Andmed seisuga: 26.11.2024 18:04 (GMT+2)
Linas AB
Company event
Resolutions of the General Meeting
On 21 April 2005, the General Meeting of Linas AB was held and adopted the
following resolutions:
1. Take into account the auditor’s conclusions when approving the financial
statements and companys's activity report for 2004.
2. Approve the report of the Board on the company’s activity in 2004.
3. Approve the financial statements for 2004.
4. Approve the company’s 2004 profit (loss) distribution. No dividends allocated
for the year 2004.
5. Aprove the auditor for 2005 - Pačiolio auditoriai UAB.
Romualdas Mažylis
Press officer
(+370 45) 50 63 24