Andmed seisuga: 30.11.2024 12:19 (GMT+2)
(Unofficial translation done at the NSEL)
The company’s General Meeting held on 27 May 2003 adopted the following
resolutions: to recall the members of the company’s Supervisory Board, to elect
E.Bernotas, R.Jakaitis, and Ž.Susnys as members of the Supervisory Board; to
initiate reorganization of Klaipėdos Transporto Laivynas AB by way of merger as
stipulated in article 63(2)(1) of the Law on Companies and article 2.97(3) of
the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania, i.e. by annexing Limarkas UAB to
Klaipėdos Transporto Laivynas AB. Upon the reorganization, the former will
cease being a legal person and the latter will continue operating and will
receive all the assets, rights and obligations of Limarkas UAB; to authorize
and obligate the Board of Klaipėdos Transporto Laivynas AB to draft, in
accordance with the requirements set forth in the law of the Republic of
Lithuania, a reorganization project (conditions), new Articles of Association
of the company, clarifications of the reorganization conditions, and other
documents which, under the law, must be drawn up by the management of a company
undergoing reorganization; to select and appoint consultants for any issue
related to the reorganization; to appoint assessors for the assessment of the
company’s assets carried out in connection with the reorganization; to appoint
auditors for the evaluation of the reorganization project (conditions) and to
conclude agreements with them thereto; following the procedure and terms
stipulated in the law, to convene a General Meeting to assess the
reorganization project (conditions), adopt a resolution to reorganize the
company and consider other reorganization related issues; to perform any other
preparatory work (operation) necessary for the implementation of the
reorganization of Klaipėdos Transporto Laivynas AB.
Andriejus Tenkutis
Vice President
(370 46) 34 00 01