Andmed seisuga: 18.07.2024 23:20 (GMT+3)

MKO: Acquisition of shares

05.12.2005, Järvevana, TLN
AS MERKO EHITUS                     ANNOUNCEMENT                     05.12.2005  

Acquisition of shares

On December 1 2005, SIA MERKS, subsidiary of AS Merko Ehitus, acquired 50
per cent share in SIA Zakusala Estates. Transaction’s value is 9.391 million
euro of which 8.450 million euro is cleared with a loan previously granted to
shareholders of SIA Zakusala Estates, and with a further monetary payment of
0.940 million euro. This share purchase is a prospective and long-term invest-
ment which does not affect financial performance of Merko Ehitus Group in the
following years. This share purchase does not qualify as transaction with
related parties and members of Group’s management board and board of directors
do not hold any kind of personal interests in this transaction.

SIA Zakusala Estates was established in 1992 and company’s main branch of
business is real estate development. The company does not conduct significant
business activities at the moment, and the current amount of its liabilities
and tangible assets is insignificant. SIA Zakusala Estates has concluded
a fixed-term tenancy contract with the city of Riga, which is valid until
July 2nd 2051 and provides SIA Zakusala Estates land use rights to 126 000 m²
of property on Zakusala island in central Riga. The above-mentioned land use
right is not portrayed in company's balance sheet.

SIA Zakusala Estates is not involved in pending judicial procedures or arbitral
tribunal procedures and no significant changes have taken place in company’s
business operations during current financial year.

The most significant shareholders of SIA Zakusala Estates are SIA Merks with
a 50% share, AS Urban Development Group (Norway) with a share of 16.67% and
Viesturs Koziols with a share of 33.33%. Company is managed by a management
board, whose members are Mr Ivars Geidans ja Mr Viesturs Koziols. SIA Zakusala
Estates does not have a board of directors.

Annual reports are presented as unaudited as auditing of SIA Zakusala Estates
annual reports is not obligatory according to Latvia’s Commercial Code.


ASSETS 30.06.2005 31.12.2004 31.12.2003

Fixed assets 71 055 67 182
Trade receivables 303 303 -
Other debtors 70 492 28 767 23 759
Deferred expenses 1 441 6 3 666
Cash and bank 22 610 5 622 25 292
Total assets 165 901 34 765 52 899


Share capital 2 025 000 1 848 965 1 848 965
Accumulated deficit (1 854 642) (1 800 820) (1 215 682)
Loss for the period (51 440) (53 822) (585 138)
Total equity 118 918 (5 677) 48 145

Provisions 400 400 400

Borrowings from bank 127 - -
Other borrowings 40 000 40 000 -
Trade payables 263 42 4 326
Tax liabilities 2 653 - -
Other creditors 3 540 - 28
Total liabilities 46 583 40 042 4 354

Total equity and liabilities 165 901 34 765 52 899

Income statement 6M 2005 2004 2003

Net sales - 212 -
Cost of sales (29 438) (30 977) (19 967)
Gross profit (29 438) (30 765) (19 967)
Selling expenses - - (125)
Administrative expenses (16 417) (11 139) (561 643)
Other operating income - 501 -
Other operating expenses - (103) (381)
Interest and similar income 665 31 16 633
Interest expense
and similar charges (202) (197) (7 558)
Profit before taxation (45 392) (41 672) (573 041)
Corporate income tax - - -
Property tax (6 048) (12 150) (12 097)
Loss for the period (51 440) (53 822) (585 138)

1 EUR = 15,647 EEK
1 EEK = 22,472 LV

Alar Lagus
Member of the Board
+372 6 805 109

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