Andmed seisuga: 04.07.2024 17:59 (GMT+3)

FEN: Consolidated financial results, 6 months 2005

30.08.2005, Fenniger, TLN
Fenniger                       FINANCIAL RESULTS                30.08.2005


Summary of Economic Results

During the first half of 2005 the building of the business- and housing
facility in Riga undertaken by the subsidiary of AS Fenniger, AS
Eldikrija, continued.
The state commissioning took place 30.06.2005. In July the inventory
actions in the apartments and office facilities were begun, the actions
were ended in August. Since the inventory actions were finished – all
apartments and office facilities in the building have been entered into
the Latvian Land register as separate entities. As the result of the
inventory actions the exact areas for the spaces on sale were determined:
the total area of apartments on sale is 19 813,5 m2 and for office
facilities the total area is 2 729,8 m2.
All apartments and office facilities in the building are covered by
preliminary contracts, the handover of the apartments was begun in August.
According to the terms of public emission of debentures , the 2nd rate
mortgage in favour of the underwriting security agent, AS Lõhmus, Haavel
and Viiseman, was to be released after the building actions had ended.
The mortgage was revoked 10.08.2005.
A significant undertaking after the interim report period, is to purchase
the plot of land where the aforementioned building is located from the
Latvian National Real Estate Agency. As AS Eldikrija had a long-term
commercial lease contract for the plot as well as it owns the building on
the plot – according to the legislation, it had the pre-emptive right for
purchasing the land. AS Eldikrija exercised the right and purchased the
plot at the auction for the opening price of 1 450 000 Latvian LATs.
Legally AS Eldikrija will become the owner of the plot, once the
respective entry has been made into the land register.

The loss for the Fenniger consolidating group during the 1st half of 2005
was estimated as 3,6 million kroons. The loss was predictable as there
were no apartment sales during the first half-year.
Compared to the same period last year, the marketing expenses have
increased around 2,5 times, but at the same time the administrative costs
have decreased by a third.
The interest costs, compared to the same period last year, have decreased
significantly – the reason being the capitalising of bank loan- and
debenture interests into the cost of the building.
The deferred Income Tax claim has emerged at the subsidiary AS Eldikrija
due to the accumulated- and unused loss, which during the next accounting
periods shall decrease the emerging Income Tax base. As the 1st half of
2005 also ended in loss, the deferred Income Tax claim increased and
decreased the net loss by approximately 800. 000 kroons.

The balance sheet total for the Fenniger consolidating group as of
30.06.2005 was 335.761.099 kroons. Since the beginning of the year the
balance sheet total has increased by approximately 79 million kroons i.e
ca 30%. The increase occurred mainly due to finishing of the building, the
building is reflected in the balance sheet as a current asset on the
respective line Stock.
The consolidating group's equity capital as of 30.06.2005 is slightly
below the legislated minimum (50% of the share capital). The council of AS
Fenniger and the shareholder have discussed the situation, and find, that
the equity capital shall increase to the required limit as soon as the
sales start and by the end of the accounting period the equity capital
shall meet all the requirements set. The equity capital of the parent
company is in concordance with the limits set by legislation.

Balance sheet
thous. EEK thous. EEK thous. EUR thous. EUR
ASSETS 30.06.2005 31.12.2004 30.06.2005 31.12.2004
Cash and bank 52 335 228 66 955 038 3 344 831 4 279 207
Customer receivables 60 395 15 875 3 860 1 015
Other receivables 55 180 088 1 338 305 3 526 650 85 533
Accrued income and 4 761 057 5 645 118 304 287 360 789
Stock 210 284 994 170 449 611 13 439 660 10 893 716
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 322 621 762 244 403 947 20 619 288 15 620 260

Other long-term 2 898 324 2 089 372 185 237 133 535
Investment property 9 405 988 9 386 522 601 152 599 908
Tangible fixed assets 502 396 573 084 32 109 36 627
Intangible assets 332 629 332 629 21 259 21 259
TOTAL NONCURRENT ASSETS 13 139 337 12 381 607 839 757 791 329
TOTAL ASSETS 335 761 099 256 785 554 21 459 045 16 411 589

LIABILITIES 30.06.2005 31.12.2004 30.06.2005 31.12.2004

Short-term loans 186 997 894 2 499 430 11 951 344 159 743
Customer advances for 102 748 495 73 641 337 6 566 826 4 706 539
goods and services
Supplier payables 151 011 7 842 761 9 651 501 244
Other short-term 3 931 823 4 614 347 251 289 294 910
Taxes payable 224 056 3 655 14 320 234
Accrued expenses and 226 796 32 055 14 495 2 049
unearned income
TOTAL CURRENT 294 280 075 88 633 585 18 807 925 5 664 719

Long-term loans 40 046 616 163 006 523 2 559 445 10 418 016
Other long-term 929 420 907 017 59 401 57 969
TOTAL NONCURRENT 40 976 036 163 913 540 2 618 846 10 475 985
TOTAL LIABILITIES 335 256 111 252 547 125 21 426 771 16 140 704


Share capital (par 1 100 000 1 100 000 70 303 70 303
Share premium 23 050 000 23 050 000 1 473 163 1 473 163
Mandatory reserves 100 000 100 000 6 391 6 391
Unrealised exchange -2 727 596 -2 566 238 -174 325 -164 013
Retained earnings -17 445 373 -8 396 785 -1 114 963 -536 652
Net profit (-loss) for -3 572 053 -9 048 588 -228 296 -578 310
the financial year
PARENT COMPANY OWNER´S 504 978 4 238 389 32 273 270 882
Minority share 10 40 1 3
TOTAL OWNER´S EQUITY 504 988 4 238 429 32 274 270 885
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND 335 761 099 256 785 554 21 459 045 16 411 589

Income Statement
thous.EEK thous.EEK thous. EUR thous. EUR
6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
ending ending ending ending
30.06.2004 30.06.2004 30.06.2005 30.06.2004

Revenue 514 967 104 178 32 912 6 658
Cost of sales 572 191 0 36 569 0

GROSS PROFIT -57 224 104 178 -3 657 6 658

Marketing expenses 1 024 944 409 761 65 506 26 189
Administrative 2 817 227 4 034 391 180 054 257 845
Other revenue 15 801 0 1 010 0
Other expenses 63 164 9 643 4 037 616

OPERATING PROFIT -3 946 758 -4 349 617 -252 244 -277 992
(- LOSS)

FINANCIAL INCOME -457 180 -3 682 764 -29 219 -235 372

interest expenses -450 006 -2 789 596 -28 761 -178 288
income from other -62 110 -1 147 271 -3 969 -73 324
foreign exchange -302 233 242 721 -19 316 15 513
gain (-loss)
other income and 357 169 11 382 22 827 727

PROFIT (LOSS) -4 403 938 -8 032 381 -281 463 -513 364

Deferred taxes 804 883 0 51 441 0

NET PROFIT (-LOSS) -3 599 055 -8 032 381 -230 022 -513 364

PARENT COMPANY -3 572 053 -8 032 374 -228 296 -513 364
MINORITY INTEREST -27 002 -7 -1 726 0

Basic earnings per -32,47 -76,48 -2,08 -4,89
Diluted earnings -32,47 -76,48 -2,08 -4,89
per share

Meeli Puusepp
+372 681 9900

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