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TVE: Additional information on the agenda of Tallinna Vesi's EGM

10.11.2005, Tallinna Vesi, TLN
Tallinna Vesi                  Stock Exchange Release             November 9, 2005

Additional information on the agenda of Tallinna Vesi's EGM

The Supervisory Council of AS Tallinna Vesi has approved the agenda of the
extraordinary general meeting that will take place on November 22nd as follows:

1. Election of Mrs. Helo Meigas as an independent Supervisory Council member;
Since September 2004 Helo Meigas (born 1965) is employed by Hansabank as the
Managing Director of the Investment Management Division. She is also a member of
Executive Team of Hansabank Estonia. Prior Hansabank Helo Meigas was working for
almost four years as an Engagement Manager in McKinsey & Co, Finland.
Helo Meigas has a B.A. degree in Roman-Germanic languages from Tartu University.
She has also graduated from Estonian School of Diplomacy and has M.A.L.D. from
Fletcher School, Tufts University, USA.
Helo Meigas is the Chairman of Supervisory Council of Hansa Life Insurance and
the Chairman of the Supervisory Council of Hansa Investment Funds.

2. Election of Mr. Valdur Laid as an independent Supervisory Council member;
Since 2002, Valdur Laid (born 1969) is employed by Elion Enterprises Ltd (former
Estonian Telephone Company) as the CFO and a member of the Management Board. In
February 2004 Valdur Laid was appointed the Managing Director of Elion. He
continued as the member of the management board.
Valur Laid graduated cum laude from the Department of Economics of Tallinn
University of Technology and has an MBA degree from IMD (International Institute
of Management Development) in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Valdur Laid is the member of the Supervisory Council of EMT Ltd (Estonian Mobile
Telephone Company).

3. Remuneration of Supervisory Council members
The Management Board of AS Tallinna Vesi proposes to the shareholders that the
payments for Supervisory Council members should be set at 100,000 kroons per
year. The fee is subject to deduction and payment of taxes set out by laws and
would be payable monthly. Additionally, appropriate expenses (e.g. travelling,
accommodation) incurred in connection with attending the meetings would also be
compensated to the Supervisory Council members.
The Management Board has reviewed the fees paid to Supervisory Council members of
the other companies listed on the Tallinn Stock Exchange and the payments made
range from 9,000 kroons to 25,000 kroons per meeting.
As a general rule, AS Tallinna Vesi has five Supervisory Council meetings per
year. However, the Supervisory Council members are also expected to attend the
shareholders' general meetings and regularly update their knowledge about AS
Tallinna Vesi.

AS Tallinna Vesi Extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders will be held
on Tuesday 22nd November, 2005 at 2 p.m. in the Reval Hotel Olümpia conference
centre (address Liivalaia 33, Tallinn) in room Gamma.

Eteri Harring
Head of Treasury and IR
Ph: + 372 6262 225

Karita Sall
PR manager
Ph: + 372 6262 209

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