Andmed seisuga: 03.07.2024 06:26 (GMT+3)

BLT: Correction in the table of 9M results

21.10.2005, Baltika, TLN
AS BALTIKA                      Corrective release                    21.10.2005


There was a mistake in the headings of columns of the 9m income statement tables.
The time period indicated in the headings should read 3Q and 9m.

The revised release follows.

Triin Palge
Head of investor relations
+372 630 2886


AS BALTIKA Financial results 21.10.2005

Consolidated financial results, 9 months 2005

- Group sales increased 14.4% yoy to EEK 490.6mln
- Retail sales up 28.8% yoy
- Gross margin at 50.9% (45.0% in 9m 2004)
- Operating profit EEK 45.9mln (EEK 11.3mln in 9m 2004)
- Operating margin at 9.4% (2.6% in 9m 2004)
- Net profit EEK 46.3mln (EEK 5.4mln in 9m 2004)
- Net margin at 9.4% in 9m 2005 and at 10.1% in 3Q 2005

Chairman of the Board, Meelis Milder: “In the third quarter, a number of key
events took place for Baltika Group. In terms of our business performance we
reached a new level: we achieved net margin of above 10% in a quarter where
profitability is traditionally under pressure due to the end of season
clearance sales in July and August. Another event of great consequence
occurred at the end of September when our long-term partner and major
shareholder Baltic Republics Fund exited from the company. Baltic Republics
Fund successfully sold its 34.56% stake in Baltika to domestic and
international financial investors. One of the buyers was also OÜ BMIG, owned
by the executives of Baltika, that increased its stake in the company to
22.78%. We believe that the new shareholders’ structure is supportive of our
goal to further increase the value of the company.”

Baltika Group’s net profit in the third quarter amounted to EEK 18.2 million
(EUR 1.2mln) and the 3Q net margin rose to 10.1%. In 3Q of last year, the
Group’s net profit totalled EEK 3.6 million (EUR 232 thousand). Baltika’s
third quarter sales increased 12.9% yoy while retail sales posted a growth of
almost 20% and wholesale increased 17.0% compared with the corresponding
period of last year. The sales totalled EEK 180.1 million (EUR 11.5mln). The
Group’s gross margin in 3Q was at 49.3% (43.0% in 3Q 2004). Operating margin
reached 10.7% taking operating profit to EEK 19.2 million (EUR 1.2mln) from
last year’s level of EEK 6.3 million (EUR 401 thousand).

Cumulative nine month sales of Baltika Group totalled EEK 490.6 million (EUR
31.4mln), up 14.4% yoy. Retail sales grew 28.8% and wholesale remained almost
at the same level (+0.6% yoy) compared with the same period last year. The
Group’s gross and operating margins in the first nine months of 2005 increased
to 50.9% and 9.4%, respectively (45.0% and 2.6% in 9m 2004). Nine-month net
profit expanded to EEK 46.3 million (EUR 3.0mln) from EEK 5.4 million (EUR
0.3mln) in 9m 2004.

Sales breakdown by segment

EEK million 3Q 2005 3Q 2004 Change 9m 2005 9m 2004 Change

Retail sales 128.4 107.3 19.7% 380.8 295.6 28.8%
Wholesale 48.8 41.7 17.0% 99.5 98.9 0.6%
Subcontracting 0.02 10.1 -99.8% 0.6 33.3 -98.3%
Other sales 2.8 0.4 644.7% 9.7 1.0 881.4%
Total 180.1 159.5 12.9% 490.6 428.9 14.4%

1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK

Due to the establishment of a joint venture on the basis of Baltika’s
production unit Baltika Tailor OÜ in November 2004, the consolidated sales
results do not include subcontracting figures starting from December 2004.
Thus, in comparable terms, net sales of the first nine months of this year
grew by 21.7% yoy. Comparable net sales of 3Q 2005 expanded by 18.9% yoy.

On the back of the strong sales results of this year Baltika raised the
minimum sales target for 2005 from EEK 620 million to EEK 640 million.

In the first nine months of 2005, retail sales of Baltika expanded by 28.8%
yoy and reached EEK 380.8 million (EUR 24.3mln). The average retail space grew
8% yoy in the first nine months while sales efficiency (sales/m2) increased
19% yoy. Like-for-like sales (sales on comparable areas) increased 19% yoy in
9m and 20% in 3Q 2005.

The key words to characterise the third quarter in retail are the end of
season clearance sale in July and August and the beginning of the new season.
Baltika successfully combined the summer clearance sale in July with the start
of the sale of the new season’s products. August continued with very strong
retail sales growth as a result of the well timed launch of the new season’s
collections in full. September sales, however, were impacted by exceptionally
warm weather all over Baltika’s markets and thus the sales of overcoats and
heavy knitwear did not achieve their usual level. Altogether, 3Q retail sales
registered a growth of 19.7% vis-ą-vis the same period of last year.

Overall, our sales this year are positively impacted by higher store traffic
in Baltika stores if compared with the previous year. We notice strengthening
brand awareness in our markets and maturing of our brands, especially of our
newest brand Monton that was launched in the fall of 2002. The share of retail
sales in total sales revenues has increased to 78% in the first nine months of
2005 compared to 69% in the same period last year.

In terms of store concepts, the sales of Baltika’s fast fashion brand Monton
accounted for 54% of the total retail sales in 9m 2005 and amounted to EEK 206
million (EUR 13.2mln), up 24% on last year’s figure. The sales of CHR/Evermen
grew 50% yoy amounting to EEK 102 million (EUR 6.5mln) and the sales of
Baltman increased 28% yoy to EEK 40 million (EUR 2.6mln).

All the retail markets posted double digit sales growth in the nine-month
period except for the smallest market Poland (representing 8% of retail sales)
that maintained the last year’s sales level. Latvia posted the fastest sales
growth of 43% yoy to EEK 51 million (EUR 3.3mln). The largest retail markets
by sales were Estonia with EEK 106 million/EUR 6.8mln (+28% yoy), followed by
Lithuania (EEK 89mln/EUR 5.7mln, +18%) and Ukraine (EEK 68mln/EUR 4.3mln,
+32%). Baltika’s newest retail market Russia, launched in May 2004, generated
retail sales of EEK 38 million (EUR 2.4mln) in the first nine months of 2005.
As the retail sales started in May 2004, Russia’s nine month figures are not
comparable, however, third quarter sales posted a growth of 14% yoy in Russia.

As of the end of September, Baltika Group operated 79 shops in six countries,
with a total area of 11,702 m2. At the end of 3Q last year, Baltika’s retail
system comprised of 76 shops with a total area of 10,920 m2.

Number of shops by country

30.09.2005 30.09.2004
Estonia 23 23
Latvia 10 9
Lithuania 19 16
Ukraine 12 12
Russia 7 8
Poland 8 8
Total shops 79 76
Total m2 11,702 10,920

In the third quarter Baltika opened three new stores, one Monton and two
CHR/Evermen stores. All these openings took place in Lithuania – two in the
city of Panevezys in a brand new shopping centre Babilonas and one in Vilnius
in the Mandarynas shopping centre. As the opening of the Tartu Kaubamaja
shopping centre (in Tartu, Estonia) was postponed by two weeks, Baltika’s new
stores in the respective centre will be also opened in October instead of
September i.e. in 4Q instead of 3Q. All in all, Baltika is proceeding in line
with the earlier announced plans to enlarge its retail system by 10-12 new
stores in the second half of 2005.

As in the second half of the year July, August and September are traditionally
strong wholesale months, the share of wholesale sales in Baltika’s total sales
increased to 27% in the third quarter. In the nine-month period, the share of
wholesale sales of own products made up 20% compared with the year ago figure
of 23%.

In the first nine months of 2005, the wholesale sales totalled EEK 99.5
million (EUR 6.4mln), being almost flat in comparison with the same period
last year (+0.6% yoy). Nine-month comparisons versus the previous year are
impacted by the acquisition of a 50.1% holding in the Russian retail company
in April 2004 as a result of which part of Baltika’s Russian wholesale sales
are recorded as retail sales starting from May 2004.

The annual comparison of the third quarter alone shows a strong growth of
17.0% in wholesale sales. As the changes in Russia took place in May last
year, the third quarter figures are fully comparable.

Baltika Group has achieved solid profitability improvements across the board
this year. In the first nine months, the Group’s gross profit margin expanded
to 50.9% from last year’s corresponding figure of 45.0%. Nine-month gross
profit increased by 29.3% to EEK 249.8 million (EUR 16.0mln).

In the third quarter, Baltika’s gross margin stood at 49.3% which is
considerably better than in the third quarter of last year (43.0%) but lower
than in the second quarter of this year (54.8%). Lower gross margin in 3Q
compared with 2Q is expected as the third quarter includes lower margin end of
season clearance sale. In addition, 3Q is a strong wholesale period and the
gross margin of wholesale trade is lower than that of retail operations.

Overall, the results were driven by growth of the retail system and improved
sales efficiency. More exact price policy, higher first price margins and
improved inventory management contributed to the gross profitability.

The Group’s nine-month operating profit totalled EEK 45.9 million (EUR
2.9mln). In the same period of previous year, operating profit amounted to EEK
11.3 million (EUR 721 thousand). Operating margin rose to 9.4% in the review
period from 2.6% in 9m 2004.

The Group’s net financial expenses were EEK -1.7 million (EUR -109 thousand)
including interest expenses of EEK 4.0 million (EUR 258 thousand). Interest
expenses declined by 20.6% over the year due to the decrease in total debt
obligations and the reduced cost of borrowing as well as lower usage of the
bank’s overdraft.

Net profit of the Group after taxes and minority shareholding amounted to EEK
46.3 million (EUR 3.0mln) in the first nine months of 2005. In the same period
last year, net profit stood at EEK 5.4 million (EUR 343 thousand). In the
review period net profit margin enhanced to 9.4% from 1.2% a year ago. 3Q 2005
recorded net margin at 10.1% (2.3% in 3Q 2004).

On 30 September 2005, the total assets of Baltika Group amounted to EEK 337.4
million (EUR 21.6mln), up 6.4% in comparison with the end of last year.

As of the end of 3Q, the Group’s total inventories stood at EEK 132.5 million
(EUR 8.5mln), declining by EEK 13.0 million (EUR 0.8mln) during the first nine
months of this year. The drop has mainly taken place in the inventories of
finished goods and merchandise. Reduction in inventories indicates improved
inventory management in the Group, which is also demonstrated by the enhanced
inventory turnover ratio (net sales/average inventories) that has increased
from 3.60 to 4.57 over the last year.

Stemming from the credit terms of wholesale sales, accounts receivables
increased by EEK 24.4 million (EUR 1.6mln) since the end of the last year,
reaching EEK 51.9 million (EUR 3.3mln). Traditionally, Baltika has a higher
accounts receivable balance during the strong wholesale periods such as the
first and third quarters. Accounts payable decreased by EEK 5.1 million (EUR
326 thousand) to EEK 26.1 million (EUR 1.7mln) in the first nine months of
this year.

At the end of the review period, the Group’s total interest bearing debt
amounted to EEK 102.6 million (EUR 6.6mln), including bank loans of EEK 71.3
million (EUR 4.6mln). Since the end of 2004, the Group’s borrowings from banks
have decreased by EEK 29.4 million (EUR 1.9mln), around half of which
represents repayment of loans and half comes from reduced usage of the bank’s
overdraft. The rest of debt comprises of convertible bonds and commercial
papers (EEK 18.3mln/EUR 1.2mln) and lease liabilities (EEK 13.0mln/EUR

In the third quarter, the Group’s debt obligations grew by EEK 12.5 million
(EUR 0.8mln) as a result of acquiring of building lease (see the section
“Obtaining of building lease”). This sum was recorded under lease liabilities.
On the assets side, the acquisition increased the balance of investment
property and fixed assets.

As of the end of 3Q, the Group’s total net debt amounted to EEK 89.0 million
(EUR 5.7mln) and the net debt to equity ratio stood at 48.4%. This represents
a significant reduction from the 2004 year end level of 75.9%.

In August, OÜ Baltika TP (100% owned by AS Baltika and established for
carrying out of real estate developments) acquired building leases on two
plots of land belonging to AS Lasnamäe Tööstuspark (Lasnamäe Industrial Park).
As a result, Baltika TP leases 25,061 m2 of land in the Lasnamäe Industrial
Park with planning permission for industrial buildings. The cost of the
building lease for the first three years is EEK 3.76 million (EUR 240
thousand). After three years, the owner of the building lease will have an
option to purchase the land for EEK 11.28 million (EUR 721 thousand).

According to the current plans, Baltika intends to move its central warehouse
to the Lasnamäe Industrial Park in 2006. The production premises that are
located in the central district of Tallinn and belong to Baltika’s joint
venture OÜ Baltika Tailor should be relocated in 2007.

As of 30 September 2005, Baltika Group employed 1,626 people, including 905 in
production and 568 in retail; 428 people worked outside Estonia. At the same
time last year, the number of employees stood at 1,696, including 1,007 in
production and 541 in retail.

On September 28, Baltic Republics Fund sold its 34.56% ownership in AS Baltika
(2,012,400 shares in total). The price of the transaction was EUR 6.86 (EEK
107.34) per share. OÜ BMIG, owned by the executives of Baltika, acquired
250,000 shares (4.29% of Baltika) from the placement. As a result, the
ownership of OÜ BMIG in Baltika increased to 22.78% and it became the largest
single shareholder of the company. The remaining 1,762,400 shares were sold to
domestic and international institutional investors.

From the beginning of 2005, Baltika uses a new income statement format. The
need to change the format arose from the Group’s strategy to transform from a
production company to a retail enterprise. The new format of income statement
allows for a better presentation of the financial position of Baltika as a
retail group. The income statements of the previous financial year are
restated to make them comparable with the new format. The new income statement
format is in accordance with the IAS 1 requirements pertaining to mandatory
entries and the presentation of financial statements.

KEY FIGURES OF THE GROUP (9 months 2005)

30.09.2005 30.09.2004 Change, %
Sales (EEK mln) 490.6 428.9 14.4%
Retail sales (EEK mln) 380.8 295.6 28.8%
Share of retail sales in total sales 78% 69%
Number of shops 79 76 3.9%
Retail sales area (m2) 11,702 10,920 7.2%
Gross margin, % 50.9% 45.0%
Operating margin, % 9.4% 2.6%
Net margin, % 9.4% 1.2%
Inventory turnover 4.57 3.60 26.9%
Return on equity 39.2% -23.3%
Return on assets 18.1% -8.1%

Definitions of key indicators

Gross margin = (Net sales-COGS)/Net sales
Operating margin = Operating income/Net sales
Net margin = Net profit (attributable to parent)/Net sales
Inventory turnover* = Net sales/Average inventories
Return on equity* = Net profit /Average equity
Return on assets* = Net profit /Average total assets
*Based on 12-month average

1 EUR = 15.6466 EEK

(unaudited, in EEK thousand)

3Q 2005 3Q 2004 9m 2005 9m 2004 2004

Net sales 180,083 159,531 490,571 428,881 581,878
Cost of goods sold 91,369 90,905 240,759 235,712 303,429
Gross profit 88,714 68,626 249,812 193,169 278,449

Selling and marketing expenses -51,070 -47,764 -147,831 -134,273 -185,126
Administrative expenses -18,817 -14,798 -61,174 -48,852 -71,155
Other operating income 2,495 963 8,177 2,876 1,692
Other operating expenses -2,094 -747 -3,090 -1,634 -5,073
Operating profit 19,228 6,280 45,894 11,286 18,787

Financial income (expenses) -665 -2,090 -1,699 -5,375 -4,771
Financial income from
investments in JV -522 0 412 0 -714
Financial income from other
investments 956 -15 1,415 156 3,309
Interest expenses -1,249 -1,616 -4,039 -5,087 -6,683
Foreign exchange gain (loss) 126 -423 131 -342 -1,501
Other financial income
(expenses) 24 -36 382 -102 818

Profit before income tax 18,563 4,190 44,195 5,911 14,016
Income tax -539 -64 -1,251 -201 947
Net profit 18,024 4,126 42,944 5,710 14,963

Net profit attributable to
minority interest -146 491 -3,386 351 -1,738
Net profit attributable to parent 18,170 3,635 46,330 5,359 16,701

Basic earnings per share 3.12 0.65 8.09 0.97 3.01
Diluted earnings per share 2.96 0.61 7.55 0.97 3.01

(unaudited, in EUR thousand)

3Q 2005 3Q 2004 9m 2005 9m 2004 2004

Net sales 11,509 10,196 31,353 27,410 37,189
Cost of goods sold 5,840 5,810 15,387 15,065 19,393
Gross profit 5,670 4,386 15,966 12,346 17,796

Selling and marketing expenses -3,264 -3,053 -9,448 -8,582 -11,832
Administrative expenses -1,203 -946 -3,910 -3,122 -4,548
Other operating income 159 62 523 184 108
Other operating expenses -134 -48 -197 -104 -324
Operating profit 1,229 401 2,933 721 1,201

Financial income (expenses) -43 -134 -109 -344 -305
Financial income from
investments in JV -33 0 26 0 -46
Financial income from other
investments 61 -1 90 10 211
Interest expenses -80 -103 -258 -325 -427
Foreign exchange gain (loss) 8 -27 8 -22 -96
Other financial income
(expenses) 2 -2 24 -7 52

Profit before income tax 1,186 268 2,825 378 896
Income tax -34 -4 -80 -13 61
Net profit 1,152 264 2,745 365 956

Net profit attributable to
minority interest -9 31 -216 22 -111
Net profit attributable to parent 1,161 232 2,961 343 1,067

Basic earnings per share 0.20 0.04 0.52 0.06 0.19
Diluted earnings per share 0.19 0.04 0.48 0.06 0.19

(unaudited, in EEK thousand)

30.09.2005 30.09.2004 31.12.2004
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 11,597 7,903 12,515
Held for trading investments 2,018 533 603
Customer receivables 51,887 38,707 27,501
Other receivables and prepaid
expenses 9,206 14,193 10,012
Inventories 132,466 146,669 145,460
Total current assets 207,174 208,005 196,091
Non-current assets
Investments in joint ventures 1,507 0 1,095
Investment property 13,456 0 7,500
Deferred income tax 4,349 4,876 4,349
Other non-current assets 4,459 3,523 2,837
Tangible fixed assets 79,627 80,031 77,325
Intangible assets 26,808 27,801 27,983
Total non-current assets 130,206 116,231 121,089
TOTAL ASSETS 337,380 324,236 317,180

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 29,557 59,677 74,504
Accounts payable 26,052 37,197 31,154
Tax liabilities 11,723 17,624 12,669
Accrued expenses 12,877 12,300 10,515
Other current liabilities 362 127 924
Total current liabilities 80,571 126,925 129,766
Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt 73,059 70,193 45,944
Total non-current liabilities 73,059 70,193 45,944
TOTAL LIABILITIES 153,630 197,118 175,710

Share capital (par value) 58,230 55,874 56,340
Share premium 49,061 43,810 44,508
Mandatory legal reserve 5,634 4,800 4,800
Other reserves 3,898 18,085 21,983
Retained earnings 13,076 -16,508 -16,508
Net profit for the period 46,330 5,359 16,701
Exchange rate differences 4,264 6,713 6,622
Minority interest 3,257 8,985 7,024
TOTAL EQUITY 183,750 127,118 141,470
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 337,380 324,236 317,180

(unaudited, in EUR thousand)

30.09.2005 30.09.2004 31.12.2004
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents 741 505 800
Held for trading investments 129 34 39
Customer receivables 3,316 2,474 1,758
Other receivables and prepaid
expenses 588 907 640
Inventories 8,466 9,374 9,297
Total current assets 13,241 13,294 12,532
Non-current assets
Investments in joint ventures 96 0 70
Investment property 860 0 479
Deferred income tax 278 312 278
Other non-current assets 285 225 181
Tangible fixed assets 5,089 5,115 4,942
Intangible assets 1,713 1,777 1,788
Total non-current assets 8,322 7,429 7,739
TOTAL ASSETS 21,563 20,722 20,271

Current liabilities
Debt obligations 1,889 3,814 4,762
Accounts payable 1,665 2,377 1,991
Tax liabilities 749 1,126 810
Accrued expenses 823 786 672
Other short-term liabilities 23 8 59
Total current liabilities 5,149 8,112 8,294
Non-current liabilities
Long-term debt 4,669 4,486 2,936
Total non-current liabilities 4,669 4,486 2,936
TOTAL LIABILITIES 9,819 12,598 11,230

Share capital (par value) 3,722 3,571 3,601
Share premium 3,136 2,800 2,845
Mandatory legal reserve 360 307 307
Other reserves 249 1,156 1,405
Retained earnings 836 -1,055 -1,055
Net profit for the period 2,961 343 1,067
Exchange rate differences 273 429 423
Minority interest 208 574 449
TOTAL EQUITY 11,744 8,124 9,042

Ülle Järv
+372 630 2741

Triin Palge
Head of investor relations
+372 630 2886

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