Andmed seisuga: 19.07.2024 18:38 (GMT+3)

Merko Ehitus: Resolutions of the annual general meeting of shareholders

19.04.1999, Merko Ehitus, TLN


Minutes of the annual general meeting of shareholders (excerpt)
In Tallinn, on 17.04.1999.

1. Approval of 1998 annual report
2. Profit distribution
3. Appointment of auditor for financial year 1999
4. Amendments to the Articles of Association

10 shareholders/representatives participated in the AGM, representing a
total of 6771602 votes. This accounted for 76.5153% of total votes
represented with shares, thus the AGM was eligible to make resolutions.

I Approval of 1998 annual report

The AGM resolved:

After being introduced with the 1998 financial statements, management
report, auditor’s report and profit distribution proposal of AS Merko
Ehitus (“Annual Report”), the AGM decided to approve the 1998 Annual
Report of AS Merko Ehitus, as compiled by the Management Board and
approved by the Supervisory Board.

Results of voting:
for: 6 771 602 votes, i.e. 10 shareholders/representatives, 100% of
registered participants

II Profit distribution

Based on the profit distribution proposal, to distribute the profit of
AS Merko Ehitus as approved in the financial reports as follows:

(i) to approve the net profit for the year 1998 in total amount of 38
483 018 (thirty-eight million four hundred eighty-three thousand eighteen) EEK;
(ii) to transfer from the 1998 net profit account to the account of
reserve capital 1 925 000 (one million nine hundred and twenty-five thousand) EEK;
(iii) to pay to shareholders in dividend payments a total of 7 522 500
(seven million five hundred and twenty-two thousand five hundred) EEK,
which is 85 (eighty-five) cents per share;

the shareholders registered in the AS Merko Ehitus shareholders’
registry as of May 5, 1999 at 8:00 AM are entitled to receive dividend payments;

dividends will be transferred to the shareholders current accounts
connected with the securities accounts on May 5, 1999, based on the
respective order of AS Merko Ehitus.

(iv) not to distribute the remaining share of net profit.

Results of voting:

for: 6 768 602 votes, 9 shareholders/representatives, 99.956% of registered participants
neutral: 3 000 votes, 1 shareholder/representative, 0.044% of registered participants

III Appointment of auditor for financial year 1999

The 1999 financial reports of AS Merko Ehitus will be audited by Malle Rannik of Audit EA.

Results of voting:

for: 6 771 602 votes, i.e. 10 shareholders/representatives, 100% of registered participants

IV Amendments to the Articles of Association

The AGM resolved to make the following amendments to the Articles of

(i) To change article 3 of the Articles of Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 3 - The company’s fields of activity are: general
construction-, renovation-, sanitary engineering-, electrical
communication, electric- and automation works, construction
supervision, compilation of general construction drafts without the
right of architectural projection; expertise of the technical standing
and constructive part of construction projects of buildings; general
constructional conservation, restoration, renovation, internal design,
building of technical systems and supervision of architectural mementos
and antiquities.

(ii) To change article 4 of the Articles of Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 4 - minimum share capital of the company is 45 000 000 EEK
(forty-five million Estonian kroons) and maximum share capital
180 000 000 EEK (one hundred and eighty million Estonian kroons);
changing the volume of share capital must take place in the order
provided by law. The company’s shares are nominal shares with par value
of 10 EEK (ten Estonian kroons).

(iii) To change the first sentence of article 14 of the Articles of
Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 14 - the Management Board will transmit the notice of general
meeting to the shareholders holding nominal shares.

(iv) To change article 20 of the Articles of Association, and reword it
as follows::

Article 20 - The general meeting can make resolutions, only if more
than half of votes represented by shares are present.

(v) To change the first sentence of article 21 of the Articles of
Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 21 - in case the votes named in the present articles of the
Articles of Association are not represented in the general meeting, the
Management Board will convene the new general meeting to discuss the
same agenda within three weeks, but not earlier than seven days.

(vi) To change the last sentence of article 22 of the Articles of
Association, and reword it as follows:

Article 22 - the list will be signed by the chairman and the recorder
of the meeting, as well as every shareholder, or its representative,
participating in the general meeting.

(vii) To change article 26 of the Articles of Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 26 - the general meeting has made a resolution when at least
more than half of the votes represented in the meeting are given in
favor of it, unless the law requires otherwise.

(viii) To delete article 27 of the Articles of Association.

(ix) To add two sub-articles to article 30 of the Articles of
Association, and reword it as follows::

Article 30 - increasing or reducing the share capital, provided that
the value of net assets would thus account for at least half of the
volume of the share capital;
- using other means, as a result of what value of net assets would
account for at least half of the volume of the share capital.

(x) To change the second sentence of article 95 of the Articles of
Association, and reword it as follows:

Article 95 - a share is considered to be pledged or encumbered with
usufruct to the company as of the registration of the pledge of
encumbrance in the shareholders register.

Results of voting:
for: 6 771 602 votes, i.e. 10 shareholders/representatives, 100% of
registered participants

Ülo Metsaots
Member of the Management Board
+372 61 05 110

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