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UKB: Resolutions of the extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on 23 December 2005

23.12.2005, Ūkio bankas, VLN
AB Ūkio bankas                Stock Exchange Realease                    23-12-2005

Resolutions of the extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting held on
23 December 2005

1. Split of AB Ukio Bankas ordinary registered shares.
1.1. To split AB Ukio Bankas ordinary registered shares of the par value of LTL 12
(twelve) into shares of the par value of LTL 1 (one).
1.2. Amend Article III (3) of the Bank’s Statute as follows:
“The Bank’s authorized capital of LTL 126 708 000 (one hundred twenty six million
seven hundred and eight thousand) shall be divided into 126 708 000 (one hundred
twenty six million seven hundred and eight thousand) ordinary registered shares.
The par value of one share is LTL 1 (one)” and incorporate the amended clause into
the new edition of the Statute.
1.3. Authorize Gintaras Ugianskis to sign the new edition of the Statute.
1.4. Authorize Ukio Bankas Board to register the Statute amendments pursuant to the law.
1.5. After the registration of the Statute amendments in connection with the modification
of the par value of the Bank’s shares, adjust Bank shareholder’s accounts by registering
12 (twelve) ordinary registered shares of the par value of LTL 1 (one) instead of one
ordinary registered share of the par value of LTL 12 (twelve).
2. On the increase of Ukio Bankas authorized capital.
2.1. To increase the Bank’s authorized capital with additional contributions up to
LTL 176 708 000 (one hundred seventy six million seven hundred and eight thousand) by a new
share issue of LTL 50 000 000 (fifty million) of 50 ordinary registered shares of the par
value of LTL 1 (one).
2.2. To commence the increase of the authorized capital after the registration of AB Ukio
Bankas Statute in Legal Persons Register in connection with the split of Ukio Bankas shares
into ordinary registered shares of the par value of LTL 1 (one).
2.3. To set the minimal share issue price of LTL 1 (one) for one newly issued share.
2.4. The distribution sale of shares of the new issue shall start on the next day after
the notification is announced in the Lietuvos Rytas daily and public notification of the
Companies Register about the offer to the shareholders to acquire the shares by the right
of pre-emption.
2.5. To set the term of 15 days for the Bank’s shareholders to use their right of
pre-emption for the acquisition of shares of the new issue in proportion to their shares
held on the day of the meeting.
2.6. To delegate confirmation of distribution and call on shares procedure to AB Ukio
Bankas Board.
2.7. Upon distribution of the entire issue of LTL 50 000 000 (fifty million) of shares,
amend Article III (3) of the Bank’s Statute as follows: “The Bank’s authorized capital
of LTL 176 708 000 (one hundred seventy six million seven hundred and eight thousand)
shall be divided into 176 708 000 (one hundred seventy six million seven hundred and eight
thousand) ordinary registered shares. The par value of one share is LTL 1 (one).” and
incorporate the amended clause into the new edition of the Statute.
2.8. In the event not all shares are distributed during the period laid down for the
distribution sale of shares, the authorized capital shall be increased by the total value
of actually distributed shares and the Bank’s Board shall be delegated to amend Article
III (3) of the Bank’s Statute correspondingly.
2.9. To authorize Gintaras Ugianskis to sign the new edition of the Statute.
2.10.To delegate the registration of the issue of 50 000 000 (fifty million) of ordinary
registered shares of the par value of LTL 1 (one) and the respective amendments of the
Statute to AB Ukio Bankas Board.

Jolanta Lunevičienė
Public Relation Consultant
+370 614 22641

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