Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 00:57 (GMT+3)

Vilniaus Vingis: Decision adopted at the general shareholders’ meeting

21.05.2001, Vilniaus Vingis, VLN


1.1. Reduce the authorised capital by LTL 9,123,105 from
LTL 45,615,525 to LTL 36,492,420. The authorised capital
is reduced pursuant to paragraph 2.1. of Article 45 of
the Company Law and subparagraph 2a of paragraph 5.12.
of the Articles of Association in order to pay available
funds of the company to all shareholders in proportion to
the par value of the shares owned by them. The authorised
capital is reduced by decreasing par value of shares from
LTL 5 to LTL 4 pursuant to paragraph 3.1. of Article 45 of
the Company Law.
All shareholders will be paid LTL 1 per one ordinary registered
share. The sums payable are calculated according to the
shareholders’ list valid on the day of registration of reduction
of the authorised capital and amendments to the Articles of
Association (due to reduction of the authorised capital) with
the Ministry of Economy.
All shareholders and creditors will be notified about the
decision to reduce the authorised capital in writing.
The material event announced after the general shareholders’
meeting contains a detailed information on the procedure of
the reduction of the authorised capital.
1.2. approve the procedure for reduction of the authorised capital:
After a permit of the Securities Commission of Lithuania to reduce
the authorised capital is received and 3 months pass after all
shareholders and creditors were notified, and all additional
guarantees to those creditors who requested so were provided
(according to paragraph 7 of Article 45 of the Company Law),
the Ministry of Economy will be addressed with the inquiry to
register reduction of the authorised capital and amendments to
the Articles of Association. The intended submission of the
application to reduce the authorised capital and the exact date
of its submission is announced as the prospective material event
one week in advance. Also the NSEL is addressed with the inquiry
to suspend trading in securities of Vilniaus Vingis AB on
the Stock Exchange from the day the application is filed with
the Ministry of Economy.
After the Ministry of Economy registers reduction of the authorised
capital and amendments to the Articles of Association, it is
announced as a material event. An inquiry regarding compilation
and presentation of shareholders’ lists (on the day of registration
of amendments to the Articles of Association) is filed with
the Central Securities Depository of Lithuania. When lists are
received, LTL 1 is calculated for one share for each shareholder.
After the Central Securities Depository of Lithuania makes necessary
records (due to reduction of the par value of shares), trading on
the NSEL is renewed.
It is expected to reduce the authorised capital until 1 September 2001,
if there is no delay with issuance of the permit of the LSC
and registration of reduction of the authorised capital and
amendments to the Articles of Association with the Ministry of Economy.
1.3. authorise the company’s Board to pass a decision regarding
amendments to the procedure of reduction of the authorised capital
(paragraph 1.2.), if necessary.
2. To amend paragraphs 3.1. and 5.2. of the Articles of Association
as follows:
3.1. Shares of the company are ordinary registered ones. Share
par value equals LTL 4. One ordinary registered share gives
one vote at the general shareholders’ meeting.
Records in the securities accounts, managed by the company
or the financial brokerage firm, are evidence of the ownership of shares.
A shareholder has a right to choose where he wants to have an account.
Upon request of the shareholder, statement of an account must be presented.
Acquisition of shares does not impose for shareholders any additional
financial obligations, except for payment of the established issue
price of shares.
5.2. The company’s authorised capital equals LTL 36,492,420.
It is divided into 9,123,105 ordinary registered shares.
Par value of each share is LTL 4.
Authorise the company’s Director General Vaclovas Sleinota
to sign amendments to the Articles of Association and represent
the company when registering reduction of the authorised capital
in the manner set forth in the laws.

Rimantas Baltrušaitis
Head of the unit

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