Andmed seisuga: 25.11.2024 15:28 (GMT+2)
Apranga APB Group turnover of the first six months of 2005.
The turnover of Apranga APB Group, the leader of retail trade of clothes
in Lithuania, in June 2005 was LTL 13 233.0 thousand (EUR 3 832.5 thousand)
and increased by 89.9% over corresponding period of previous year.
This is the absolute maximum of company growth rate in its history.
The turnover of Apranga APB Group in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia during
the first six months of 2005 was LTL 83 924.1 thousand (EUR 24 306.1 thousand)
and increased by 67.7% over corresponding period of previous year.
The retail sales of the 2nd quarter of Apranga APB Group increased by 82.6%
over corresponding period of previous year.
The turnover of Apranga APB Group in Lithuania during the first six months
of 2005 was LTL 55 611.4 thousand (EUR 16 106.2 thousand) and increased
by 28.5%. The turnover in foreign markets (Latvia and Estonia) was
LTL 28 312.7 thousand (EUR 8 199.9 thousand) and increased 4.2 times over
corresponding period of previous year.
At the present time Apranga APB Group manage 43 stores: 32 in Lithuania
and 11 abroad. In the nearest future the company is going to open 3 new stores
with the total area of 1 700 sq. meters. The one of it will be open in the
Panevėžys shopping centre „Babilonas“ and another 2 stores for the young
people – in the centre of Riga.
Rimantas Perveneckas
General Manager
(8-5) 2390 801