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DPK: Decisions of JSC “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” AGM

05.05.2005, Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca, RIG
Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca                                    05.05.2005. 

Decisions of JSC “Ditton pievadķēžu rūpnīca” AGM

On 5 May, 2005, the regular general meeting of shareholders of JSC “Ditton Driving
Chain factory” has taken place with the following agenda:

1. Confirmation of the annual report for 2004.
The regular general meeting of shareholders of joint-stock company “Ditton Driving
Chain factory” (05.05.2005) considered and takes notice of Report of Council and Board
for results of work for 2004 and approves Report of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory”
for year 2004 (enclosed).

2. Profit distribution of year 2004.
2.1. To direct the sum in the amount of 11 840 Ls or 10,24 % of profit of JSC “Ditton
Driving Chain Factory”, which is 0,0016 Ls for one share, on payment of dividends to
shareholders in accordance with the requested list of shareholders from Latvian CSD as
at 05.05.2005.

2.2. To leave the sum in the amount of 103 758 Ls or 89,76 % of profit of JSC “Ditton
Driving Chain Factory” unshared and to direct it on development of company.

2.3. To ensure the payment of dividends to shareholders starting from 15.05.2005. in
accordance with the shareholder’s application and personal ID of shareholder.

The persons, who enjoy the rights of demand for dividends on other grounds as it is
stated in the item 2.1, should present documents, which prove the right to demand, in
original or notarized copies of them when applying for payment of dividends.

2.4. In accordance with the Law On Enterprise Income Tax to include the not received
dividends by shareholders within the legal terms into the profit of JSC “Ditton Driving
Chain Factory”.

3. Election of the jury auditor of Company for year 2005.
To choose the auditor firm “”Invest-Rīga” Daugavpils” Ltd. (registration No.40003227526,
legal address Raiņa Str.28, Daugavpils, LV-5403) to be the auditor of JSC “Ditton Driving
Chain Factory” for realization of audit in the company for year 2005 considering its
written approval, and to conclude the contract with “”Invest-Rīga” Daugavpils” Ltd..

4. Amendments of the Articles of Company.
4.1. To exclude from the Articles of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” the item 6.4.6 in
the original wording.

4.2. To enter into the Articles of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” the item 6.4.6 in
the following wording:
“6.4.6. The activity of the Board is managed by Chairman of the Board (president), who
distributes the positions between the Members of Board. Chairman of Board appoints with
his order from the amount of Members of Board the first deputy (vice-president) and
Deputies (vice-presidents).

All of the Members of Board possess representation rights.

Members of Board represent the Company jointly, where they exercise their rights under
laws and these Articles, and in the Board meetings as well

Board has a right to accept Regulations of Work, where it stipulates Members of Board, to
whom definite rights are granted in the relationships with third parties, state and municipal
institutions, and for execution of definite business transactions as well. In the cases that
are stipulated in laws these delegated authorities can be approved by a written power of

Board has a right to appoint one or several Proctors, where it gives them rights to alienate,
pledge or encumber immovable property with rights pertaining to property. Commercial Law
determines the rights of proctor, and they come into force after their registration in
Commercial register, and they are in force until revocation of the procuration or until
its other legal termination.

Member of Board, who has signed the documents individually, is severally responsible about
them to the Company. In other cases Members of Board are jointly responsible.

4.3. To determine that amendments of the Articles of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory”,
which are mentioned in the items 1 and 2 of the current resolution, come into force from
the moment of their registration in the Commercial register of Register of Enterprises of
Republic of Latvia.

4.4. To charge the Board to ensure all formalities for execution of the current resolution
of general meeting of shareholders in connection with registration of amendments of Articles
of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” in the Commercial Register Office of Republic of Latvia.

If Commercial Register Office of Republic of Latvia refuses or postpones registration of
amendments of the Articles of the company due to well-grounded reasons, to charge Council
of the company as a representative body of the shareholders’ interests:

4.4.1. to eliminate by its resolution the reasons of refusal, which shall be mentioned in
the resolution of public notary of Commercial Register Office of Republic of Latvia, if
they are connected with the adjustment of the documents according to legal regulations of
Republic of Latvia, with the elimination of errors, misprints, formalities of documents’
execution and which do not change the scope of shareholders’ rights and obligations, which
are determined by this resolution of general meeting;

4.4.2. to convene and to held the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders within
thirty days if the elimination of objections concerning the registration of amendments in
Articles of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory in Commercial Register Office of Republic of
Latvia are beyond the above mentioned authorities, which are granted to Council of the
company by the resolution of this general meeting.

5. About election of the Council of the Company.

5.1. Being based on Clause 296 of Commercial Law and on notice of Council Member V.Driksne
to JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” about resign from the position, to consider finished
the authorities of the existing Council.

5.2. To approve Council of the company in the following composition: Georgijs Sorokins,
Jevgenijs Glinkins, Vitolds Vasilenoks, Tatjana Ļapunova, Boriss Matvejevs.

5.3. To state that all newly elected Members of Council have to approve their expressed
consent to serve as a Member of Council of JSC “Ditton Driving Chain Factory” in written
form immediately after the general meeting in accordance with Clause 296 of Commercial Law,
where they have to submit their applications to the secretary of meeting.

5.4. To state that newly elected Council has to elect from its composition the Chairman of
Council and Deputy Chairman of Council till 10.05.2005, where it submits to the secretary
of meeting the minutes of Council meeting for its submitting in the Commercial Register
Office, simultaneously the Council has to reflect in the minutes its relationship to the
authorities and structure of Board.

In compliance with the general power of attorney dated 07.01.2004

Deputy Chairman of Board

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