Andmed seisuga: 11.03.2025 06:57 (GMT+2)

Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai AB: Decisions adopted in the shareholders’ meeting of AB Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai, held on April 15th, 2005

15.04.2005, VST, VLN
Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai AB
Company event

Decisions adopted in the shareholders’ meeting of AB Vakaru Skirstomieji
Tinklai, held on April 15th, 2005

The following decisions were made during the shareholders’ meeting of AB Vakaru
Skirstomieji Tinklai, held on April 15th, 2005:
1. Approve the annual report for 2004;
2. Take into account the Auditors report on the financial results of the
company for 2004;
3. Approve the financial results for 2004;
4. Distribute the company’s 2004 profit (loss);
5. Increase the company’s share capital;
6. Change the company’s name from AB Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai to AB VST
7. Increase the number of board members to 6;
8. Change the company’s statute;
9. Elect new members to the Board.

The shareholders meeting of AB Vakaru Skirstomieji Tinklai which took place on
April 15th, 2005, decided to pay the company’s shareholders dividends in the
amount of 118 083 616 (One hundred and eighteen million eighty three thousand
six hundred and sixteen) Litas, i.e. 31.76 Litas for each of the company’s 1
Litas nominal value ordinary registered share. Entities that were shareholders
of the company up to the end of the day on which the shareholders meeting
announced the dividend issue, i.e. the end of the day of April 15th, 2005, have
the right to receive dividends. The dividends will be paid through the company’s
shareholders’ issuer accountants and the company’s (issuer’s) issuer accountant
- AB Bankas Hansabankas.
The shareholders meeting of which took place on April 15th, 2005, decided to
increase the share capital of the company by increasing the nominal value of the
ordinary registered shares using the company’s own funds, from 3 717 998 Litas
(currently made up of 3717998 ordinary registered shares having a nominal value
of 1 Litas) to 111 539 940 Litas (made up of 3 717 998 ordinary registered
shares having a nominal value of 30 Litas). The company intends to present the
changes of the company’s statute regarding the increase of the company’s share
capital to the Registrar of Legal Entities on April 25th, 2005.
The shareholders meeting which took place on April 15th, 2005, decided to
increase the number of board members to 6 and elect two new board members -
Aidas Ignatavicius and Rytis Borkis, who will begin their duties as board
members on the date the company’s statute changes are registered with the
Registrar of Legal Entities.

Rasa Kruopaitė
Head of public relations
(+370 5) 2781231

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