Andmed seisuga: 26.11.2024 18:28 (GMT+2)
Dvarcioniu Keramika AB
Company event
Decisions of the annual general meeting of shareholders held on April 22, 2005
The general meeting of shareholders held on April 22, 2005 approved the 2004
Report on the Activity of the Company, the 2004 Financial Statements, and the
appropriation of profit (loss) of the 2004 financial year.
The GMS elected the new Supervisory Board including representatives of Opoczno
AB Przemyslawas Jaciubekas as Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Zdzislaw
Dziedzic, Dariusz Gutarowski, Piotr Zehaluk and Ceslav Okincic as Deputy
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and the representatives of Dvarcioniu
keramika AB Zenius Butkus and Liudmila Suboc.
The new Executive Board was elected including Juozas Raiselis as Chairman of the
Board, and members Bartosz Marczuk, Buguslaw Korneta, Audris Imbrasas, Janusz
Juozas Raiselis
(+370 5) 231 70 21