decision concerning the
firm has been made. As a matter of fact, the deadline for presenting AS Kalev's
positions to TCB has not even been arrived," said director of AS Kalev, Oliver

According to him, the law says data submitted to the TCB during the inspection
should only be available to the participants in the proceedings. If any working
drafts of tax board documents have been leaked to the press, then clearly tax
confidentiality has been violated and Kalev's interests as a taxpayer and
employer have been harmed.

"We are of the position that AS Kalev has complied with legal acts in force in
Estonia in the case of all business transactions, and accusations to the contrary
have no basis in reality. AS Kalev intends to take action to defend its lawful
rights," said Oliver Kruuda

He said it was regrettable that tax secrets concerning private firms were being
used as a way to get at other political parties. Looking at the media in the last
few days, it can be clearly seen that the change of governing coalition has been
accompanied by attempts to make a political scapegoat as regards the sugar fine.
"The leak comes as no surprise, since if you look at the papers for the last few
days, a foundation was in the process of being created to leak confidential
information," added Oliver Kruuda.

Ruth Roht
PR manager
+372 6 077 858

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