Andmed seisuga: 22.07.2024 11:06 (GMT+3)

Mazeikiu nafta: Desicions adopted at the repeat. extraordin. meeting

23.08.2001, Mažeikių nafta, VLN


At the repeated extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, which took place on 21
August 2001, it was decided:
1.1 Pursuant to item 2 of Part 1 of Article 54 of the Company Law of the
Republic of Lithuania to reduce the authorized capital of AB “Mažeikių nafta”
from 1,034,989,850 Litas to 517,494,925 Litas. Company’s authorized capital
shall be reduced by canceling 517,494,925 ordinary registered shares of the
Company, establishing that the number of shares belonging to all shareholders
of the Company is reduced in proportion.
1.2 To approve AB “Mažeikių nafta” shares annulment procedure due to the
decrease of the authorized capital of AB “Mažeikių nafta”, established by the
Board of Directors of the Company and coordinated with the Securities
Commission of the Republic of Lithuania and Lithuanian Central Securities
1.3 To obligate the General Director of AB “Mažeikių nafta” pursuant to the
established procedure to inform Company’s creditors and shareholders about the
resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders to reduce the authorized
capital, to perform all other actions necessary to implement the reduction of
the authorized capital and to authorize the General Director to sign all
necessary documents.
2.1 To amend Paragraph 6.1. of Chapter 6 and Paragraph 7.4. of Chapter 7 of the
Articles of Association of AB “Mažeikių nafta” and lay them down as
follows:“6.1. The authorized capital of the Company is equal to 517,494,925
(five hundred seventeen million four hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred
twenty five) Litas. The authorized capital is divided into 517,494,925 (five
hundred seventeen million four hundred ninety four thousand nine hundred twenty
five) ordinary registered shares of 1 (one) Litas par value”.
“7.4. Only fully paid shares shall confer voting rights in the General Meeting
of Shareholders”.
2.2 To obligate the General Director of AB “Mažeikių nafta” to register the
amendments of the Articles of Association of AB “Mažeikių nafta” and to
authorize him to sign all the necessary documents.
3. Pursuant to Part 1 of Article 52 of the Company Law of the Republic of
Lithuania to increase the authorized capital of AB “Mažeikių nafta” from
517,494,925 Litas to 575,633,954 Litas by issuing 58,139,029 new ordinary
registered shares with a par value of 1 (one) Litas each, the total issue price
whereof amounts to 91,800,000 Litas.
4.1 To cancel the preemption right to shareholders of AB “Mažeikių nafta” to
acquire the shares of this newly issued share issue.
4.2 To grant Russian company OAO “Yukos” Oil Corporation, indicated by the
financial advisor of the Company, or its proposed subsidiary Yukos Finance
B.V., indicated by the financial advisor of the Company, or any other company
proposed and wholly controlled by OAO “Yukos” Oil Corporation, indicated by the
financial advisor of the Company, with the right to subscribe for all newly
issued ordinary registered shares, provided that after the General Meeting of
Shareholders but before execution of the Share Subscription Agreement such
subscriber of shares enters into the Investment Agreement with AB “Mažeikių
nafta”, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania and Williams International
Company and Amendment to Common Terms and Interpretation Agreement with
AB “Mažeikių nafta”, the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Williams
International Company, Williams International Services Company and
UAB “Williams Lietuva”, establishing that the subscribed shares shall be paid
in monetary contributions within 160 days from the registration of the share
issue with the Securities Commission of the Republic of Lithuania.
5.1 To amend Paragraph 6.1. of Chapter 6 of the Articles of Association of
AB “Mažeikių nafta” and lay it down as follows:
“6.1. The authorized capital of the Company is equal to 575,633,954 (five
hundred seventy five million six hundred thirty three thousand nine hundred
fifty four) Litas. The authorized capital is divided into 575,633,954 (five
hundred seventy five million six hundred thirty three thousand nine hundred
fifty four) ordinary registered shares of 1 (one) Litas par value.”
5.2 To obligate the General Director of AB “Mažeikių nafta” to register the
amendments of the Articles of Association of AB “Mažeikių nafta” and to
authorize him to sign all the necessary documents.
6. To approve the U.S. $75 million (presently equivalent to 300 million Litas)
long-term loan to be granted to AB “Mažeikių nafta” by Russian company
OAO “Yukos” Oil Corporation, its subsidiary Yukos Finance B.V., or any other
company proposed by OAO “Yukos” Oil Corporation that is wholly controlled by
it, or the agent proposed by OAO “Yukos” Oil Corporation if such agent is
specifically approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania,
the holder of the shares owned by the Lithuanian State in AB “Mažeikių nafta”,
and the shareholder Williams International Company, at an annual interest rate
of ten per cent.

Tadas Augustauskas
Head of Communication Office

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